Obama killing American soldiers

Rottweiler is such a hypocrite.

That or he thinks starting a crusade against Islam won't lead to any US deaths.

We're dying now stupid. Might as well face reality, take the fucking gloves off, have the blood bath, and walk away victorious knowing peace wil remain for at least another several decades until a new wave of idiots who never saw our devastating power first hand, rises up.

You've improperly assessed the logistical nightmare you suggest, or you haven't assessed it at all.
Why not include Iraq Rot...was it NOT a part of the war on terror? If it wasn't then why did bush go there?

You are wayyy off base with neglecting the Americans killed in Iraq as part of this equation....way way way off base....

it should be included, otherwise you are saying to the families of those men and women killed in fighting the war in Iraq, where President Bush turned his focus to, that they were killed or injured for no reason at all.....and that is simply SHAMEFUL.

Because it was your "dear leader" who you fellate every day who said the focus should be in Afghanistan. He's the one that set the policy to put full attention in Afghanistan. He's the one who set the policy that our troops are not allowed to defend themselves. He's the one who set the policy that said while they are being shot, they cannot shoot back, but rather, must call their superiors to find out if it is ok to fight.

The only thing shameful is that you'd rather see very young men & woman parish as long as Obama gets to keep sitting in the White House. That's why you're trying to deflect on his behalf and redirect the conversation.

If you want to start a thread on Iraq, knock yourself out. But this information that has come to light is about Afghanistan. The nation that your "dear leader" chose to make the focus of his presidency. And it is his choices and his policies that has resulted in 70% of the total deaths. 70% that occurred in only 3 years, while only 30% occurred in 8 years of George W. Bush.
you don't lie very well......

George bush told us all that he was changing his focus from afghanistan and bringing it to Iraq.....George bush himself said that alqaeda followed us in to Iraq from Afghanistan.....

I don't like EITHER war...or the deaths that have occurred in them....but if you ARE going to compare deaths in the war on terror, you have to include both afghanistan and Iraq...you are trying to cherry pick and twist and turn and spin on this....
scumbag thread

Truth hurts, uh stupid? :lol:

How sad that you'd rather see young people die so Obama can stay in office. Don't stand up and demand answers. Don't stand up and demand actions. No, just sit there supporting Obama while trying to deflect the facts and cover for him.

Fucking idiot....

more scumbaggery.

you are worthless.
Who cares what Bush said?

What does that have to do with the fact that many, many more people have died on Obama's watch, and from Obama's stupidity?
We're not talking about Iraq. And Al Qaeda started the war in Iraq. And Bill Clinton allowed Al Qaeda to start it.

As far as "politicizing" - all I'm doing is sharing the information the main stream media won't because they, like you, would rather see young honorable people die than see Obama lose his seat in the White House. Sad but very true.

Boy you must really HATE Reagan then considering that he left the Beirut Barracks undefended and that resulted in the bombing deaths of 241 American servicemen, 58 French servicemen, and 6 civilians.

Reagan passed away years ago. Your obsession with him tells me that his legacy as one of the greatest presidents of all time, while being a conservative, is an impossible pill for you to swallow.

There are very young & honroable men and women who are now dead. What do you say we try to stay on task here and bring this information to light in hopes of saving more of them from that same fate?

Or does Obama sitting in the White House superede the lives of 18 year old American's in your sick, twisted head?

The fact that Reagan is dead is irrelevant to whether or not you're intellectually honest enough to be outraged by the senseless deaths of American military service personnel, regardless of who was commander-in-chief and which political party he represented. Obviously, you're not.

In the case of the Beirut bombing, the men were probably killed before breakfast, and it wouldn't surprise me if many of them weren't even out of their racks yet. It was the greatest single day death toll for the US Marines since the Battle of Iwo Jima and the single greatest one day death toll since the first day of the Tet offensive in Vietnam, AND the deadliest single attack on Americanshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States overseas since World War II.

Then Reagan cut and ran. Yet, you call him one of the greatest presidents of all time? Piffle.

Let's test that theory another way. Reagan's love for, and subsequent embrace of, supply side economics is one of the primary reasons why our country is currently in the economic mess we're in. That's Reagan's REAL legacy.
you don't lie very well......

George bush told us all that he was changing his focus from afghanistan and bringing it to Iraq.....George bush himself said that alqaeda followed us in to Iraq from Afghanistan.....

I don't like EITHER war...or the deaths that have occurred in them....but if you ARE going to compare deaths in the war on terror, you have to include both afghanistan and Iraq...you are trying to cherry pick and twist and turn and spin on this....

I don't have to "lie" - the facts and the numbers are there for everyone to see. You just can't stand the fact that the numbers show your "dear leader" is causing more death to our troops in Afghanistan in 3 years than George Bush ever did in 8 years.

You're a real humanitarian, you know that? Obama at all costs, even over the lives of our young people....
Given the condition that the Clinton administration left our military in, I don't think Hillary had much room to talk. And as a Senator that voted to send our men into harms way, she should also have made certain that our troops had EVERYTHING they needed.
Executive Summary: The Facts About Military Readiness

So, the buck DOESN'T stop with Bush on the inadequate body armor, but it DOES stop with Obama on the deaths in Afghanistan. Got it. Thanks for proving you're a hypocritical piece of shit.

Our soldiers in Afghanistan had the same equipment that our soldiers in Iraq had under the Bush Administration and we lost far fewer of them until the ludicrous ROE's that were put in place by Obama. I know it's tough but you'll have to deal with the fact that the Obama policies are contributing to a higher than necessary body count.

So, the thousands who died in Iraq during Bush's 8 years aren't of any concern to you? How compassionate.
How about we be outraged about what's going on NOW?

I've been pretty outraged for several years now. But I don't lay the blame for most of our current problems on the man who currently occupies the oval office, despite the fact that the GOP is working overtime in an effort to get people to do EXACTLY that simply because their primary interest (there's not even a close second) is to regain power.

Put another way, just because the GOP wants me to blame Obama for our current morass and is spending millions of dollars to convince me and others to lay it on Obama's doorstep (that's 1600 Pennsylvania Blvd in case you need the address where that doorstep is located), it doesn't mean that I'm going to succumb to that advertising nonsense like some fool who orders a Ronco Veg-A-Matic thinking it would magically transform my kitchen in some miraculous and meaningful way.

Maybe the destruction of the twin towers on 9-11-01 can serve another purpose here. They came down in what amount of time, even if you count from the moment of the plane strikes? I don't know the answer, but it was merely minutes. But building it? How long did that take? It took years the first time, and it's taking even more years now. The idea that President Obama was going to be able to turn around the economy in one term was nonsense right from the start. Hell, I knew that just like I knew that invading Iraq was a mistake right from the beginning simply because I knew about the history of the Sunnis and the Shiite sects. So, after the financial melt down, I told people it would probably take a decade to rebuild the economy.

The simple fact is that it takes a LONG time to rebuild anything after it's been destroyed or otherwise decimated. And no matter what else may or may not be true, I'm not going to be buffaloed by conservatives who try to convince me that they could somehow wave a magic wand and restore the economy to it's previous glory if we only give them a chance. The only people who are likely to buy that kind of nonsense quite likely believe those get rich quick schemes which, ironically, are frequently pitched on RW talk radio.
The fact that Reagan is dead is irrelevant

The fact that Reagan has been dead for years and Obama is now the President whose policy is killing our young men and women is the issue.

I didn't call Reagan one of the greatest presidents of all time - history has, stupid. And no matter how hard you try to deflect from Obama and change the issue, I'm not going to.

Obama has added more to the national debt in 3 years than Bush did in 8. Obama has killed more troops in 3 years, than Bush did in 8.

Facts... they are a bitch for you idiot liberal dumbocrats, uh?

Let's test that theory another way. Reagan's love for, and subsequent embrace of, supply side economics is one of the primary reasons why our country is currently in the economic mess we're in. That's Reagan's REAL legacy.

Lets test Mustang's ignorance another way... Reagan's free market policy's created an economic tidal wave the likes of which the world has never seen.

The policy's created by Bill Clinton and Barack Obama has the US on the verge of collapse. Bill Clinton collapsed the housing market with his "Community Re-Investment Act" and Barack Obama collapsed the rest of the economy with his bailouts, taxes, redistribution of wealth, and SPENDING.

Facts... they are a bitch for you idiot liberal dumbocrats, uh? :lol:
How about we be outraged about what's going on NOW?

I've been pretty outraged for several years now. But I don't lay the blame for most of our current problems on the man who currently occupies the oval office, despite the fact that the GOP is working overtime in an effort to get people to do EXACTLY that simply because their primary interest (there's not even a close second) is to regain power.

Put another way, just because the GOP wants me to blame Obama for our current morass and is spending millions of dollars to convince me and others to lay it on Obama's doorstep (that's 1600 Pennsylvania Blvd in case you need the address where that doorstep is located), it doesn't mean that I'm going to succumb to that advertising nonsense like some fool who orders a Ronco Veg-A-Matic thinking it would magically transform my kitchen in some miraculous and meaningful way.

Maybe the destruction of the twin towers on 9-11-01 can serve another purpose here. They came down in what amount of time, even if you count from the moment of the plane strikes? I don't know the answer, but it was merely minutes. But building it? How long did that take? It took years the first time, and it's taking even more years now. The idea that President Obama was going to be able to turn around the economy in one term was nonsense right from the start. Hell, I knew that just like I knew that invading Iraq was a mistake right from the beginning simply because I knew about the history of the Sunnis and the Shiite sects. So, after the financial melt down, I told people it would probably take a decade to rebuild the economy.

The simple fact is that it takes a LONG time to rebuild anything after it's been destroyed or otherwise decimated. And no matter what else may or may not be true, I'm not going to be buffaloed by conservatives who try to convince me that they could somehow wave a magic wand and restore the economy to it's previous glory if we only give them a chance. The only people who are likely to buy that kind of nonsense quite likely believe those get rich quick schemes which, ironically, are frequently pitched on RW talk radio.

Yeah, better than 18 year old boys and girls die than - GASP! - Obama lose is cushy litttle chair in the Oval Office of the White House, uh mustang? After all, it's all about you and Obama, right? Obama implementing marxism to redistribute wealth into your greedy little pocket. If young people have to die to make that happen, so be it.... right?
Given the condition that the Clinton administration left our military in, I don't think Hillary had much room to talk. And as a Senator that voted to send our men into harms way, she should also have made certain that our troops had EVERYTHING they needed.
Executive Summary: The Facts About Military Readiness

So, the buck DOESN'T stop with Bush on the inadequate body armor, but it DOES stop with Obama on the deaths in Afghanistan. Got it. Thanks for proving you're a hypocritical piece of shit.

So what exactly does it say that George W. Bush did not provide the body armor neccessary, yet lost 625 American's in 8 years while our military does have the proper body armor now, and we have lost 1,474 in only 3 years under Obama?

You're actually defeating yourself with your own argument. :lol:

No response there Joseph Stalin?!?!

Uh-oh, did somebody just get "PWNED" (to use your juvenile languate)??? :lol:
Given the condition that the Clinton administration left our military in, I don't think Hillary had much room to talk. And as a Senator that voted to send our men into harms way, she should also have made certain that our troops had EVERYTHING they needed.
Executive Summary: The Facts About Military Readiness

So, the buck DOESN'T stop with Bush on the inadequate body armor, but it DOES stop with Obama on the deaths in Afghanistan. Got it. Thanks for proving you're a hypocritical piece of shit.

So what exactly does it say that George W. Bush did not provide the body armor neccessary, yet lost 625 American's in 8 years while our military does have the proper body armor now, and we have lost 1,474 in only 3 years under Obama?

You're actually defeating yourself with your own argument. :lol:

What does it say? Well, it's not rocket science. Because Bush didn't commit many troops to the war in Afghanistan, and instead sent most of them to Iraq, the number of deaths of US military in Afghanistan under Bush was relatively small compared to the number of deaths in Iraq. Because Obama committed troops to Afghanistan while drawing down the war in Iraq, the number of US military deaths in Afghanistan under Obama were higher than the number of deaths in Iraq.

It's actually pretty simple to figure out. You're just a slobbering idiot :thup:
Who cares what Bush said?

What does that have to do with the fact that many, many more people have died on Obama's watch, and from Obama's stupidity?

You're even dumber than Rotty, simply because you parrot his idiocy.
So, the buck DOESN'T stop with Bush on the inadequate body armor, but it DOES stop with Obama on the deaths in Afghanistan. Got it. Thanks for proving you're a hypocritical piece of shit.

So what exactly does it say that George W. Bush did not provide the body armor neccessary, yet lost 625 American's in 8 years while our military does have the proper body armor now, and we have lost 1,474 in only 3 years under Obama?

You're actually defeating yourself with your own argument. :lol:

No response there Joseph Stalin?!?!

Uh-oh, did somebody just get "PWNED" (to use your juvenile languate)??? :lol:

The only person you pwned is yourself -- despite your large font -- you blathering idiot.
Who cares what Bush said?

What does that have to do with the fact that many, many more people have died on Obama's watch, and from Obama's stupidity?

You're even dumber than Rotty, simply because you parrot his idiocy.

Explain to me why we should be thinking about what Bush did or didn't do, years ago, when we are faced with Americans being killed willy-nilly, today? Why do you anti-american weirdos always think that we shouldn't criticize Obama, and instead should be whining about less egregious errors that were made a decade ago?
The fact that Reagan is dead is irrelevant

The fact that Reagan has been dead for years and Obama is now the President whose policy is killing our young men and women is the issue.

I didn't call Reagan one of the greatest presidents of all time - history has, stupid. And no matter how hard you try to deflect from Obama and change the issue, I'm not going to.

Obama has added more to the national debt in 3 years than Bush did in 8. Obama has killed more troops in 3 years, than Bush did in 8.

Facts... they are a bitch for you idiot liberal dumbocrats, uh?

Let's test that theory another way. Reagan's love for, and subsequent embrace of, supply side economics is one of the primary reasons why our country is currently in the economic mess we're in. That's Reagan's REAL legacy.

Lets test Mustang's ignorance another way... Reagan's free market policy's created an economic tidal wave the likes of which the world has never seen.

The policy's created by Bill Clinton and Barack Obama has the US on the verge of collapse. Bill Clinton collapsed the housing market with his "Community Re-Investment Act" and Barack Obama collapsed the rest of the economy with his bailouts, taxes, redistribution of wealth, and SPENDING.

Facts... they are a bitch for you idiot liberal dumbocrats, uh? :lol:

See, the difference between you and me is that I'm not partisan about it. I don't look for ways to blame one side while absolving the other. I don't let Clinton off the hook anymore than I do Reagan.

And for YOUR information, the CRA didn't have bupkis to do with it. It was the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act for one thing. Sending our manufacturing jobs overseas (to make American companies more profitable) was another. Greater and greater deregulation of the financial industry in the mistaken belief that markets were infallible is another reason (because greed was never really taken into account). Another problem was the revolving door that opened up between gov't and business where certain people moved effortlessly between gov't oversight jobs and executive positions and back when they were moving to and from the very industries that they were supposed to regulate. Campaign contributions played a large role as connected people bought the legislation they wanted. (I guarantee you poor and middle-class people weren't buying favorable legislation for themselves). And let's not forget the fact that Congressmen (and their staffs) would serve just long enough to land a cushy lobbying job when the time was right. Where do you think their loyalties were?

I could list more.
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Who cares what Bush said?

What does that have to do with the fact that many, many more people have died on Obama's watch, and from Obama's stupidity?

You're even dumber than Rotty, simply because you parrot his idiocy.

Explain to me why we should be thinking about what Bush did or didn't do, years ago, when we are faced with Americans being killed willy-nilly, today? Why do you anti-american weirdos always think that we shouldn't criticize Obama, and instead should be whining about less egregious errors that were made a decade ago?

Criticize Obama all you like on legitimate issues; but don't sit there behind your computer and tell me that more American military have been killed under Obama than Bush while ignoring the astounding number of deaths from the war in Iraq. It's dishonest and downright disgusting.

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