Obama goes after the First Amendment


Senior Member
Dec 30, 2006
Reaction score
Glorious People's Republic of California
It's truly unfortunate that the NRA, and republicans like you, take it upon yourselves to be the sole advocate for gun ownership.
It's truly unfortunate that the NRA, and republicans like you, take it upon yourselves to be the sole advocate for gun ownership.

The NRA would do a lot better with democrats if it didn't hook itself to the nutcase militia movement... and if it gave in on things like registration and gun safety instead of acting like a bunch of yahoos.
well if the ads are LYING then why shouldn't he try to stop them?

Obama has never said he's against the 2nd amendment, in fact I believe he's said he fully supports it but see no reason why you can't support the 2nd amendment and still get dangerous guns out of the hands of criminals.

I agree Jillian..the NRA aligns themselves with nutjobs and the average American has no issue with expanded gun safety and regulations if it means keeping people safe.
The good news is, Obama wouldn't be acting like a whiney little faggot if the ads weren't hurting him.

Will they be enough to overcome ACORN voter fraud? We shall see.

Wow, and you throw in a homophobic comment too! You're on a true role of ignorance or are you repressing some real feelings?
:clap2: Good job Mussolini
well if the ads are LYING then why shouldn't he try to stop them?

Obama has never said he's against the 2nd amendment, in fact I believe he's said he fully supports it but see no reason why you can't support the 2nd amendment and still get dangerous guns out of the hands of criminals.

I agree Jillian..the NRA aligns themselves with nutjobs and the average American has no issue with expanded gun safety and regulations if it means keeping people safe.

then DUmmie, he should refute them not try to stop them.
The NRA would do a lot better with democrats if it didn't hook itself to the nutcase militia movement... and if it gave in on things like registration and gun safety instead of acting like a bunch of yahoos.

The NRA is the standard when it comes to civilian weapons safety training.
Why would you want to register guns? An unregistered gun in the hands of a law abiding citizen is less dangerous than a registered gun in the hands of a drug dealer..... Just curious about the "why" of registration from your opinion standpoint.

well if the ads are LYING then why shouldn't he try to stop them?

Obama has never said he's against the 2nd amendment, in fact I believe he's said he fully supports it but see no reason why you can't support the 2nd amendment and still get dangerous guns out of the hands of criminals.

I agree Jillian..the NRA aligns themselves with nutjobs and the average American has no issue with expanded gun safety and regulations if it means keeping people safe.

Hi. What do you mean by "expanded gun safety and regulations"? How will it keep people safe?
The NRA is the standard when it comes to civilian weapons safety training.
Why would you want to register guns? An unregistered gun in the hands of a law abiding citizen is less dangerous than a registered gun in the hands of a drug dealer..... Just curious about the "why" of registration from your opinion standpoint.

Because it represents accountability to most of us... same as registering a car. And it would go a long way to making the NRA look like it isn't a bunch of militia loonies.

And they may be the standard for training, but they don't want it to be mandatory.
then DUmmie, he should refute them not try to stop them.

refute them? OHH You mean spend his campaign money on ads that counter theirs? :lol: nice try

no, he should go to court and get them stopped because that's how the LAW works...
The NRA would do a lot better with democrats if it didn't hook itself to the nutcase militia movement... and if it gave in on things like registration and gun safety instead of acting like a bunch of yahoos.

Oh I totally agree. There are a lot of lefties who love guns but have nothing to do with the NRA because of the cockgobbling position it takes with standard GOP penis favors.
Because it represents accountability to most of us... same as registering a car. And it would go a long way to making the NRA look like it isn't a bunch of militia loonies.

And they may be the standard for training, but they don't want it to be mandatory.

With respect when it comes to accountability I would prefer to see the actual criminals prosecuted and jailed. And I really don't think that registering a car makes one accountable, I think it is simply a vehicle (pun intended) for the state to raise revenue.

Most states with a concealed carry law require classroom safety certification. And yet no state requires an adult to be safety certified to get a drivers license or register a car. That strikes me as strange since cars cause more deaths than guns on any year you can pick since both were available to the general public.

Oh, and the disclaimer: I am not claiming objectivity here at all. I oppose registration on privacy grounds and I oppose most "mandatory" requirements since the only person effected is the law-abiding. Criminals won't attend the classes or register their weapons.

C'ya round Jill
It's truly unfortunate that the NRA, and republicans like you, take it upon yourselves to be the sole advocate for gun ownership.

Many Democrats, liberals, progressives and even self-styled socialists are NRA members. I run into many at various events I've been to.

Believe me, nothing would thrill me more than the Democratic party taking a stand for our Constitutional rights.
The NRA would do a lot better with democrats if it didn't hook itself to the nutcase militia movement... and if it gave in on things like registration and gun safety instead of acting like a bunch of yahoos.

What a load of shit.

This isn't the first time you've repeated these lies either.

The NRA has never "hooked" itself to the "nutcase militia" movement. In fact it has done quite the opposite.

The NRA is not against registration.

The NRA runs various gun safety programs for everyone from grade schoolers to adults.

YOU ARE LYING, Jillian, and I'm calling you on it.

P.S. Quite a few Democrats, including Bill Richardson and Harry Reid, get A ratings from the NRA. Way I see it, Democrats would do a lot better with the NRA if they weren't a bunch of "living, breathing" document types who treat the Bill of Rights the same way they do their rolls of two-ply quilted Charmin.
Oh I totally agree. There are a lot of lefties who love guns but have nothing to do with the NRA because of the cockgobbling position it takes with standard GOP penis favors.

The NRA has one litmus test for its endorsements, and that is how a particular candidate views the Second Amendment.

Far more Republican politicians support gun rights than do Democrat politicians. This is not debatable. Hence the differential in NRA endorsements.

Plenty of Democrats gets A ratings from the NRA, and plenty of Republicans get shitty grades.

If the DNC AS A PARTY started standing up for gun rights, the NRA would become irrelevant. Simple as that.

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