obama FBI Set Up Alleged 'Russian' Contacts


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Anybody with an ounce of fairness (dims just simply do not) knows that, at the very least, the obama DoJ was out of control.

As was his IRS.

As was his AG.

And his SecState (got ISIS anybody?)

So this is gonna start a shitstorm if our current DoJ looks into it as hard as it deserves.


It's easier to read at Ace. Which is a MilBlog and not a competitor to USMB -- (Their software is Russian Army surplus, so you might want to get there before it disappears into -- Nobody knows

Did the FBI Set Up the Alleged "Russian Contacts" of Flynn and Papadopolous and Later Misrepresent Them to a Court as Having Been Arranged by Their Targets Rather Than Themselves?
Ace of Spades HQ

Item One: George Papadopoulos claims that an "FBI attache" encouraged him to meet with academic Josef Misfud, which would later be claimed to be a "Russian contact."

Saturday evening, Papadopoulos rocked Twitter with claims that "a woman in London, who was the FBI’s legal attache in the U.K." encouraged him "to meet Joseph Mifsud in Rome in March 2016." These new revelations raise fresh concerns that, with the approval of the FBI, foreign governments were meddling in the 2016 election.

George Papadopoulos@GeorgePapa19


To be clear: a woman in London, who was the FBI’s legal attaché in the U.K., and had a personal relationship to Bob Mueller after 9/11, encouraged me to meet Joseph Mifsud in Rome in March 2016 and introduced Bruce Ohr to the top U.K. prosecutor 4 days before the Trump tower mtg.


7:27 PM - Mar 30, 2019
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He has since updated his claims:

George Papadopoulos@GeorgePapa19


Alexander Downer was so blatantly spying on me that I reported him to both the FBI and Mueller. Who sent him to make contact? The answer lies with Strzok’s former boss being in London the same day.


4:00 PM - Apr 1, 2019
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George Papadopoulos@GeorgePapa19


Joseph Mifsud, the man who “told” me that the “Russians have emails” was no Russian asset, but an FBI/Italian intel asset. He’s currently in Italy on the payroll of Italian intelligence services. Italy will give him up soon.


10:58 AM - Apr 4, 2019
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George Papadopoulos@GeorgePapa19


I think this is going to be very awkward for Mueller. We now know that the man who “told” me this information was working with the FBI, not Russia. Hence, the entire investigation was an entrapment op against Trump and his team by Comey/Brennan/Obama.

Undercover Huber@JohnWHuber

“In evidence before the FISA Court, the DOJ also revealed that the Russians previewed the release of this information [“dirt” in the form of “thousands of emails”] to Mr. @GeorgePapa19 at that time [April 2016]”


6:14 PM - Apr 3, 2019
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The story is simple. An FBI asset named Joseph Mifsud drops this bizarre information in my lap about “the Russians having emails of Clinton”. A week later, the FBI sends Alexander Downer to spy on me and lie about our conversation as a pretext to open an illicit investigation.

— George Papadopoulos (@GeorgePapa19) April 5, 2019
So his series of claims are now:

An FBI attache suggested he contact Misfud.

Misfud, out of the blue, informs him that Russia may have Hillary emails. (Something everyone was speculating about at the time -- hardly some kind of juicy RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE SECRET.)

He also says that Misfud himself has FBI, not Kremlin, ties.

<more at Ace HQ>

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