Obama endorses.........


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2013
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WASHINGTON — Adding a new wrinkle in an already unpredictable election year, Donald Trump saw his poll numbers plummet on Monday after receiving a surprise endorsement from President Barack Obama.

Praising the Republican front-runner during a nationally televised address, the President said that, despite media reports to the contrary, Trump shared his views on such important issues as immigration and religious tolerance.

In several G.O.P. polls taken after the President’s stunning endorsement, Trump sank from first to fifth place, trailing the retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson by several points.
That just show how much a lot of people in this country hates the current president.
That just show how much a lot of people in this country hates the current president.

He had a 5 million edge on romney while bush actually lost the popular vote in 2000 and the hate only shows the racist crap the kkk and others with less than HS degrees are growing stronger ,,blaming their lack of success on obama

WASHINGTON — Adding a new wrinkle in an already unpredictable election year, Donald Trump saw his poll numbers plummet on Monday after receiving a surprise endorsement from President Barack Obama.

Praising the Republican front-runner during a nationally televised address, the President said that, despite media reports to the contrary, Trump shared his views on such important issues as immigration and religious tolerance.

In several G.O.P. polls taken after the President’s stunning endorsement, Trump sank from first to fifth place, trailing the retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson by several points.
Maybe you should have put this in the satire sub-forum, because people seem to be taking it seriously

WASHINGTON — Adding a new wrinkle in an already unpredictable election year, Donald Trump saw his poll numbers plummet on Monday after receiving a surprise endorsement from President Barack Obama.

Praising the Republican front-runner during a nationally televised address, the President said that, despite media reports to the contrary, Trump shared his views on such important issues as immigration and religious tolerance.

In several G.O.P. polls taken after the President’s stunning endorsement, Trump sank from first to fifth place, trailing the retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson by several points.
Maybe you should have put this in the satire sub-forum, because people seem to be taking it seriously
Ben still finding my way around here It says I joined in 2013 but I didn't start posting until a few months ago
real tough crowd not like the other place
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