Obama did a lot in this Nation.

A proud moment for all true Americans

Yup and thanks to obozo you elected Trump ..

You proud now munchkin?

Thanks to Putin we elected Trump
Really the incompetence of Obama and Hillary got Trump elected.
The incompetence of a minority of the voters got him elected
It is laughable how some attack The Don for his lies and corruption, all the while ignoring the lies and corruption of Obama and Hillary. Its insane.
That is because both the Great Obama and Hillary are honest
RW Conspiracy Theories do not count as corruption

The Great Obama ran the most scandal free administration in modern history
Yup and thanks to obozo you elected Trump ..

You proud now munchkin?

Thanks to Putin we elected Trump
Really the incompetence of Obama and Hillary got Trump elected.
The incompetence of a minority of the voters got him elected

Still won't admit it was you who supported lowering the bar and not removing a child molester like Bill Clinton from office who took advantage of a child underling like Monica?

Still won't admit it was you who supported nominating a community organizer who didn't have a clue on foreign relations like Obama and wanted grown men in lady's

Lol it was you who voted in Trump for president admit it.

Seems both Bill Clinton and the Great Obama got an overwhelming majority of the voters to elect them two times a piece

Both Bush 43 and Trump needed to cheat to win with a minority of the voters

Uhm you not removing child molester Bill led to lowering the bar Bush Jr, that led to lowering the bar community organizer/ grown men in little girls bathroom Obama that led to lowering the bar Trump

Admit it
Yup and thanks to obozo you elected Trump ..

You proud now munchkin?

Thanks to Putin we elected Trump
Really the incompetence of Obama and Hillary got Trump elected.
The incompetence of a minority of the voters got him elected
It is laughable how some attack The Don for his lies and corruption, all the while ignoring the lies and corruption of Obama and Hillary. Its insane.
That is because both the Great Obama and Hillary are honest
RW Conspiracy Theories do not count as corruption

The Great Obama ran the most scandal free administration in modern history

Thanks to Eric and Lynch
Obama won because -

1) He was black. Had he not been, Clinton would have been the candidate in 2008.

2) Both McCain and Romney were weak, establishment candidates - essentially Democrat-light - and picked by the party hierarchy. If two Democrats run for president, a Democrat will always win.
Yup and thanks to obozo you elected Trump ..

You proud now munchkin?

Thanks to Putin we elected Trump
Really the incompetence of Obama and Hillary got Trump elected.
The incompetence of a minority of the voters got him elected

Still won't admit it was you who supported lowering the bar and not removing a child molester like Bill Clinton from office who took advantage of a child underling like Monica?

Still won't admit it was you who supported nominating a community organizer who didn't have a clue on foreign relations like Obama and wanted grown men in lady's

Lol it was you who voted in Trump for president admit it.

Seems both Bill Clinton and the Great Obama got an overwhelming majority of the voters to elect them two times a piece

Both Bush 43 and Trump needed to cheat to win with a minority of the voters

This reminds me where did all the cop assassin's go since Obama left office?

It seems like every other week a dude was shooting up multiple cops

Obama won because -

1) He was black. Had he not been, Clinton would have been the candidate in 2008.

2) Both McCain and Romney were weak, establishment candidates - essentially Democrat-light - and picked by the party hierarchy. If two Democrats run for president, a Democrat will always win.
Yup and thanks to obozo you elected Trump ..

You proud now munchkin?

Thanks to Putin we elected Trump
Really the incompetence of Obama and Hillary got Trump elected.
The incompetence of a minority of the voters got him elected
It is laughable how some attack The Don for his lies and corruption, all the while ignoring the lies and corruption of Obama and Hillary. Its insane.
That is because both the Great Obama and Hillary are honest
RW Conspiracy Theories do not count as corruption

The Great Obama ran the most scandal free administration in modern history

hqdefault (1).jpg
Obama won because -

1) He was black. Had he not been, Clinton would have been the candidate in 2008.

2) Both McCain and Romney were weak, establishment candidates - essentially Democrat-light - and picked by the party hierarchy. If two Democrats run for president, a Democrat will always win.
Thanks to Putin we elected Trump
Really the incompetence of Obama and Hillary got Trump elected.
The incompetence of a minority of the voters got him elected
It is laughable how some attack The Don for his lies and corruption, all the while ignoring the lies and corruption of Obama and Hillary. Its insane.
That is because both the Great Obama and Hillary are honest
RW Conspiracy Theories do not count as corruption

The Great Obama ran the most scandal free administration in modern history

View attachment 262808

I can assume according to Joe all blacks look like this

Thanks to Putin we elected Trump
Really the incompetence of Obama and Hillary got Trump elected.
The incompetence of a minority of the voters got him elected

Still won't admit it was you who supported lowering the bar and not removing a child molester like Bill Clinton from office who took advantage of a child underling like Monica?

Still won't admit it was you who supported nominating a community organizer who didn't have a clue on foreign relations like Obama and wanted grown men in lady's

Lol it was you who voted in Trump for president admit it.

Seems both Bill Clinton and the Great Obama got an overwhelming majority of the voters to elect them two times a piece

Both Bush 43 and Trump needed to cheat to win with a minority of the voters

Uhm you not removing child molester Bill led to lowering the bar Bush Jr, that led to lowering the bar community organizer/ grown men in little girls bathroom Obama that led to lowering the bar Trump

Admit it
Bill Clinton never molested a child
You must have confused him with Trump molesting poor Ivanka
Obama won because -

1) He was black. Had he not been, Clinton would have been the candidate in 2008.

2) Both McCain and Romney were weak, establishment candidates - essentially Democrat-light - and picked by the party hierarchy. If two Democrats run for president, a Democrat will always win.
Thanks to Putin we elected Trump
Really the incompetence of Obama and Hillary got Trump elected.
The incompetence of a minority of the voters got him elected
It is laughable how some attack The Don for his lies and corruption, all the while ignoring the lies and corruption of Obama and Hillary. Its insane.
That is because both the Great Obama and Hillary are honest
RW Conspiracy Theories do not count as corruption

The Great Obama ran the most scandal free administration in modern history

View attachment 262808
Joe Biden was right about the Great Obama

America would not have elected an ethnic black
The sonofabitch had only been in office a couple of months when those yahoos gave him the Prize. He hadn't done jackshit.

They gave it to him because he was a far Left Muslim loving Negro with a D by his name. They thought those things by themselves were enough to get a Nobel Prize. Idiots!

They diluted the worth of the Prize tremendously for stupid Left Wing political reasons. Despicable.
A proud moment for all true Americans

Yup and thanks to obozo you elected Trump ..

You proud now munchkin?

Thanks to Putin we elected Trump
Really the incompetence of Obama and Hillary got Trump elected.
The incompetence of a minority of the voters got him elected
Actually it was a majority of the state's got him elected. You know the way it's suppose to be.
Yup and thanks to obozo you elected Trump ..

You proud now munchkin?

Thanks to Putin we elected Trump
Really the incompetence of Obama and Hillary got Trump elected.
The incompetence of a minority of the voters got him elected

Still won't admit it was you who supported lowering the bar and not removing a child molester like Bill Clinton from office who took advantage of a child underling like Monica?

Still won't admit it was you who supported nominating a community organizer who didn't have a clue on foreign relations like Obama and wanted grown men in lady's

Lol it was you who voted in Trump for president admit it.

Seems both Bill Clinton and the Great Obama got an overwhelming majority of the voters to elect them two times a piece

Both Bush 43 and Trump needed to cheat to win with a minority of the voters
The electoral college did what it was suppose to do.
Really the incompetence of Obama and Hillary got Trump elected.
The incompetence of a minority of the voters got him elected

Still won't admit it was you who supported lowering the bar and not removing a child molester like Bill Clinton from office who took advantage of a child underling like Monica?

Still won't admit it was you who supported nominating a community organizer who didn't have a clue on foreign relations like Obama and wanted grown men in lady's

Lol it was you who voted in Trump for president admit it.

Seems both Bill Clinton and the Great Obama got an overwhelming majority of the voters to elect them two times a piece

Both Bush 43 and Trump needed to cheat to win with a minority of the voters

Uhm you not removing child molester Bill led to lowering the bar Bush Jr, that led to lowering the bar community organizer/ grown men in little girls bathroom Obama that led to lowering the bar Trump

Admit it
Bill Clinton never molested a child
You must have confused him with Trump molesting poor Ivanka

So you are a pervert like Bill and take advantage of 20 year old little girls that you sign the paycheck for?

What do you and her talk about Pokemon?

The right demanded Newt resign after it was found to out he committed adultry and he did for the good of the country, the left did not with Bill

Obama won because -

1) He was black. Had he not been, Clinton would have been the candidate in 2008.

2) Both McCain and Romney were weak, establishment candidates - essentially Democrat-light - and picked by the party hierarchy. If two Democrats run for president, a Democrat will always win.
Really the incompetence of Obama and Hillary got Trump elected.
The incompetence of a minority of the voters got him elected
It is laughable how some attack The Don for his lies and corruption, all the while ignoring the lies and corruption of Obama and Hillary. Its insane.
That is because both the Great Obama and Hillary are honest
RW Conspiracy Theories do not count as corruption

The Great Obama ran the most scandal free administration in modern history

View attachment 262808
Joe Biden was right about the Great Obama

America would not have elected an ethnic black

Why are liberals that shallow and only elect a prom king or queen to office and not educated enough to vote on the message?

And you are really saying that Obama was a manufactured president....

You seem to have missed the fact that the militia acts were passed by congress stated as so enrolled and notified.enrolled and notified should be noted as you only became a member of an actual malitia if you were enrolled and notified. Similar to the draft.

WTF? That is not even close to being true. The bill did not say that people would be drafted. It mandated that everyone of requisite age enroll with the local militia, and to provide themselves with the exrequisite gear.

Do you understand what a militia is?
You might try reading this as it will give you a claearer picture without me having to teach you a course on US history. https://mises.org/library/american-militia-and-origin-conscription-reassessment-0

Now let us for a moment pretend that you were right about the militia and the militia act. You are talking aprox. 1/4 of the American population if you consider that up until the recent gender derangement there were more females then males born. Take into account that large families were the norm. Take into account that persons of color, and certain positions such as those in politic, ferrymen and others. Now consider that the largest part of those within the US were hunters that number probably drops dramatically. Then consider that guns could be handed down from older to younger. Compare that to everyone required to have the nsurance. Last I knew insurance was very specific as to who was covered, it can not be passed around.

Now if you want to follow the exact word for word reading of the militia acts then I am sure every eligible member of your family has registered and has the requisite gun and ammunition.
I remover hearing that the judges later regretted giving Obama the award.

The sonofabitch had only been in office a couple of months when those yahoos gave him the Prize. He hadn't done jackshit.

They gave it to him because he was a far Left Muslim loving Negro with a D by his name. They thought those things by themselves were enough to get a Nobel Prize. Idiots!

They diluted the worth of the Prize tremendously for stupid Left Wing political reasons. Despicable.
A proud moment for all true Americans

Yup and thanks to obozo you elected Trump ..

You proud now munchkin?

Thanks to Putin we elected Trump
Really the incompetence of Obama and Hillary got Trump elected.

....and criminality.

It's all starting to unravel.....
A proud moment for all true Americans

Yup and thanks to obozo you elected Trump ..

You proud now munchkin?

Thanks to Putin we elected Trump
Really the incompetence of Obama and Hillary got Trump elected.
The incompetence of a minority of the voters got him elected
Actually it was a majority of the state's got him elected. You know the way it's suppose to be.

Low information voters
The sonofabitch had only been in office a couple of months when those yahoos gave him the Prize. He hadn't done jackshit.

They gave it to him because he was a far Left Muslim loving Negro with a D by his name. They thought those things by themselves were enough to get a Nobel Prize. Idiots!

They diluted the worth of the Prize tremendously for stupid Left Wing political reasons. Despicable.
A proud moment for all true Americans

Yup and thanks to obozo you elected Trump ..

You proud now munchkin?

Thanks to Putin we elected Trump
Really the incompetence of Obama and Hillary got Trump elected.

....and criminality.

It's all starting to unravel.....

It was Republican ally Putin
Obama won because -

1) He was black. Had he not been, Clinton would have been the candidate in 2008.

2) Both McCain and Romney were weak, establishment candidates - essentially Democrat-light - and picked by the party hierarchy. If two Democrats run for president, a Democrat will always win.
The incompetence of a minority of the voters got him elected
It is laughable how some attack The Don for his lies and corruption, all the while ignoring the lies and corruption of Obama and Hillary. Its insane.
That is because both the Great Obama and Hillary are honest
RW Conspiracy Theories do not count as corruption

The Great Obama ran the most scandal free administration in modern history

View attachment 262808
Joe Biden was right about the Great Obama

America would not have elected an ethnic black

Why are liberals that shallow and only elect a prom king or queen to office and not educated enough to vote on the message?

And you are really saying that Obama was a manufactured president....

You elected a birther reality TV host
Yup and thanks to obozo you elected Trump ..

You proud now munchkin?

Thanks to Putin we elected Trump
Really the incompetence of Obama and Hillary got Trump elected.
The incompetence of a minority of the voters got him elected
Actually it was a majority of the state's got him elected. You know the way it's suppose to be.

Low information voters

The ones who can balance a check book and knew the democrats left them behind?

OBAMA = saved a nation & the world economy from the ravages of a dumb ass (G. W.) from Texas & his world wide depression.

Thank you OBAMA for saving US from Bush's world wide depression.

I'm not even gonna touch 9/11, Bush's other handy work.

Again; thank you OBAMA for saving US from a completely brain dead fuck, G. W.

O didn't save anything. Your dogs turds could have done as much. It will take a few years to remove the stain that O is though.

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