Obama defeats Putin


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
The trouble at the top of most people’s minds in Moscow was not the one beamed in from Chechnya by the television news. It was the one afflicting the savings accounts and travel plans of millions of regular Russians. The national currency, the ruble, has lost about 40% of its value against the dollar since Putin’s annexation of Crimea.

President Vladimir Putin s State of the Union Address Fails to Impress
Putin is losing it big time....
Moscow - President Vladimir Putin's elevation of Crimea to the status of Russia's Holy Land has prompted puzzlement and scorn from historians and commentators in Russia and abroad.
Crimea for Russians was like the Temple Mount in Jerusalem for Muslims and Jews, Mr Putin told Parliament and senior officials in the Kremlin in his annual address on Thursday, adding that the strategically important peninsula would be regarded this way from now on.
Russian historians left baffled by Putin s Crimean claims
The right celibrated tough guy Putin and ridiculed Obama as "weak" for using sanctions

Now the Russian economy is collapsing and Obamas economy added 321,000 jobs last month
The right celibrated tough guy Putin and ridiculed Obama as "weak" for using sanctions

Now the Russian economy is collapsing and Obamas economy added 321,000 jobs last month

Obama has been a very good president.
The falling price of crude is doing more to hamper Russia's economy more than any effort Obama has yet put forth.

Why? Because of U.S. private enterprise, capitalism, and the ingenuity of Americans - NOT the Federal Government.

High Volume High Pressure Hydraulic Fracturing - the bane of the environmental movement.

HVHPHF in the U.S. is what's puttin' on the Putin. Not that greasy slime-ball wanna-be poser of a "President".

And here's the kicker - Obama's proposed budget contains over $40 billion in new taxes on the very industries that have brought this phenomena to fruition.

Fuck that worthless piece of shit Obama. He amounts to and accounts for... NOTHING.
Russia's Finance Ministry has warned that wider Western sanctions as a result of the Ukraine crisis could have a "significant negative impact on GDP."
In one of the most frank official assessments to date of the economic costs of the conflict and effect of Western sanctions, the ministry warned in an internal document this week that geopolitical tensions present "the greatest risks of destabilization of the Russian economy."
The International Monetary Fund said the Ukraine conflict risks deep damage to Russia’s economy, starving it of foreign funds and knowhow. “Geopolitical tensions have brought the Russian economy to a standstill."
Russia’s actions in Crimea have increased the uncertainty of doing business in Russia and are having a chilling effect on investment. Capital outflows could reach $100 billion dollars in 2014.
Obama has closed out Russia's access to international capital markets.

The market responded immediately, with dramatic declines in the Russian ruble and the Moscow stock market. In addition, the sanctions only exacerbated an already difficult situation for Russian companies. Syndicated loans for Russian commodities producers are down more than 80 percent over the past six months. The appetite for Russian bonds has also decreased considerably in the aftermath of the Ukraine crisis. So the current round of sanctions made a bad situation worse.”

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