Obama confirms illegals who qualify for his programs won't be deported regardless of judge's order


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
President Obama confirms that illegal immigrants who qualify for his programs won't be deported regardless of judge's order
  • 'If you’ve been here for a long time and if you qualify, generally... even with legal uncertainty, they should be in a good place,' Obama said
  • POTUS was participating in a town hall hosted by Telemundo and MSNBC and led by an anchor affiliated with both networks, Jose Diaz-Balart
  • ICE Officials who don't abide by his directives are 'going to be answerable to the head of the Department of Homeland Security,' the president said
  • Obama again promised to reject legislation under consideration by the the Republican-led House and Senate undoing his actions
  • 'I will veto that vote, because I’m absolutely confident that what we’re doing is the right thing to do,' he said to rancorous applause.

President Barack Obama said Wednesday that illegal immigrants he said could stay in the country would not be deported, regardless of a judge's injunction on his executive actions, as a court battle between his administration and more than two dozen states continues.

Following the Texas judge's decision to put a hold on the president's programs, the Department of Homeland Security said it would not begin implementation of the first wave of the president's programs.

But Obama told supporters of his immigration measures on Wednesday evening that in the meantime, his administration would continue to move to the front of the line criminals and illegal immigrants not included in his programs.

'If you’ve been here for a long time and if you qualify, generally, then during this period, even with legal uncertainty, they should be in a good place,' Obama said during a town hall hosted by Telemundo and MSNBC.

At the bilingual town hall, taped in Miami, Florida, on Wednesday afternoon and aired during primetime on the sponsoring networks, the president encouraged illegal immigrants who qualify for his programs to continue readying their paperwork because the law is on his administration's side.

'In the meantime, understand that [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] and the border security mechanisms that we have in place, they are instructed to focus on criminals and people who have just crossed the border,' he said.

And ICE Officials who don't abide by his directives are 'going to be answerable to the head of the Department of Homeland Security,' Obama said, 'because he’s been very clear about what our priorities should be. And I’ve been very clear about what our priorities should be.'

Obama said both he and DHS head Johnson were 'absolutely committed' to the new deportation processes and they are working with state and local governments to make sure families are able to stay together.

'You are going to see I think a substantial change, even as the case works its way through the courts,' he said.

It is unfortunate that Republican governors are suing his administration, Obama said, and that they were able to find a judge to enjoin the administration from moving forward with its plans.

'But that’s just the first part of the process. This is just one federal judge. We have appealed it very aggressively,' the president noted.

'We’re going to be as aggressive as we can,' he said, not only because his administration is legally in the right but because 'history is also on our side.'

Read more: President Obama confirms illegal immigrants who qualify for executive order won t be deported Daily Mail Online
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He is actually worse than James Buchanan. Never thought I would say that, but he is not just worse than that waste of democratic shit that really caused the civil war, he is more dangerous to the union.
Tens of millions of illegal invaders stealing jobs and govt benefits from the citizens and our president says he's not gonna even try to stop it. Along with being immoral this violates the "take care" clause of the constitution that says the president "shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed."
Tens of millions of illegal invaders stealing jobs and govt benefits from the citizens and our president says he's not gonna even try to stop it. Along with being immoral this violates the "take care" clause of the constitution that says the president "shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed."

Well they (the people) evidently wanted a dicktator as President and so they have one

way to go people

was just reading this:
Obama Threatens ICE Agents Who Don’t Enforce Executive Amnesty: “If They Do Not Follow The Policy, There Are Consequences”…

No one dare cross Emperor Obama.

BALART: “How do you ensure that I.C.E. And border patrol won’t be deporting people like this. What are the consequences?”

OBAMA: “The bottom line is that if somebody’s working for I.C.E., and there’s a policy, and they don’t follow the policy, there are going to be consequences to it. So I can’t speak to a specific problem. What I can talk about is what’s true in the government generally. In the U.S. Military when you get an order, you’re expected to follow it. It doesn’t mean that everybody follows the order. If they don’t, they’ve got a problem. And the same is going to be true with respect to the policies that we’re putting forward.”

all of it here:
Obama Threatens ICE Agents Who Don t Enforce Executive Amnesty If They Do Not Follow The Policy There Are Consequences Weasel Zippers
President Barack Obama said Wednesday that illegal immigrants he said could stay in the country would not be deported, regardless of a judge's injunction on his executive actions, as a court battle between his administration and more than two dozen states continues.
TRANSLATION: "It doesn't matter that Federal law requires them to be deported. I'm not going to do it. I've disobeyed the Constitution before, and nobody stopped me. So now I can do it all I want.

"I am the law."

The Constitution requires that the President "shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed", of course. That's the main reason the office even exists. But Obama has no intention of doing so, and believes he can get away with it.
He truly believes he's above the law. And so do most of his nutter followers. He doesn't have American Citizens' best interests at heart. I've said that since day one. He won't fund Homeland Security unless he get's his Amnesty. That says it all. He's a traitor.
He truly believes he's above the law. And so do most of his nutter followers. He doesn't have American Citizens' best interests at heart. I've said that since day one. He won't fund Homeland Security unless he get's his Amnesty. That says it all. He's a traitor.

Yes he is as is everyone in his administration and most of the progressive/democrat party

people better wake up now before it's too late

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