Obama Chutzpah: Trump Voters Had Blind Desire For Change, Voters Don’t Know What They’re Looking For


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
From Mr Hope and Change himself. The lack of self awareness of the left is mind boggling.

Daily Mail:

Barack Obama believes American voters may have stumbled into electing Donald Trump because of a blind desire for change, despite the Republican’s lengthy campaign specifically targeting his policies and actions as president.

And he insisted on Tuesday that even the president-elect’s supporters are better off because of his eight years in power.
‘At times of significant stress, people are going to be looking for something and they don’t always know what they’re looking for,’ Obama said in Athens, Greece.

‘And they may opt for change even if they’re not entirely confident what that change will bring.’
From Mr Hope and Change himself. The lack of self awareness of the left is mind boggling.

Daily Mail:

Barack Obama believes American voters may have stumbled into electing Donald Trump because of a blind desire for change, despite the Republican’s lengthy campaign specifically targeting his policies and actions as president.

And he insisted on Tuesday that even the president-elect’s supporters are better off because of his eight years in power.
‘At times of significant stress, people are going to be looking for something and they don’t always know what they’re looking for,’ Obama said in Athens, Greece.

‘And they may opt for change even if they’re not entirely confident what that change will bring.’

Our idiot in chief is so self important he can't even grasp he's the one who caused the stress he cites as the excuse.
President Prick brought this on himself. Bringing in immigrants without vetting, some of them dangerous, others forming violent gangs. He has ruined the foreign policy of this nation where as we have very few allies we once had with the Bush administration. He has divided this nation racially to the point that he brings BLM to the WH to tell them what a good job they are doing murdering police officers. And he blames the "blind public?" He says they are looking for change and do not know what change we want.

Trump made it very clear what kind of change we want. we want a safe country where immigrants coming in are screened for violent behaviors. We want a wall to stop the Mexicans from flooding our country usurping our resources. We want our jobs back and those stupid agreements that the State Dept made nullified. We knew exactly what change we wanted. Get rid of Obamacare and most of all, Obama's Crime Families he was supporting. He needs a reality check!

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