Obama Back In Charge & Setting Agenda: Not TeaBerserker "Nyet" Sayers!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Barely in office, and in control, for only three weeks: The TeaBerserker GOP "honeymoon" period apparently ended, before it even got started.

The White House will be setting the agenda, and the disucssion, going forward. The Obama approval ratings are widely noted to be above 50% all over, and including among Independents.

Obama goal: 'Putting the economy into overdrive' - Yahoo! Finance

Not even all the GOP House Chairpeople are strictly on-board with the time-lines and goals of the GOP leaders in the House.

1) HealthCare disappears as an issue when the alternative of Medical Insurance Hyperinflation surfaces. That is what the TeaBerserkers are for. The end of the national risk pool, of the Affordable Health Care Act, is intended. Repeal is intended, and apparently even in a vote on record. The Caliornia premium-hikes of 60% are record now; That the TeaBerserker GOP intends.

Not even the blood of the Delaware witches, obtained at handgun-point in the supermarkets--which the TeaBerserker GOP mixes in with the Matzoh, and sprinkles on the Los and Bagels--can compare with what they now have on the record.

(2) The Budget goals are unclear, and not being shouted at Shout-About-The-Rooftoop level lies, that characterized the Health Care "discussions." The Obama Administration went on the record first with the Democratic plan for deficit reduction last December. The House Leaders have a starting point, but it's in the other party, and in another branch.

(3) The President has the State of the Union to use for support of jobs initiatives, just as the TeaBerserker agenda popularity is waning. Nobody cares about health care reform, even now(?)!

Health care repeal is not high priority, except among 15% or so of anyone polled.

The GOP has a bunch of problems, and as for Palin: She is now in a forum where keeping her mouth shut, really won't work.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Vatican is apprently about to make another saint out of a recent pope. Likely someone heard him use "Jews" and "oops" in almost the same sentence, though in which of the languages: Has not been revealed. The GOP doesn't seem itself to want to let the blood-libel stuff get our, for even their part(?)!)
Barely in office, and in control, for only three weeks: The TeaBerserker GOP "honeymoon" period apparently ended, before it even got started.

The White House will be setting the agenda, and the disucssion, going forward. The Obama approval ratings are widely noted to be above 50% all over, and including among Independents.

Obama goal: 'Putting the economy into overdrive' - Yahoo! Finance

Not even all the GOP House Chairpeople are strictly on-board with the time-lines and goals of the GOP leaders in the House.

1) HealthCare disappears as an issue when the alternative of Medical Insurance Hyperinflation surfaces. That is what the TeaBerserkers are for. The end of the national risk pool, of the Affordable Health Care Act, is intended. Repeal is intended, and apparently even in a vote on record. The Caliornia premium-hikes of 60% are record now; That the TeaBerserker GOP intends.

Not even the blood of the Delaware witches, obtained at handgun-point in the supermarkets--which the TeaBerserker GOP mixes in with the Matzoh, and sprinkles on the Los and Bagels--can compare with what they now have on the record.

(2) The Budget goals are unclear, and not being shouted at Shout-About-The-Rooftoop level lies, that characterized the Health Care "discussions." The Obama Administration went on the record first with the Democratic plan for deficit reduction last December. The House Leaders have a starting point, but it's in the other party, and in another branch.

(3) The President has the State of the Union to use for support of jobs initiatives, just as the TeaBerserker agenda popularity is waning. Nobody cares about health care reform, even now(?)!

Health care repeal is not high priority, except among 15% or so of anyone polled.

The GOP has a bunch of problems, and as for Palin: She is now in a forum where keeping her mouth shut, really won't work.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Vatican is apprently about to make another saint out of a recent pope. Likely someone heard him use "Jews" and "oops" in almost the same sentence, though in which of the languages: Has not been revealed. The GOP doesn't seem itself to want to let the blood-libel stuff get our, for even their part(?)!)

Is it just me or did anyone else have a problem following this post..?
Three months ago socialist Obama was calling the "Chamber of Commerce" a subversive sinister organization and corporate America "the enemy". G.E. stocks have lost half their value while B. Hussein has been in office. If it wasn't for the fawning liberal media he would be laughed out of Washington.
Three months ago socialist Obama was calling the "Chamber of Commerce" a subversive sinister organization and corporate America "the enemy". G.E. stocks have lost half their value while B. Hussein has been in office. If it wasn't for the fawning liberal media he would be laughed out of Washington.

Now this made perfect sense to me ...in fact.. I'm reping in the affirmative..
Barely in office, and in control, for only three weeks: The TeaBerserker GOP "honeymoon" period apparently ended, before it even got started.

The White House will be setting the agenda, and the disucssion, going forward. The Obama approval ratings are widely noted to be above 50% all over, and including among Independents.

Obama goal: 'Putting the economy into overdrive' - Yahoo! Finance

Not even all the GOP House Chairpeople are strictly on-board with the time-lines and goals of the GOP leaders in the House.

1) HealthCare disappears as an issue when the alternative of Medical Insurance Hyperinflation surfaces. That is what the TeaBerserkers are for. The end of the national risk pool, of the Affordable Health Care Act, is intended. Repeal is intended, and apparently even in a vote on record. The Caliornia premium-hikes of 60% are record now; That the TeaBerserker GOP intends.

Not even the blood of the Delaware witches, obtained at handgun-point in the supermarkets--which the TeaBerserker GOP mixes in with the Matzoh, and sprinkles on the Los and Bagels--can compare with what they now have on the record.

(2) The Budget goals are unclear, and not being shouted at Shout-About-The-Rooftoop level lies, that characterized the Health Care "discussions." The Obama Administration went on the record first with the Democratic plan for deficit reduction last December. The House Leaders have a starting point, but it's in the other party, and in another branch.

(3) The President has the State of the Union to use for support of jobs initiatives, just as the TeaBerserker agenda popularity is waning. Nobody cares about health care reform, even now(?)!

Health care repeal is not high priority, except among 15% or so of anyone polled.

The GOP has a bunch of problems, and as for Palin: She is now in a forum where keeping her mouth shut, really won't work.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Vatican is apprently about to make another saint out of a recent pope. Likely someone heard him use "Jews" and "oops" in almost the same sentence, though in which of the languages: Has not been revealed. The GOP doesn't seem itself to want to let the blood-libel stuff get our, for even their part(?)!)

Is it just me or did anyone else have a problem following this post..?

In what sense?

In the sense of:

(1) What kind of sense is this?

(2) What new nonsense is this?

(3) Is the meaning to be understood only by those with a sixth or seventh sense?

My two cents says there is no sense in which to derive "in what sense" is nonsense ever to be followed to a sensible conclusion.
GE is coming back up, even this week, on the stock market. Most Business People apparently recall what happened when the GOP was last in charge of things, and have been reluctant to expand and hire.

The health insurance premium hikes in California are not being rolled back at this time. Governor Girlie-Man has left his mark on the state: That will take some time to erase. He says it even cost him $70.0 mil.

And that's just one of them.

GOP HyperInflation is what is clearly intended. The record a "No" to the Affordable Health Insurance Act, and a "Yes" for repeal of it all.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(GOP likely needs a few more cross-hairs, in their advertising next time out!)
GE is coming back up, even this week, on the stock market. Most Business People apparently recall what happened when the GOP was last in charge of things, and have been reluctant to expand and hire.

The health insurance premium hikes in California are not being rolled back at this time. Governor Girlie-Man has left his mark on the state: That will take some time to erase. He says it even cost him $70.0 mil.

And that's just one of them.

GOP HyperInflation is what is clearly intended. The record a "No" to the Affordable Health Insurance Act, and a "Yes" for repeal of it all.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(GOP likely needs a few more cross-hairs, in their advertising next time out!)

Wasn't that "Crow" thing a Democrat thing?

The Democrat history didn't start with Clinton.. you know..
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The concept of Affordable Health Care has been repealed in the House, but mostly with GOP votes! The concept of an expanded risk pool, which is now repealed, will not be back on the TeaBerserker GOP agenda, clearly forever: And even in the next two years.

The GOP said "No" to the Stimulus, and Tea Berserkers GOP will now not focus on jobs but instead on Dismantling federal programs.

It is still the party of no, no, no!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(The killing of over 600,000 white people is how the GOP actually got started(?)!)
Barely in office, and in control, for only three weeks: The TeaBerserker GOP "honeymoon" period apparently ended, before it even got started.

The White House will be setting the agenda, and the disucssion, going forward. The Obama approval ratings are widely noted to be above 50% all over, and including among Independents.

Obama goal: 'Putting the economy into overdrive' - Yahoo! Finance

Not even all the GOP House Chairpeople are strictly on-board with the time-lines and goals of the GOP leaders in the House.

1) HealthCare disappears as an issue when the alternative of Medical Insurance Hyperinflation surfaces. That is what the TeaBerserkers are for. The end of the national risk pool, of the Affordable Health Care Act, is intended. Repeal is intended, and apparently even in a vote on record. The Caliornia premium-hikes of 60% are record now; That the TeaBerserker GOP intends.

Not even the blood of the Delaware witches, obtained at handgun-point in the supermarkets--which the TeaBerserker GOP mixes in with the Matzoh, and sprinkles on the Los and Bagels--can compare with what they now have on the record.

(2) The Budget goals are unclear, and not being shouted at Shout-About-The-Rooftoop level lies, that characterized the Health Care "discussions." The Obama Administration went on the record first with the Democratic plan for deficit reduction last December. The House Leaders have a starting point, but it's in the other party, and in another branch.

(3) The President has the State of the Union to use for support of jobs initiatives, just as the TeaBerserker agenda popularity is waning. Nobody cares about health care reform, even now(?)!

Health care repeal is not high priority, except among 15% or so of anyone polled.

The GOP has a bunch of problems, and as for Palin: She is now in a forum where keeping her mouth shut, really won't work.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Vatican is apprently about to make another saint out of a recent pope. Likely someone heard him use "Jews" and "oops" in almost the same sentence, though in which of the languages: Has not been revealed. The GOP doesn't seem itself to want to let the blood-libel stuff get our, for even their part(?)!)

Is it just me or did anyone else have a problem following this post..?

In what sense?

In the sense of:

(1) What kind of sense is this?

(2) What new nonsense is this?

(3) Is the meaning to be understood only by those with a sixth or seventh sense?

My two cents says there is no sense in which to derive "in what sense" is nonsense ever to be followed to a sensible conclusion.
Don't spend too much time thinking about it, or blood will shoot out your ears. :lol:
Barely in office, and in control, for only three weeks: The TeaBerserker GOP "honeymoon" period apparently ended, before it even got started.

The White House will be setting the agenda, and the disucssion, going forward. The Obama approval ratings are widely noted to be above 50% all over, and including among Independents.

Obama goal: 'Putting the economy into overdrive' - Yahoo! Finance

Not even all the GOP House Chairpeople are strictly on-board with the time-lines and goals of the GOP leaders in the House.

1) HealthCare disappears as an issue when the alternative of Medical Insurance Hyperinflation surfaces. That is what the TeaBerserkers are for. The end of the national risk pool, of the Affordable Health Care Act, is intended. Repeal is intended, and apparently even in a vote on record. The Caliornia premium-hikes of 60% are record now; That the TeaBerserker GOP intends.

Not even the blood of the Delaware witches, obtained at handgun-point in the supermarkets--which the TeaBerserker GOP mixes in with the Matzoh, and sprinkles on the Los and Bagels--can compare with what they now have on the record.

(2) The Budget goals are unclear, and not being shouted at Shout-About-The-Rooftoop level lies, that characterized the Health Care "discussions." The Obama Administration went on the record first with the Democratic plan for deficit reduction last December. The House Leaders have a starting point, but it's in the other party, and in another branch.

(3) The President has the State of the Union to use for support of jobs initiatives, just as the TeaBerserker agenda popularity is waning. Nobody cares about health care reform, even now(?)!

Health care repeal is not high priority, except among 15% or so of anyone polled.

The GOP has a bunch of problems, and as for Palin: She is now in a forum where keeping her mouth shut, really won't work.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Vatican is apprently about to make another saint out of a recent pope. Likely someone heard him use "Jews" and "oops" in almost the same sentence, though in which of the languages: Has not been revealed. The GOP doesn't seem itself to want to let the blood-libel stuff get our, for even their part(?)!)

Is it just me or did anyone else have a problem following this post..?

Thank you for that! I thought it was me! LOL!
Barely in office, and in control, for only three weeks: The TeaBerserker GOP "honeymoon" period apparently ended, before it even got started.

The White House will be setting the agenda, and the disucssion, going forward. The Obama approval ratings are widely noted to be above 50% all over, and including among Independents.

Obama goal: 'Putting the economy into overdrive' - Yahoo! Finance

Not even all the GOP House Chairpeople are strictly on-board with the time-lines and goals of the GOP leaders in the House.

1) HealthCare disappears as an issue when the alternative of Medical Insurance Hyperinflation surfaces. That is what the TeaBerserkers are for. The end of the national risk pool, of the Affordable Health Care Act, is intended. Repeal is intended, and apparently even in a vote on record. The Caliornia premium-hikes of 60% are record now; That the TeaBerserker GOP intends.

Not even the blood of the Delaware witches, obtained at handgun-point in the supermarkets--which the TeaBerserker GOP mixes in with the Matzoh, and sprinkles on the Los and Bagels--can compare with what they now have on the record.

(2) The Budget goals are unclear, and not being shouted at Shout-About-The-Rooftoop level lies, that characterized the Health Care "discussions." The Obama Administration went on the record first with the Democratic plan for deficit reduction last December. The House Leaders have a starting point, but it's in the other party, and in another branch.

(3) The President has the State of the Union to use for support of jobs initiatives, just as the TeaBerserker agenda popularity is waning. Nobody cares about health care reform, even now(?)!

Health care repeal is not high priority, except among 15% or so of anyone polled.

The GOP has a bunch of problems, and as for Palin: She is now in a forum where keeping her mouth shut, really won't work.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Vatican is apprently about to make another saint out of a recent pope. Likely someone heard him use "Jews" and "oops" in almost the same sentence, though in which of the languages: Has not been revealed. The GOP doesn't seem itself to want to let the blood-libel stuff get our, for even their part(?)!)

Is it just me or did anyone else have a problem following this post..?

It isn't just you... it meanders in and out of coherency.
"Teaberserkers"? A term designed to incite anger (and violence?)? You got it bas-ackward (as usual) lefties. Who could deny that Obama was in charge for the last two years? He had a radical left majority in both houses of congress. Now that republicans gained the majority in congress in the biggest landslide in modern history you claim what? Obama is "back in-charge and setting agenda"? Don't you realize that what you say is insulting to Obama?
What the OP fails to recognize is that obama's agenda is done, over, ended, irrelevant.
He can not pass a single piece of legislation without huge concessions to the right
Is it just me or did anyone else have a problem following this post..?

In what sense?

In the sense of:

(1) What kind of sense is this?

(2) What new nonsense is this?

(3) Is the meaning to be understood only by those with a sixth or seventh sense?

My two cents says there is no sense in which to derive "in what sense" is nonsense ever to be followed to a sensible conclusion.
Don't spend too much time thinking about it, or blood will shoot out your ears. :lol:

Yeah, I hate it when that happens. :lol:

I do kind of like "Teaberserker". However, it made me think of something other than intended by the OP. (I think, lol. Only God knows what was intended by the OP)

(language warning on the below video)
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Since about 20% of the eligible electorate actually voted GOP, and not many TeaBerserkers actually won: Then climate of opinion is everything.

Opinion has turned back to the White House, And even the new Senator-Elect from Alaska is not a Republican.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Taking away the risk pools from all insurance companies: Now The New Republican, party of business, of the TeaBerserkers!)