Obama Administration > Economic Disaster

You might have guessed the OP just scratched the surface >>

On almost every measure examined, the 2009-15 recovery since the recession ended in June of 2009 has been the meekest in more than 50 years.

Start with the broadest measure of economic progress: growth in output. The chart below compares the Obama growth pace with that of the average recovery coming out of the last eight recessions, and with the Reagan recovery, and over the same number of months (77).

Democrats used to disparage the Reagan expansion as nothing special, yet the growth rate over the first 25 quarters under Reagan was 34%, versus 14.3% under Obama.

Even on a per capita basis, real GDP has grown only 9.0% versus 18.8% for the average recovery. That is the lowest of any post-1960 recovery.


This is laughable considering that the last two Republican Presidents have seen barely 2-3 million jobs growth COMBINED compared to Obama's 15 million. If Obama is disaster! then you really have run out of perspective to characterize what economy under Bushes was like.

Obama doesn't have EXCELLENT economic record, but there is ABSOLUTELY something between that and disaster! and therein is the lying.

Fact is Obama has had a fairly solid economic record historians will look back on - one of recovery from the Great Recession and steady growth.

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