NYC Taxi Drivers Cry "Foul!"

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Do you cheat on your taxes? Did you lie for your children? Do you cheat, lie or steal on your job? Have you ever cheated on a college essay, exam or application?

I ask because I wonder how different these lying fucks are than the rest of you...
The taxi industry vigorously challenged the city’s findings, saying it was unimaginable that such a pervasive problem could be the result of deliberate fraud. The city said that 35,558 out of the city’s roughly 48,000 drivers had applied the higher rate.

“This is clearly a systematic failure on the part of the meters and the technology,” said Bhairavi Desai, the executive director of the New York Taxi Workers Alliance, which represents cabbies.

“For this to be so widespread — nearly every single driver — makes no sense,” she added.

The taxi commission refused to comment on the alliance’s claim, citing its continuing investigation. “We have to sort through the numbers,” Mr. Daus said.

In interviews on Friday, taxi drivers expressed dismay at the city’s findings, which they said threatened to tarnish the image of their industry.

“We are ashamed,” said Bagicha Singh, of Floral Park, Queens, who was on East Houston Street on break from his shift. “People will look at us as a thief.”

Several cabbies defended themselves and their colleagues and said it was easy to accidentally activate the higher rate because of the way the meters were designed.

On some models, they said, the buttons for the New York City and out-of-town rates are extremely close together.

“You’re driving, your fingers are small, the buttons are tiny,” said Rana Singh, 38, of Maywood, N.J. “You look up at traffic; you look at the car ahead.”

Cab drivers are supposed to charge the higher rate only when they cross the border between New York City and Nassau or Westchester.

But according to the taxi commission, drivers often pressed a button on the meter that categorized the fare as Code No. 4, which is charged for trips outside the city, rather than Code No. 1, for those in the city limits.

New York Cabs Gouged Riders Out of Millions -

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