Nunes about to be KO'ed.....

Fuckhead, who has been indicted for Russian collusion?

I shouldn't bother with right wing idiots asking moronic questions.....

But for others, check out the indictments of
So sayeth the leftard clown posse that totally ignored the lies, corruption and criminality of the DNC and the Hildebeast.

A reminder for you,

Fuckhead, who has been indicted for Russian collusion?

I shouldn't bother with right wing idiots asking moronic questions.....

But for others, check out the indictments of

Flynn wasn't indicted for Russian collusion. He didn't give 100 percent recall about a conversation that he had with a Russian ambassador. The FBI was "fishing" because they had the entire conversation on tape because of a FISA warrant attained by a dossier that was fact free that was financed by Hitlery campaign using Fusion GPS as a proxy where they fed Christopher Steele information on what should be contained in the memo THAT the FISA courts were never made aware of.......imagine that??
So sayeth the leftard clown posse that totally ignored the lies, corruption and criminality of the DNC and the Hildebeast.

A reminder for you,

View attachment 175486

That is was the attitude that leftards had about the Barrypuppet and anyone that dared criticize the marxist clown was labeled as a racist. When Trump does something that deserves criticism? I'll be right out there in front. You are a tribalistic sack of shit....leftards cheat? Well, it's justified according to those of your ilk. You have no line in the sand nor is there any behavior or corruption done by leftards that you will not defend, twist or spin.
Wow - this is even more pathetic spin now that we know that Obabble was directing the fake Russian set up and spying on the Trump campaign.

oh look, another FAKE NEWS parrot who knows so much more than the FBI, CIA, and FISC. :uhoh3:

PLUS the man who is the subject of this thread who ACKNOWLEDGED the RUSSIAN HACKING is NOT FAKE NEWS.

I know reality is challenging for you Prog Loons these days. But the evidence is unfolding daily that the entire Trump Russian Collusions narrative is Pure Fiction. The real scandal is how Obama weaponized the federal bureaucracy to spy on Trump in order to entrap him during the election, and then when hiLIARy lost, to attempt a soft coup. This is far worse than Watergate, which a normal person would understand. It's really sad how you Progs have lobotomized themselves with your hatred of Trump and America.
Russians successfully hacked into U.S. voter systems, says official.

From your article......

"There is no evidence that any of the registration rolls were altered in any fashion, according to U.S. officials."
Im just gonna break into the bank vault and steal no money.
Fuckhead, who has been indicted for Russian collusion?

I shouldn't bother with right wing idiots asking moronic questions.....

But for others, check out the indictments of

Look moron, if you don't know what you're talking about....and you don't, you should quit posting and looking the fool.

They were indicted for "lying to the FBI". Not collusion. Given enough time being questioned by the FBI, every American citizen could be charged with lying to the FBI. It doesn't even have to be relevant to the investigation. Tel them that you ate at McDonalds when you really went to Burger King, you can be charged. It's a bull shit charge to leverage information out of someone they believe might have information to share that they want. You know that.....I hope. On second thought, you're stupid enough to actually believe they were charged for something to do with collusion. Derp
Fuckhead, who has been indicted for Russian collusion?

I shouldn't bother with right wing idiots asking moronic questions.....

But for others, check out the indictments of

Flynn wasn't indicted for Russian collusion. He didn't give 100 percent recall about a conversation that he had with a Russian ambassador. The FBI was "fishing" because they had the entire conversation on tape because of a FISA warrant attained by a dossier that was fact free that was financed by Hitlery campaign using Fusion GPS as a proxy where they fed Christopher Steele information on what should be contained in the memo THAT the FISA courts were never made aware of.......imagine that??

Don't waste your breath on Natalie. She not only drinks the koolaid, she stirs it for everyone else. She believes anything the media tells her.
A footnote told the court the document was compiled with political implications. Now Nunes is saying the font wasn't big enough.
They were indicted for "lying to the FBI". Not collusion

Another eternal moron chimes in.....

So, they LIED to the FBI about where they got their coffee?? or where they take their shirts to be laundered?

How do you morons manage to turn on your computers without help?
They were indicted for "lying to the FBI". Not collusion

Another eternal moron chimes in.....

So, they LIED to the FBI about where they got their coffee?? or where they take their shirts to be laundered?

How do you morons manage to turn on your computers without help?

Lied to the FBI that got FISA warrants by lying via omission? You believe in the integrity of the FBI after the revelations about how they hid what the Hildebeast did? Writing an exoneration letter before ever investigation her? The DOJ and FBI did the bidding of the Barrypuppet and the Hildebeast and they are not trustworthy by any stretch of the imagination. They are part of the swamp. It is only going to get worse as more and more information is released and it's pretty fucking bad as it is.

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