*Now The Killing Fields Start In Libya*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Now those who toppled Gadfly, will begin the cleansing of the country from those who don't pass the smell test.
2. I wonder who is safe rather than who is targeted, seeing *all* people of Libya smell.
3. This whole Libya thing has just started, it will get much much worse before things look like it will improve, after the *head bowling*.
4. Heads will roll in the streets, much blood letting shall transpire.
5. The media will be thrown out first.
6. Its how dictatorships are formed, wait and see.
7. Anyone with an idea that they will become a democracy, is a total, absolute *fool*.:eusa_hand:


BENGHAZI, Libya — "Libya’s top leader declared the country officially “liberated” Sunday from the four-decade rule of Moammar Gaddafi, pledging to replace his dictatorship with a more democratic but also a more strictly Islamic system.

In a speech to a cheering, flag-waving crowd, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, head of the Transitional National Council, promised to ban interest on housing loans and scrap other laws that didn’t conform to Islamic jurisprudence.


Weigh InCorrections?


WARNING: Contains graphic video. Many questions remain about the death of former Libyan dictator Moammar Gaddafi. (Oct. 23)


 After taking Tripoli, rebel fighters target Moammar Gaddafi’s last bastions of support.

Libyan transitional leader declares liberationWitnesses: Sirte falls to Libyan fightersClinton arrives in Libya for talksPentagon had weighed cyber attack on Gaddafi air defensesGaddafi home town largely destroyedGaddafi forces lose buildings in SirteLibyan fighters make gains as Sirte battle continuesPro-Gaddafi fighters try to defend SirteNATO puts off decision on ending Libya operationsGaddafi loyalists find no room for dissentNATO: Ongoing resistance by pro-Gadhafi forces in Libya is 'surprising'U.S. helping Libya find Gaddafi missilesGunbattle erupts in Libyan capitalLibya declares liberation with an Islamic tone
.Although he lacks the power to make such changes himself, his comments, on such a symbolically significant day, suggested that Islam could play a greater role in public life in the new Libya. They also heightened an already intense debate over the role of Islam in the countries transformed by the Arab Spring.

Tens of thousands of joyous Libyans poured into Keish square in Benghazi, the eastern city that was the cradle of the revolution, to celebrate the defeat of Gaddafi in an eight-month, U.S.-backed war. For a population that had not known freedom of speech or real elections for decades, it marked a dream. Few were bothered by the spectacle hundreds of miles away in the northwestern city of Misurata, where Gaddafi’s body was on public display in a frozen-food locker for the third straight day."

“Lift your head, you are a proud Libyan,”

8. Today they lift their heads, tomorrow they pick them up off the streets.

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Sorry bout that,

1. Now those who toppled Gadfly, will begin the cleansing of the country from those who don't pass the smell test.
2. I wonder who is safe rather than who is targeted, seeing *all* people of Libya smell.
3. This whole Libya thing has just started, it will get much much worse before things look like it will improve, after the *head bowling*.
4. Heads will roll in the streets, much blood letting shall transpire.
5. The media will be thrown out first.
6. Its how dictatorships are formed, wait and see.
7. Anyone with an idea that they will become a democracy, is a total, absolute *fool*.:eusa_hand:


It will be another lesson of how the "religion of peace" works. Death to all that do not submit to the human leadership.
Sorry bout that,

1. The Winter Olympics of Lybia in *Beheadings* began today, with the beheading of 8 camels.
2. They start with camels then switch to humans, story to follow.
3. Read All About It Here:Muammar Gaddafi's grisly death raises questions the length of Libya's revolutionary road - Telegraph

"In Benghazi, on the main square where it all started, they were slaughtering camels in celebration. There they sat, eight of them, feet tied so they could not move, quivering with fear as they were beheaded one by one. As soldiers fired rifles in the air, members of the cheering crowd held up the severed heads as trophies. They daubed their hands in the camel-blood, and gave the V-for-victory sign with dripping fingers. "

4. This is islam, and we don't want you freaks here!:eusa_hand:

Moving on to people.

Free to kill: 53 Gaddafi loyalists reported executed — RT

Human Rights Watch claims it has found 53 decaying bodies of Muammar Gaddafi loyalists in his hometown of Sirte. The human rights group said on Monday that these people must have been executed by revolutionaries.
*“Some had their hands bound behind their backs when they were shot,” claimed Peter Bouckaert from Human Rights Watch (HRW), investigating the killings.

Over the weekend an AFP reporter found 60 corpses on the lawn of the Al-Mahari hospital and noted that many of the victims had been killed execution-style, with a bullet to the head. Some had been bound hand and foot. According to NTC fighters quoted by the agency, at the time of the murders the hospital was being used as a makeshift prison by Gaddafi’s men who, they charged, carried out the executions before abandoning the place.

Democracy in action.

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