Now on Disney+ 2 gay Dino dads


It's called the Dino Ranch. I just Googled it myself.
Wow. Thanks for the name, as you can imagine, I know very little about modern programming for children and do not take Disney. I think I Found it on an episode list for the series in Wikipeadia. That is a sick thing to be putting out to children, often left with TV as a constant on baby sitter. Here it is in the episode list, I think:

That really is a first step into indoctrination. I am glad, my daughter doesn't take Disney +, though I don't think that is direct at kids my youngest grand daughter's age (10 in June), but it should not be directed at younger children either.
Wow. Thanks for the name, as you can imagine, I know very little about modern programming for children and do not take Disney. I think I Found it on an episode list for the series in Wikipeadia. That is a sick thing to be putting out to children, often left with TV as a constant on baby sitter. Here it is in the episode list, I think:
View attachment 777918
That really is a first step into indoctrination. I am glad, my daughter doesn't take Disney +, though I don't think that is direct at kids my youngest grand daughter's age (10 in June), but it should not be directed at younger children either.
The Pro-Gay Message Hidden In Every Disney Film
That one, not even hidden. Mind you, I have nothing against gay adults as long as they aren't practicing in my pool, but that is entirely too young to be putting that out to preschoolers. At that age, they don't even know where they came from (though certainly not from people practicing gay sex), and Disney/pixar has no business putting that influence in front of them. I am glad we weren't raising kids in the modern environment.
Wow. Thanks for the name, as you can imagine, I know very little about modern programming for children and do not take Disney. I think I Found it on an episode list for the series in Wikipeadia. That is a sick thing to be putting out to children, often left with TV as a constant on baby sitter. Here it is in the episode list, I think:
View attachment 777918
That really is a first step into indoctrination. I am glad, my daughter doesn't take Disney +, though I don't think that is direct at kids my youngest grand daughter's age (10 in June), but it should not be directed at younger children either.

Okay, okay, you just made me eat my own words,.. I was wrong about you.
Okay, okay, you just made me eat my own words,.. I was wrong about you.
Wasn't trying to. I'm pretty sure you knew by now, I had no intention of even answering the charge, as no margin in it. Welcome to the internet.
This is so wonderful! We bisexuals and gays should be treated with respect and are more then deserving to being apart of this society.

1. You would be treated with more respect if you left the kids alone.
2. Yeah, you are apart of or I should say from this society. Learn how to spell dumbass. :rolleyes:
Desantis is working on something thats supposed to help put heavy restrictions on Diznee in Florida.

We all know Mexifornia worships thier Diznee pedophile, murder nothing will ever be done about that......unless a bomb just decides to fall out of the sky one day and take care of it. Along with the CEOs office and the many mansions he has.

Hmmmm. I just realized. Diznee is extremely sexist. There's never been a woman as CEO. I wonder why.
Then it was just a happy accident I guess because I misjudged you badly by thinking that you were supported the indoctrination of children and a perv and feel awfully guilty about it too. So, I offer my most sincerest apologies.

That you consider this "indoctrination" is beyond assinnine. Indoctrination into what????

Teaching children that there are gay couples who adopt children is teaching them about human interactions and families. This isn't "perversion" and the only sickos are the people like Y0U.

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