Notorious 'Proud Boy' arrested in Oregon after fighting in Seattle's CHOP zone

The stupid right wingers on this board have no idea what is happening in CHOP.

As far as they're concerned if other far right wingers go there to cause trouble they hope that it's blamed on the people of CHOP. Not the far right wingers who are responsible for the trouble.

I hope that "proud boy" spends a long time in prison for his crimes.
Well a group of well armed Marxist shitbags did go in and drive police away and then simply took command
of a large Seattle neighborhood through the authority a rifle barrel gives people.

So did the people of Chop cause "trouble" or not? I guess not to a super stupid fucked up moron like yourself.
By far...the majority of that 6 block area supported the CHAZ..most of the residents supported it..until the inevitable happened..and the homeless took over...and the 'serious' politicals lost control. How do i know this..well..three days ago i was in Seattle and walked the area...talked to people...most of the complaints were all about the homeless...and the attention. I did not see anywhere near the weapons i see in an average day here in Idaho!
I think CHOP was a joke..much I think those who use the term 'Marxist' incorrectly are morons. Our country didn't go anywhere...a bit of political street theater given notoriety mainly by those of your ilk that make dramatic noises about trivial matters.
So you don't give a fuck and aren't impressed when self admitted
BLM supporting Marixists (their terms for themselves, not mine, save you junior college level politcal theory bullshit for someone who is impressed by blowhards like you).

Our country didn't go anywhere not withstanding the efforts of "war lord" Raz Simone and friends and the utter cowardice of the governor and mayor. It doesn't take too many cowards and couldn't give a fuck
"smart guys" like you giving away chunks of American cities before we have a real shooting war going on.
I guess that's what you like, though. Turns out you are the dangerous joke.

Just a small tip...Marxist Communism is, in theory, anti-State. Any member of a political party that buys into the political process..such as Democrats..are not marxist..I many ignorant are conflating Marxism with Socialism. They are not the same thing.
Tell is to your jr. college friends. BLM considers themselves Marxist revolutionaries and there
are a fucking butt load of politicians that can't kiss too much BLM ass.
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By far...the majority of that 6 block area supported the CHAZ..most of the residents supported it..until the inevitable happened..and the homeless took over...and the 'serious' politicals lost control. How do i know this..well..three days ago i was in Seattle and walked the area...talked to people...most of the complaints were all about the homeless...and the attention. I did not see anywhere near the weapons i see in an average day here in Idaho!
Did you chat with business owners who are now suing Seattle and the governor?
Look for a resident's law suit to come next.
By far...the majority of that 6 block area supported the CHAZ..most of the residents supported it..until the inevitable happened..and the homeless took over...and the 'serious' politicals lost control. How do i know this..well..three days ago i was in Seattle and walked the area...talked to people...most of the complaints were all about the homeless...and the attention. I did not see anywhere near the weapons i see in an average day here in Idaho!
Did you chat with business owners who are now suing Seattle and the governor?
Look for a resident's law suit to come next.
This is America...and people are going to try to get paid....same as it ever was. I did chat with some people in their businesses..the bulk of complaining came from them..and some was all about the homeless people...urinating in doorways....lurking about scaring people..valid complaints...and if they get some beans.

When these sort of events happen..the homeless food and well as a sense of belonging..bring them.
The vermin always do swarm when someone takes over the dumpster and neglects to care for it.
Is that supposed to make people feel better about the morons who were behind CHOP?
It doesn't. It tells me they were idiots who couldn't even care for a plant. Did you see the video
of their "garden"?
They had no business having
the entirety of Capital Hill handed over to them
The vermin always do swarm when someone takes over the dumpster and neglects to care for it.
Is that supposed to make people feel better about the morons who were behind CHOP?
It doesn't. It tells me they were idiots who couldn't even care for a plant. Did you see the video
of their "garden"?
They had no business having
the entirety of Capital Hill handed over to them
Well then...I guess we're lucky that they didn't have "the entirety of Capital Hill' handed to them..but rather a 6 block area at its largest..and was pared down to about 4 by agreement with the city..for traffic reasons.
I'm amazed at how this lil collection of folks...6 blocks at best...has so excited the Right. I wonder how pleased the people there would know they have caused the heads of so many to explode!
I suspect they know and that it's the whole reason they continue.
Some guys just can't get enough! This guy is on probation for fighting..and leaves the state to pick a fight! Another Proud boy......Proud of what remains a mystery to most.

- A Vancouver, Wash., man notorious for brawling in the streets of Portland during political protests is back in jail after allegedly violating his probation and fighting in Seattle's CHOP zone, court records show.

Tusitala "Tiny" Toese of Vancouver was arrested in Oregon and booked into the Multnomah County Jail. Toese is known as a right-wing activist and has been associated with the Proud Boys.
According to court records, Toese showed up at a protest outside Seattle's Capitol Hill Occupied Protest zone and then engaged in a physical fight.
A warrant was issued for his arrest on Tuesday and he was taken into custody.
According to the warrant, Toese is required to obtain permission from his supervising corrections officer before he leaves Clark County. However, on June 15 and 16, a Multnomah County parole and probation officer said she began receiving emails and phone calls that Toese had participated in an assault in Seattle.
The probation officer said several emails included a link to a video that shows Toese push another man while some of his associates punch the man and throw his cell phone to the ground, breaking it. Another video showed Toese and his group walking through the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest area in Seattle.
Toese's community corrections officer told the Multnomah County parole officer that he did not have permission to be in Seattle at the time.
The Multnomah County probation officer also said that Toese has made appearances at recent protests in Portland without permission.
hopefully he beat the living dog shit out a few of the commie bastards.
Those left wingers are so darn violent.

Oh, wait!
I'm amazed at how this lil collection of folks...6 blocks at best...has so excited the Right. I wonder how pleased the people there would know they have caused the heads of so many to explode!

As for dude....he no doubt see himself as a white warrior--representing the cause. Oh least he'll have lots of yard cred when he hits prison!
He's not white you ignorant moron. Jesus Christ just when I don't think demoncrats can get any dumber they manage to do so! stupid inbred piece of shit...I'm not Democrat..however your ignorant ass tends to spell or spin it. Nor did i say he was white..illiterate naif....

But he sees himself.

Yes..he is one fucked up puppy..which just says so much for those who defend him.
Triggered snowflake leftist.

...or not. But it does give you a go-to phrase when you get smacked i guess if it comforts you...

BTW..if you wish to see triggered leftists..turn on the TV..and watch them tearing down your the demographic changes sweep you into the dustpan of history!
Lol. Statues can be rebuilt boy, and these coons ain't seen the fury of the white man yet, our patience has its limits and I am proud to say those I NEVER thought would get off the fence and pick a side FINALLY are and are getting armed and ready because war is coming one way or another.
Well then...I guess we're lucky that they didn't have "the entirety of Capital Hill' handed to them..but rather a 6 block area at its largest..and was pared down to about 4 by agreement with the city..for traffic reasons.
Your perception of reality is contradicted by the media on the matter.
I'm amazed at how this lil collection of folks...6 blocks at best...has so excited the Right. I wonder how pleased the people there would know they have caused the heads of so many to explode!

As for dude....he no doubt see himself as a white warrior--representing the cause. Oh least he'll have lots of yard cred when he hits prison!
sooooo there have been several shootings , murder , rape, arson.... ect in that typical leftist shithole and you are posting about a scuffle ! you are one pathetic pussy .
LOL..another keyboard pathetic. By the looks of this..some of the acts you decry are being commited by the same ilk as not surprising, eh?

I'm posting about this mixed up dude who traveled to make dumbasses here can blame the CHAZ.

Notice the person you replied to gives absolutely no proof of it's claims.
I'm amazed at how this lil collection of folks...6 blocks at best...has so excited the Right. I wonder how pleased the people there would know they have caused the heads of so many to explode!

As for dude....he no doubt see himself as a white warrior--representing the cause. Oh least he'll have lots of yard cred when he hits prison!
Not everyone is as passive as you are

others respect the rule of law, which the CHOP wackos are in violation of
looks like a non-white
Tusitala “Tiny” Toese, a once-prominent member of the Vancouver-based far-right group Patriot Prayer, pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor assault charge in Multnomah County Circuit Court on Tuesday.

Toese was sentenced to two years of probation, 80 hours of community service and he is required to pay restitution to his victim, Timothy Ledwith, who has medical bills from the assault.
“I’m not going to speak on that,” he said. “All I’m going to say is God bless the Proud Boys; God bless everyone of the left; let’s just pray for them. But as for me, I’m Tusitala. No more Tiny. There’s no more big boy Tiny. No more Samoa prowler in the streets; this and that. It’s just Tusitala Toese who I was born and created by God to be.”
He beat up an anti-facist: why? because he is a fascist and the proud boys are as well.
looks non-white to me

That may be, but he is a alt right!!
Dont you think that extremism on the left invites extremism from the right?

Allowing leftwing hoodlums to burn buildings and topple statues is the same thing as inviting a civil war

and since I can read your mind I will answer your next question before you ask it

yes, rightwing rowdies should be stopped if they go on a looting and burning spree also

because they will bring out the nutty lefties
I'm amazed at how this lil collection of folks...6 blocks at best...has so excited the Right. I wonder how pleased the people there would know they have caused the heads of so many to explode!

As for dude....he no doubt see himself as a white warrior--representing the cause. Oh least he'll have lots of yard cred when he hits prison!
Yeah, except they tried to do the same in DC and failed, and this Leftist cancer will continue in every Democrat run city until something is done about it it. That's how it started with the statues, first, it was the confederate ones, now the idiots are after anything that has historical value; the Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt statues, the national anthem, books like Mark Twain etc.

It seems like the only targeting criteria for these lunatics is White or of European ancestry. Pretty soon they'll bring some canons and try to blow up those evil White slave owners faces on Mount Rushmore, just like the Taliban did to those ancient Buddhist statues in Afghanistan.

There really is no difference between the two, both are radical cults that behave like fascists and terrorists, that viciously and violently attack anyone that does not conform to their warped ideology.

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