Notice...this woman did not shoot.....and the idiot kept approaching her....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This incident still has to be looked at to see how this encounter happened...but the noteworthy thing....this woman did not shoot her weapon, even when the idiot kept approaching her.......unlike what the anti gun nuts say....normal people are not keen on ending the life of a stranger.....and in most criminal encounters..they don't....this video is interesting, she keeps the weapon trained on the man, but never pulls the trigger....and the dumbest thing of all....this idiot keeps approaching the woman with the gun pointed at him.......

I guess at the end it shows her interaction with the police....she puts her gun down, they talk, and he instructs her to reholster her weapon.....apparently he isn't afraid of armed civilians.....

Oh....and that is another she is being beaten by 2 people...the woman still does not fire the weapon.....

VIDEO Woman Pulls Out Gun To Defend Herself During Restaurant Brawl Concealed Nation

The details on the incident shown above are extremely vague, but it seems that the officer’s actions at the end point to the woman being justified in drawing her firearm, at least preliminary.

It’s important to note at the very beginning of the video, the armed woman is seen pistol-whipping the woman she is fighting with. At that point, the male comes into the mix and starts beating the armed woman while she still has her firearm in hand. Also, her trigger discipline stays on-point the entire time.

She may be an off duty officer......which would make this guy even dumber....
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Women are sometimes just too fearful of taking that step. That's why so many die when they could save themselves.
This incident still has to be looked at to see how this encounter happened...but the noteworthy thing....this woman did not shoot her weapon, even when the idiot kept approaching her.......unlike what the anti gun nuts say....normal people are not keen on ending the life of a stranger.....and in most criminal encounters..they don't....this video is interesting, she keeps the weapon trained on the man, but never pulls the trigger....and the dumbest thing of all....this idiot keeps approaching the woman with the gun pointed at him.......

I guess at the end it shows her interaction with the police....she puts her gun down, they talk, and he instructs her to reholster her weapon.....apparently he isn't afraid of armed civilians.....

Oh....and that is another she is being beaten by 2 people...the woman still does not fire the weapon.....

VIDEO Woman Pulls Out Gun To Defend Herself During Restaurant Brawl Concealed Nation

The details on the incident shown above are extremely vague, but it seems that the officer’s actions at the end point to the woman being justified in drawing her firearm, at least preliminary.

It’s important to note at the very beginning of the video, the armed woman is seen pistol-whipping the woman she is fighting with. At that point, the male comes into the mix and starts beating the armed woman while she still has her firearm in hand. Also, her trigger discipline stays on-point the entire time.

She may be an off duty officer......which would make this guy even dumber....

I think he figured out she wasn't going to shoot.
No one truly knows whether they can actually take a life until they're confronted by that situation. Some people just can't do it. Happens in combat also.
This incident still has to be looked at to see how this encounter happened...but the noteworthy thing....this woman did not shoot her weapon, even when the idiot kept approaching her.......unlike what the anti gun nuts say....normal people are not keen on ending the life of a stranger.....and in most criminal encounters..they don't....this video is interesting, she keeps the weapon trained on the man, but never pulls the trigger....and the dumbest thing of all....this idiot keeps approaching the woman with the gun pointed at him.......

I guess at the end it shows her interaction with the police....she puts her gun down, they talk, and he instructs her to reholster her weapon.....apparently he isn't afraid of armed civilians.....

Oh....and that is another she is being beaten by 2 people...the woman still does not fire the weapon.....

VIDEO Woman Pulls Out Gun To Defend Herself During Restaurant Brawl Concealed Nation

The details on the incident shown above are extremely vague, but it seems that the officer’s actions at the end point to the woman being justified in drawing her firearm, at least preliminary.

It’s important to note at the very beginning of the video, the armed woman is seen pistol-whipping the woman she is fighting with. At that point, the male comes into the mix and starts beating the armed woman while she still has her firearm in hand. Also, her trigger discipline stays on-point the entire time.

She may be an off duty officer......which would make this guy even dumber....

You realize you have also recently posted several defenses where the criminal was shot dead right?
This incident still has to be looked at to see how this encounter happened...but the noteworthy thing....this woman did not shoot her weapon, even when the idiot kept approaching her.......unlike what the anti gun nuts say....normal people are not keen on ending the life of a stranger.....and in most criminal encounters..they don't....this video is interesting, she keeps the weapon trained on the man, but never pulls the trigger....and the dumbest thing of all....this idiot keeps approaching the woman with the gun pointed at him.......

I guess at the end it shows her interaction with the police....she puts her gun down, they talk, and he instructs her to reholster her weapon.....apparently he isn't afraid of armed civilians.....

Oh....and that is another she is being beaten by 2 people...the woman still does not fire the weapon.....

VIDEO Woman Pulls Out Gun To Defend Herself During Restaurant Brawl Concealed Nation

The details on the incident shown above are extremely vague, but it seems that the officer’s actions at the end point to the woman being justified in drawing her firearm, at least preliminary.

It’s important to note at the very beginning of the video, the armed woman is seen pistol-whipping the woman she is fighting with. At that point, the male comes into the mix and starts beating the armed woman while she still has her firearm in hand. Also, her trigger discipline stays on-point the entire time.

She may be an off duty officer......which would make this guy even dumber....

You realize you have also recently posted several defenses where the criminal was shot dead right?

Brain....did I ever say that the criminal was never shot.....really? Sometimes criminals are stupid...and they actually advance against an armed and determined victim......
No one truly knows whether they can actually take a life until they're confronted by that situation. Some people just can't do it. Happens in combat also.
I read a study on that once.

Some people will die in combat before they will shoot another person.
She pistol whipped a woman and the boyfriend came to her defense... let's see how this plays out.

Don't know how that started.......she may have been defending herself from an initial attack.....
This incident still has to be looked at to see how this encounter happened...but the noteworthy thing....this woman did not shoot her weapon, even when the idiot kept approaching her.......unlike what the anti gun nuts say....normal people are not keen on ending the life of a stranger.....and in most criminal encounters..they don't....this video is interesting, she keeps the weapon trained on the man, but never pulls the trigger....and the dumbest thing of all....this idiot keeps approaching the woman with the gun pointed at him.......

I guess at the end it shows her interaction with the police....she puts her gun down, they talk, and he instructs her to reholster her weapon.....apparently he isn't afraid of armed civilians.....

Oh....and that is another she is being beaten by 2 people...the woman still does not fire the weapon.....

VIDEO Woman Pulls Out Gun To Defend Herself During Restaurant Brawl Concealed Nation

The details on the incident shown above are extremely vague, but it seems that the officer’s actions at the end point to the woman being justified in drawing her firearm, at least preliminary.

It’s important to note at the very beginning of the video, the armed woman is seen pistol-whipping the woman she is fighting with. At that point, the male comes into the mix and starts beating the armed woman while she still has her firearm in hand. Also, her trigger discipline stays on-point the entire time.

She may be an off duty officer......which would make this guy even dumber....

I think he figured out she wasn't going to shoot.
I knew a stupid girl years ago.

A guy tried to break in, so, she got her dad's WWII Luger.

She couldn't pull the trigger when she needed to, when the guy returned, he grabbed the gun, and it damned near blew her leg off; bullet entered the thigh, exited the ankle.

She lost the Lugar too, documented to have come from a German general, and worth a lot of money.

Don't know it if ever surfaced again or not.

Moral of the story, don't have the gun if you cannot pull the trigger.
This incident still has to be looked at to see how this encounter happened...but the noteworthy thing....this woman did not shoot her weapon, even when the idiot kept approaching her.......unlike what the anti gun nuts say....normal people are not keen on ending the life of a stranger.....and in most criminal encounters..they don't....this video is interesting, she keeps the weapon trained on the man, but never pulls the trigger....and the dumbest thing of all....this idiot keeps approaching the woman with the gun pointed at him.......

I guess at the end it shows her interaction with the police....she puts her gun down, they talk, and he instructs her to reholster her weapon.....apparently he isn't afraid of armed civilians.....

Oh....and that is another she is being beaten by 2 people...the woman still does not fire the weapon.....

VIDEO Woman Pulls Out Gun To Defend Herself During Restaurant Brawl Concealed Nation

The details on the incident shown above are extremely vague, but it seems that the officer’s actions at the end point to the woman being justified in drawing her firearm, at least preliminary.

It’s important to note at the very beginning of the video, the armed woman is seen pistol-whipping the woman she is fighting with. At that point, the male comes into the mix and starts beating the armed woman while she still has her firearm in hand. Also, her trigger discipline stays on-point the entire time.

She may be an off duty officer......which would make this guy even dumber....

I think he figured out she wasn't going to shoot.
I knew a stupid girl years ago.

A guy tried to break in, so, she got her dad's WWII Luger.

She couldn't pull the trigger when she needed to, when the guy returned, he grabbed the gun, and it damned near blew her leg off; bullet entered the thigh, exited the ankle.

She lost the Lugar too, documented to have come from a German general, and worth a lot of money.

Don't know it if ever surfaced again or not.

Moral of the story, don't have the gun if you cannot pull the trigger.

My buddies secretary has a useless asshole boyfriend who beat on her.
She pulled a nine on him and shot him in the he's out of jail and living with her again.
Some people never learn...
This incident still has to be looked at to see how this encounter happened...but the noteworthy thing....this woman did not shoot her weapon, even when the idiot kept approaching her.......unlike what the anti gun nuts say....normal people are not keen on ending the life of a stranger.....and in most criminal encounters..they don't....this video is interesting, she keeps the weapon trained on the man, but never pulls the trigger....and the dumbest thing of all....this idiot keeps approaching the woman with the gun pointed at him.......

I guess at the end it shows her interaction with the police....she puts her gun down, they talk, and he instructs her to reholster her weapon.....apparently he isn't afraid of armed civilians.....

Oh....and that is another she is being beaten by 2 people...the woman still does not fire the weapon.....

VIDEO Woman Pulls Out Gun To Defend Herself During Restaurant Brawl Concealed Nation

The details on the incident shown above are extremely vague, but it seems that the officer’s actions at the end point to the woman being justified in drawing her firearm, at least preliminary.

It’s important to note at the very beginning of the video, the armed woman is seen pistol-whipping the woman she is fighting with. At that point, the male comes into the mix and starts beating the armed woman while she still has her firearm in hand. Also, her trigger discipline stays on-point the entire time.

She may be an off duty officer......which would make this guy even dumber....

I think he figured out she wasn't going to shoot.
I knew a stupid girl years ago.

A guy tried to break in, so, she got her dad's WWII Luger.

She couldn't pull the trigger when she needed to, when the guy returned, he grabbed the gun, and it damned near blew her leg off; bullet entered the thigh, exited the ankle.

She lost the Lugar too, documented to have come from a German general, and worth a lot of money.

Don't know it if ever surfaced again or not.

Moral of the story, don't have the gun if you cannot pull the trigger.

You know, there are several of those that have come up missing. Twenty years ago, or so the stories go, a lot of people had a Lugar that was either stolen and sold by a no-good rotten family relation or a no good rotten "friend" of that relation. I have heard this story repeatedly.

I bet (but cannot verify) that people don't realize they can't pull the trigger until they find themselves in any type of situation that demanded it. That's the wrong time to find out.
This incident still has to be looked at to see how this encounter happened...but the noteworthy thing....this woman did not shoot her weapon, even when the idiot kept approaching her.......unlike what the anti gun nuts say....normal people are not keen on ending the life of a stranger.....and in most criminal encounters..they don't....this video is interesting, she keeps the weapon trained on the man, but never pulls the trigger....and the dumbest thing of all....this idiot keeps approaching the woman with the gun pointed at him.......

I guess at the end it shows her interaction with the police....she puts her gun down, they talk, and he instructs her to reholster her weapon.....apparently he isn't afraid of armed civilians.....

Oh....and that is another she is being beaten by 2 people...the woman still does not fire the weapon.....

VIDEO Woman Pulls Out Gun To Defend Herself During Restaurant Brawl Concealed Nation

The details on the incident shown above are extremely vague, but it seems that the officer’s actions at the end point to the woman being justified in drawing her firearm, at least preliminary.

It’s important to note at the very beginning of the video, the armed woman is seen pistol-whipping the woman she is fighting with. At that point, the male comes into the mix and starts beating the armed woman while she still has her firearm in hand. Also, her trigger discipline stays on-point the entire time.

She may be an off duty officer......which would make this guy even dumber....

I think he figured out she wasn't going to shoot.
I knew a stupid girl years ago.

A guy tried to break in, so, she got her dad's WWII Luger.

She couldn't pull the trigger when she needed to, when the guy returned, he grabbed the gun, and it damned near blew her leg off; bullet entered the thigh, exited the ankle.

She lost the Lugar too, documented to have come from a German general, and worth a lot of money.

Don't know it if ever surfaced again or not.

Moral of the story, don't have the gun if you cannot pull the trigger.

My buddies secretary has a useless asshole boyfriend who beat on her.
She pulled a nine on him and shot him in the he's out of jail and living with her again.
Some people never learn...

I am pretty sure my sister shot her boyfriend, but, they swear it was an accident.

Some women are just so worthless they dig the violence because the feel they deserve it.

She is that kind.
This incident still has to be looked at to see how this encounter happened...but the noteworthy thing....this woman did not shoot her weapon, even when the idiot kept approaching her.......unlike what the anti gun nuts say....normal people are not keen on ending the life of a stranger.....and in most criminal encounters..they don't....this video is interesting, she keeps the weapon trained on the man, but never pulls the trigger....and the dumbest thing of all....this idiot keeps approaching the woman with the gun pointed at him.......

I guess at the end it shows her interaction with the police....she puts her gun down, they talk, and he instructs her to reholster her weapon.....apparently he isn't afraid of armed civilians.....

Oh....and that is another she is being beaten by 2 people...the woman still does not fire the weapon.....

VIDEO Woman Pulls Out Gun To Defend Herself During Restaurant Brawl Concealed Nation

The details on the incident shown above are extremely vague, but it seems that the officer’s actions at the end point to the woman being justified in drawing her firearm, at least preliminary.

It’s important to note at the very beginning of the video, the armed woman is seen pistol-whipping the woman she is fighting with. At that point, the male comes into the mix and starts beating the armed woman while she still has her firearm in hand. Also, her trigger discipline stays on-point the entire time.

She may be an off duty officer......which would make this guy even dumber....

I think he figured out she wasn't going to shoot.
I knew a stupid girl years ago.

A guy tried to break in, so, she got her dad's WWII Luger.

She couldn't pull the trigger when she needed to, when the guy returned, he grabbed the gun, and it damned near blew her leg off; bullet entered the thigh, exited the ankle.

She lost the Lugar too, documented to have come from a German general, and worth a lot of money.

Don't know it if ever surfaced again or not.

Moral of the story, don't have the gun if you cannot pull the trigger.

You know, there are several of those that have come up missing. Twenty years ago, or so the stories go, a lot of people had a Lugar that was either stolen and sold by a no-good rotten family relation or a no good rotten "friend" of that relation. I have heard this story repeatedly.

I bet (but cannot verify) that people don't realize they can't pull the trigger until they find themselves in any type of situation that demanded it. That's the wrong time to find out.
Lugars are very valuable, and have long been prized by thieves.

And that is the wrong time to find out.

Another thing that is really bad to find out, is that you pulled the trigger when you should not have.
The chick showed some great poise. I believe she would have shot the dude had he continued to approach.

Really? After he figured out that she wasn't going to shoot he just started screwing with her.

But you notice he kept his distance. And as much as he deserved a bullet you cant shoot someone for telling you to suck his dick.
But his attitude is a fine example of what gets blacks shot on a regular basis.
The chick showed some great poise. I believe she would have shot the dude had he continued to approach.

Really? After he figured out that she wasn't going to shoot he just started screwing with her.

But you notice he kept his distance. And as much as he deserved a bullet you cant shoot someone for telling you to suck his dick.
But his attitude is a fine example of what gets blacks shot on a regular basis.

Sure, the moment had passed where she could have shot him and she could have been defending herself. He moved toward her and back and ran his mouth. He wouldn't have done that if he knew that she would shoot. People sense fear like other animals.

I'd like to know who was screaming at the end of the video and why they waited until the cop showed up to scream.
This incident still has to be looked at to see how this encounter happened...but the noteworthy thing....this woman did not shoot her weapon, even when the idiot kept approaching her.......unlike what the anti gun nuts say....normal people are not keen on ending the life of a stranger.....and in most criminal encounters..they don't....this video is interesting, she keeps the weapon trained on the man, but never pulls the trigger....and the dumbest thing of all....this idiot keeps approaching the woman with the gun pointed at him.......

I guess at the end it shows her interaction with the police....she puts her gun down, they talk, and he instructs her to reholster her weapon.....apparently he isn't afraid of armed civilians.....

Oh....and that is another she is being beaten by 2 people...the woman still does not fire the weapon.....

VIDEO Woman Pulls Out Gun To Defend Herself During Restaurant Brawl Concealed Nation

The details on the incident shown above are extremely vague, but it seems that the officer’s actions at the end point to the woman being justified in drawing her firearm, at least preliminary.

It’s important to note at the very beginning of the video, the armed woman is seen pistol-whipping the woman she is fighting with. At that point, the male comes into the mix and starts beating the armed woman while she still has her firearm in hand. Also, her trigger discipline stays on-point the entire time.

She may be an off duty officer......which would make this guy even dumber....

You realize you have also recently posted several defenses where the criminal was shot dead right?

Brain....did I ever say that the criminal was never shot.....really? Sometimes criminals are stupid...and they actually advance against an armed and determined victim......

No but it's funny that you claim they are almost never shot and killed, and post several stories where they are shot and killed. I guess you want both to be true defendng on what you are trying to defend.
The chick showed some great poise. I believe she would have shot the dude had he continued to approach.

Really? After he figured out that she wasn't going to shoot he just started screwing with her.

But you notice he kept his distance. And as much as he deserved a bullet you cant shoot someone for telling you to suck his dick.
But his attitude is a fine example of what gets blacks shot on a regular basis.

Sure, the moment had passed where she could have shot him and she could have been defending herself. He moved toward her and back and ran his mouth. He wouldn't have done that if he knew that she would shoot. People sense fear like other animals.

I'd like to know who was screaming at the end of the video and why they waited until the cop showed up to scream.

Thats the chick the women with the gun was fighting with.
Apparently some blacks lack that sense and will run their mouth and try to intimidate sometimes with deadly results. Mike Brown would be a perfect example of that attitude.

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