Nothing suspicious about what I have experienced with hospitals here, including my MRI? Check this out.


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I requested my images from my MRI as I want to see them myself as what they admitted to isn't sufficient enough.

Here is what they are trying to force me to agree to in order for them to release these images and records after it was clear that they were not mine:

"I, (ShockedCanadian), hereby waive all claims against this (Ontario hospital), its doctors, employees and agents for all purposes whatsoever in connection with said communication and disclosure of information in the said records."

Wake up America, you are assisting East Germany and they are gunning to change YOUR nation into ours via your police apparatus.

May Donald H, his creepy lineage and his co-workers face the judgement that only G-d can provide.
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I requested my images from my MRI as I want to see them myself as what they admitted to isn't sufficient enough.

Here is what they are trying to force me to agree to in order for them to release these images and records after it was clear that they were not mine:

"I, (ShockedCanadian), hereby waive all claims against this (Ontario hospital), its doctors, employees and agents for all purposes whatsoever in connection with said communication and disclosure of information in the said records."

Wake up America, you are assisting East Germany and they are gunning to change YOUR nation into ours via your police apparatus.

May Donald H, his creepy lineage and his co-workers face the judgement that only G-d can provide.
Strange. Anytime I have had imaging, such as cat scans, no matter where I have gotten it, or who sent me, I ask for a copy of the disk at time of scan and receive it. I also make sure copy is sent to my primary care clinic. Most people, simply do not ask. It take special software to view on home computer systems, but the software is available free, online.
Anybody know who we contact in Canada for a psych variety wellness check?
Anybody know who we contact in Canada for a psych variety wellness check?
You deflect from the facts.

These are facts. This was the requirement I needed to sign to get these images.

What in the hell would a "psych test" have to do with a formal, forced consent form?
Strange. Anytime I have had imaging, such as cat scans, no matter where I have gotten it, or who sent me, I ask for a copy of the disk at time of scan and receive it. I also make sure copy is sent to my primary care clinic. Most people, simply do not ask. It take special software to view on home computer systems, but the software is available free, online.
Do you know the name of this software as I had a disk in the past but couldn't open it.
Do you know the name of this software as I had a disk in the past but couldn't open it.
Different ones use different softwares. I am pretty sure the paid version does even more, than free versions, but the free versions are great, an allow you to see layer by layer and identify anomalies, plus there are YouTube examples online for comparison. My most recent was last year's chest scans, but I do not remember software name on that, but did get it from online. Do a search for free software for cat scans or call the clinic that took the pics and ask what software it takes to view it. It is not a secret, and the imaging techs that actually shoot the series are helpful.
Anybody know who we contact in Canada for a psych variety wellness check?
Don't bank on communication with justifiably paranoid Canadians. Having written to Canadian academia about an endangered butterfly, after a month, still no reply.
Different ones use different softwares. I am pretty sure the paid version does even more, than free versions, but the free versions are great, an allow you to see layer by layer and identify anomalies, plus there are YouTube examples online for comparison. My most recent was last year's chest scans, but I do not remember software name on that, but did get it from online. Do a search for free software for cat scans or call the clinic that took the pics and ask what software it takes to view it. It is not a secret, and the imaging techs that actually shoot the series are helpful.
Where does a non-patient request MRI images of say, diffuse midline glioma (always fatal)? If the patient is not identified, why should the images reside as esoterica in the archive? Every DMG patient has something to give to the world, not simply to the theologians of medicine.
Where does a non-patient request MRI images of say, diffuse midline glioma (always fatal)? If the patient is not identified, why should the images reside as esoterica in the archive? Every DMG patient has something to give to the world, not simply to the theologians of medicine.
Google or in my case DuckDuckGo search and YouTube search, should turn up images, possibly discussion. Before selecting my orthopedic surgery, that is the method I used, as I am not a spectator in my own healthcare decisions. I simply needed other examples to compare with personal imagery I had on disk, before choosing a course of action with the surgeon, my primary care people recommended.
I do hope you find the information you need and wish you the best.
Google or in my case DuckDuckGo search and YouTube search, should turn up images, possibly discussion. Before selecting my orthopedic surgery, that is the method I used, as I am not a spectator in my own healthcare decisions. I simply needed other examples to compare with personal imagery I had on disk, before choosing a course of action with the surgeon, my primary care people recommended.
I do hope you find the information you need and wish you the best.
Yes, the problem is that one may be personally involved in a DMG case. Where does the privacy end and international education begin? Every case is unique in its own way, so (all [italics]) images should be made fair game for examination.
Don't bank on communication with justifiably paranoid Canadians. Having written to Canadian academia about an endangered butterfly, after a month, still no reply.
I sent them an email telling them I was appalled that I have to waive any personally responsibility on their part in order to see my images. I asked "why would you require this if all you did was conduct an MRI of my head"?

They weren't responsible for interpreting it or anything. It is clear they may have something to hide and it is a constant reminder, as I have told Americans for many years; we are living in a centralized, controlled East German system where even our healthcare is weaponized if the state deems you as very broadly defined "undesirable" .

Their response was one for the ages, basically "if you don't sign the waiver of responsibility we cannot provide these images to you".

In America lawsuits may be cumbersome and out of hand, It does keep government in check. We have a problem to the contrary. I fear even being framed for something, this is how far the Security Industrial Complex can operate. If you want to be a part of this system, than continue to follow us. Don't blame the average Joe who tried to warn you.
I suspect the waiver of responsibility might be to protect them if you should do something that violates privacy rights and to protect them from any accusations of unauthorized use. Just a thought.
I sent them an email telling them I was appalled that I have to waive any personally responsibility on their part in order to see my images. I asked "why would you require this if all you did was conduct an MRI of my head"?

They weren't responsible for interpreting it or anything. It is clear they may have something to hide and it is a constant reminder, as I have told Americans for many years; we are living in a centralized, controlled East German system where even our healthcare is weaponized if the state deems you as very broadly defined "undesirable" .

Their response was one for the ages, basically "if you don't sign the waiver of responsibility we cannot provide these images to you".

In America lawsuits may be cumbersome and out of hand, It does keep government in check. We have a problem to the contrary. I fear even being framed for something, this is how far the Security Industrial Complex can operate. If you want to be a part of this system, than continue to follow us. Don't blame the average Joe who tried to warn you.
We saw this nazism/fascism begin to rear its head in America about a half-decade ago. Fronting for the smokeless book-burnings to come, was a remodeling of a medical library which signs arrogantly stated, "You're going to love it."

After having removed most of the journals that were previously available to anyone who walked into the library (including the public), the new library looked more like a meet-market and actual books were profoundly scarce.

Next, the confiscated books, now resided in a kind of crematorium whereby they were never consumed in the fire except when a patron would request something, now made precise because browsing the journals was made obsolete by the smokeless book-burning on the one hand, and modernized on the other by mandates that the parton would be (positively identified via the precise request [italics]).

That is the machine we saw evolving. This begins to align with the pathology you are explaining about MRI images, though yours are personal even though they now belong to others. The contradiction is that all images should be available for review by anyone, as long as the patient is (not identified [it.]).
I suspect the waiver of responsibility might be to protect them if you should do something that violates privacy rights and to protect them from any accusations of unauthorized use. Just a thought.
The waiver of responsibility masks a pre-emptive confiscation of what was once private to each patient before the MRI. Therefore at that point, unauthorized use has already become suspect: others have it and where it goes can neither be proven nor disproven. The instant a patient acquires an MRI image, it can go anywhere in the world, (with a name attached to it [it.]), out of the control of those who own the means of producing the image in the first place. So too can the original image go anywhere in the world, at the whim of the owner, which actual ownership is now in question.
So did the patient sign a waiver for the MRI, allowing it to go anywhere to the discretion of the medical authority? If it did, there is a contradiction here, made very clear with the DMG example above.
I sent them an email telling them I was appalled that I have to waive any personally responsibility on their part in order to see my images. I asked "why would you require this if all you did was conduct an MRI of my head"?

They weren't responsible for interpreting it or anything. It is clear they may have something to hide and it is a constant reminder, as I have told Americans for many years; we are living in a centralized, controlled East German system where even our healthcare is weaponized if the state deems you as very broadly defined "undesirable" .

Their response was one for the ages, basically "if you don't sign the waiver of responsibility we cannot provide these images to you".

In America lawsuits may be cumbersome and out of hand, It does keep government in check. We have a problem to the contrary. I fear even being framed for something, this is how far the Security Industrial Complex can operate. If you want to be a part of this system, than continue to follow us. Don't blame the average Joe who tried to warn you.
Producing the image in the first place was impossible without you. Then you are confronted with one-sided, biased disclosure parameters and possible litigation threats, while being unsure of who else your image is benefitting. Post-pandemic, when science went mad.
Producing the image in the first place was impossible without you. Then you are confronted with one-sided, biased disclosure parameters and possible litigation threats, while being unsure of who else your image is benefitting. Post-pandemic, when science went mad.
No. I suspect it isn't my image. They have already confirmed an error and I need to know more as my pains remain.
Oh, it's more complicated. Do you know anything other than there was an error? An error in treatment or diagnosis?

It isn't my MRI, by design I suspect.

The pains haven't gone away, the symptoms are there and these criminal, wannabe Stasi members and all who support them wish to deny this.

May they all face appropriate judgement by G-d.

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