Nothing positive about illegal immigration.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Sarahi Uribe and Mark Krikarian discussing illegal immigration on C-Span.

If employers had to pay employees more they would hire less and not more. So the rhetoric that amnesty for aliens would create more jobs and higher wages and more taxes is a lie.

“All aliens are not Hispanic” but the majority is because we are on the border with Mexico and not China.

Aliens do not create jobs and they do not contribute more to our economy than they cost in education, healthcare, welfare and incarcerations and law enforcement. Because they are law income earners and pay very little in taxes in any and they send billions earned here back to Mexico going into Mexico’s economy and not ours. Remittances sent back to Mexico is second biggest contribution to Mexico’s economy.

Work permits, green cards is amnesty no matter how you call it.

Sarihi Uribe cannot defend illegal immigration with a straight face and appear truthful. Her saying; “We are not going to deport 12 million people” is more rhetoric. Yes we can and why not? We begin deporting them one by one and year by year and we will deport 12 million. Not round 12 million up today and deport 12 million today.

Those 8 million aliens in the work force will gradually release 8 million jobs open to unemployed Americans. Anyone that say we do not have 8 million unskilled Americans will flip burger, clean rooms, what dishes, cut lawns, build, paint and clean buildings is stupid.

Religion, Jesus and compassion should not be an issue in reducing alien population. And we are a country of compassion and of laws. Children of aliens should not be anchors, either. They can take their American born children with them just as they brought their Mexican born children with them. Mexico did not stop them and we should not stop them either.
And they are not “illegal aliens” they are legally just plain aliens. Alien means illegal.
52 per cent of illegals have at least one person in their family receiving government benefits.
America supplies their welfare benefits and in a misguded effort to eliminate the Second Amendment to the Constitution, sent them ten million dollars, from the stimulus bill, of the most effective method of birth control known today.
Here in Massachusetts an illegal ran over and dragged a man to death. He was previously arrested for various crimes and never deported. Our governor, Patrick "Sweetpea" Deval, refuses to enforce the security laws and doesn't even acknowledge the problem.
Illegal Immigration is simply a bad thing that is hurting this country.
And they are unfairly making it harder for people who want to immigrate over here the LEGAL way.

Even if they pay taxes in some way, they don't pay house taxes, income taxes, house taxes, and their annual taxes for everything else. And they just run up charges on out government.

And look at this war on drugs. It's getting worse and it's fueling illegal immigration even more!
It's time we got involved and help Mexico exterminate the cartels.
Here in Massachusetts an illegal ran over and dragged a man to death. He was previously arrested for various crimes and never deported. Our governor, Patrick "Sweetpea" Deval, refuses to enforce the security laws and doesn't even acknowledge the problem.

He is also refusing to deport Obama's Uncle who got busted drinking and driving and with a fake social security number AGAIN!

The new ICE laws that Obama's immigration office passed says he must deport both of them.

Obama's Uncle Obama resisted arrest and the other guy committed vehicluar manslaughter, both of which are violent and fall under obama's new ICE guidelines for deportation.
If I break into the home of the president of La Raza and tell him I want to live there, I bet he would throw a fit. If the shoe fits wear it, adios MF
4pm 9-01-11, I was involved in some unpleasant business involving anchor cry babies. These Mexicans are so petty, so childish. They DEMAND sensitivity, but they are insensitive as hell. A couple of nights ago, I was just walking my puppy dog a half a block from my own house, when a group of xenophobic Mexicans intimidated and harassed me. They have done this before . But, when I post these things , I read all the NICEY- NICE post by liberals telling me I am a creep for resenting and posting against wetbacks, but I digress. I have been in the area over twenty five years. I USED to be a liberal, I knew a family that moved here to prove their liberal credentials. At least, that is what I think they were doing. Until, their daughters were sexually assaulted by the MEXICAN kids next door. Then, they realized this wasn’t a game by their rules, the MEXICANS are the ones that write the rules here. And they don’t play nice. SO? The liberals left. Score one against liberal backbone. I get hated on, but, it’s OK. There must be a mathematical expression for this: Your appreciation for illegal aliens is directionally relative to your proximity . The inverse of their proximity is proportional to their redeeming qualities . The farther away, the better.
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If there's nothing positive about illegal immigration to the US, why do so many of them have jobs here?

There is nothing positive for the average American taxpayer. It benefits sleazy businesses looking for cheap labor, and the illegals themselves. There is nothing in it for us, who are footing the bill and paying their "fair share".
If there's nothing positive about illegal immigration to the US, why do so many of them have jobs here?

Could it be that businesses are addicted to cheap labor?:confused:
You belive that 8 million illegal aliens working and taking jobs and lowering wages of American citizens is POSITIVE?
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If there's nothing positive about illegal immigration to the US, why do so many of them have jobs here?

There is nothing positive for the average American taxpayer. It benefits sleazy businesses looking for cheap labor, and the illegals themselves. There is nothing in it for us, who are footing the bill and paying their "fair share".

Agreed. All that I implied is that there is something positive in it for someone or they wouldn't be here.
If there's nothing positive about illegal immigration to the US, why do so many of them have jobs here?

Could it be that businesses are addicted to cheap labor?:confused:
You belive that 8 million illegal aliens working and taking jobs and lowering wages of American citizens is POSITIVE?

I didn't say that I thought it was positive. I said that it was positive for someone. Knowing who that someone is, is what allows us to accurately frame the question of illegal immigration.
The illegal alien invasion is just another way of destroying America. The politicians want "One World Government" and they have to take down America before they can have it. We Americans have to stop them anyway we can...
UIllegal immigrants provide jobs for over 17,000 border patrol agents, not counting the INS staff.
And that is just along the Mexican border.
The illegal alien invasion is just another way of destroying America. The politicians want "One World Government" and they have to take down America before they can have it. We Americans have to stop them anyway we can...

It's not so much a matter of politicians wanting one world government as it is financiers and corporations wanting a one world market. And we're just about there.

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