Nothing Is Sacred To dims


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Nothing. Not even in Service to our Country can they be trusted to do their jobs without introducing their sick, twisted, diseased politics.

Heads need to roll for this. People need to be Dishonorably Discharged over this.


The US Military is supposed to be COMPLETELY devoid of Politics. Not a little bit -- I mean COMPLETELY.

But dimocraps just can't be trusted to do their jobs -- Ever, without bringing their personal politics into it

Army Diversity Training Session Features Slides To Teach Soldiers About “White Privilege”…

Shorter slide: White soldiers should hate themselves for being white and minority soldiers are “victims” of a white supremacist society.

Via USA Today:

Army officials are investigating a diversity training briefing at Fort Gordon, Ga., in which a slide about “white privilege” was inappropriately shown to soldiers, according to an Army spokeswoman

The Equal Opportunity briefing took place Thursday for about 400 soldiers of the 67th Signal Battalion, Capt. Lindsay Roman, an Army spokeswoman, said Friday. The slide titled “The Luxury of Obliviousness” has bullet-point items about “white privilege.”

One item reads, “Race privilege gives whites little reason to pay a lot of attention to African Americans or to how white privilege affects them. ‘To be white in America means not having to think about it.’ ”

An image of the slide appeared later Thursday on a Facebook page and generated a torrent of negative comments about political correctness run amok.

The presentation was not authorized, nor was it part of the standard slides shown to soldiers, Roman said.
Nothing. Not even in Service to our Country can they be trusted to do their jobs without introducing their sick, twisted, diseased politics.

Heads need to roll for this. People need to be Dishonorably Discharged over this.


The US Military is supposed to be COMPLETELY devoid of Politics. Not a little bit -- I mean COMPLETELY.

Uh, Edgy, the Army was showing racial sensitivity films to new recruits back in 1981. I remember it well, at Fort Sill, OK.

which is understandable, when you get a bunch of kids, a lot of whom never went to school with people of other races and then you are throwing them all into the same barracks.
Nothing. Not even in Service to our Country can they be trusted to do their jobs without introducing their sick, twisted, diseased politics.

Heads need to roll for this. People need to be Dishonorably Discharged over this.


The US Military is supposed to be COMPLETELY devoid of Politics. Not a little bit -- I mean COMPLETELY.

But dimocraps just can't be trusted to do their jobs -- Ever, without bringing their personal politics into it

Army Diversity Training Session Features Slides To Teach Soldiers About “White Privilege”…

Shorter slide: White soldiers should hate themselves for being white and minority soldiers are “victims” of a white supremacist society.

Via USA Today:

Army officials are investigating a diversity training briefing at Fort Gordon, Ga., in which a slide about “white privilege” was inappropriately shown to soldiers, according to an Army spokeswoman

The Equal Opportunity briefing took place Thursday for about 400 soldiers of the 67th Signal Battalion, Capt. Lindsay Roman, an Army spokeswoman, said Friday. The slide titled “The Luxury of Obliviousness” has bullet-point items about “white privilege.”

One item reads, “Race privilege gives whites little reason to pay a lot of attention to African Americans or to how white privilege affects them. ‘To be white in America means not having to think about it.’ ”

An image of the slide appeared later Thursday on a Facebook page and generated a torrent of negative comments about political correctness run amok.

The presentation was not authorized, nor was it part of the standard slides shown to soldiers, Roman said.

The Army takes racial diversity very seriously. They have no tolerance for people failing to respect and value fellow soldiers of all races. Not because of any politics or anything like that. Because it's simply the Army way, because it's the tactically correct attitude. When you're in a combat zone there is only one color that matters the red blood you're going to bleed when you get blown to pieces. The Army is very adamant that the only skin color that exists in their ranks should be the color of your uniform.
Nothing. Not even in Service to our Country can they be trusted to do their jobs without introducing their sick, twisted, diseased politics.

Heads need to roll for this. People need to be Dishonorably Discharged over this.


The US Military is supposed to be COMPLETELY devoid of Politics. Not a little bit -- I mean COMPLETELY.

But dimocraps just can't be trusted to do their jobs -- Ever, without bringing their personal politics into it

Army Diversity Training Session Features Slides To Teach Soldiers About “White Privilege”…

Shorter slide: White soldiers should hate themselves for being white and minority soldiers are “victims” of a white supremacist society.

Via USA Today:

Army officials are investigating a diversity training briefing at Fort Gordon, Ga., in which a slide about “white privilege” was inappropriately shown to soldiers, according to an Army spokeswoman

The Equal Opportunity briefing took place Thursday for about 400 soldiers of the 67th Signal Battalion, Capt. Lindsay Roman, an Army spokeswoman, said Friday. The slide titled “The Luxury of Obliviousness” has bullet-point items about “white privilege.”

One item reads, “Race privilege gives whites little reason to pay a lot of attention to African Americans or to how white privilege affects them. ‘To be white in America means not having to think about it.’ ”

An image of the slide appeared later Thursday on a Facebook page and generated a torrent of negative comments about political correctness run amok.

The presentation was not authorized, nor was it part of the standard slides shown to soldiers, Roman said.

Interesting that the OP believes only Repubs are racist.
So, simultaneously we're getting 1) pissing and moaning about references to supposedly imaginary white privilege

and from the same people 2) demands that businesses be allowed to discriminate against people of color.

So, simultaneously we're getting 1) pissing and moaning about references to supposedly imaginary white privilege

and from the same people 2) demands that businesses be allowed to discriminate against people of color.


We see the same disconnect with gay and women related issues.

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