" Not since the Civil War have we seen this

The Nazi democrats are waging civil war - what they view as a Bolshevik Revolution, to overthrow the Constitution of the United States and establish a fascist, collectivist dictatorship.

That's what's going on.
So are we Nazi's, Leninists, fascists, or communists? Seemingly you think we are all 4 at the same time.
Coming from a brain dead Republican, your source is quite spurious and need not be taken seriously.
My source is you, and you're right, no one take you seriously.
Isn't it coincidental to all republicans their opposition is invariable communist, low IQ, atheist, anti American and unpatriotic?
Why is that do you think? Forget the last sentence, you don't think dickhead.

Aww, poor Nazi is butthurt.

You are indeed extremely low on the intelligence quotient scale. Honestly, I don't think you're stupid because you're a Nazi, you're a Nazi because you're stupid. Fascism attracts those like you, those incapable of reasoning and logical thought.
RE: Poster "Uncensored:


Well, poster CN, may I offer some pushback on your sentiment? A contrasting view?

Here's my take on the good poster Uncensored:
He is the poster boy for TrumpThink MAGAHats.
He's the avatar for the forum's Trumper constituency.
As such, he is a wonderful example of a bad example.

Now, he's not alone in that 'proto-typical representative' category. There are others. Their exact avatar handles escapes me right now, but we've got the guy paralyzed by Jew-phobia and who claims it was they who created and led ISIS, and burned down the Twin Towers; and we've got the golfer guy who can't complete sentences without using the 'f-bomb' (actually we got a couple of those types). Then too, we've got the guy who keeps predicting that Bill Barr is gonna be executed for treason and Don Trump is gonna take back the Oval Office in, well, August 2021, and if not August, then September, but if not then, well, it'll be October.

I'm sure you recall that Winkin', Blinkin', and Nod collection of MAGAHats.

So you see, with such spokespersons for Trumpville, the distinction is clear.
And that is their value. They are who Trumpers are.
Which leaves everybody else as, well, rational normal loyal Americas.

Call it a clear ...and convenient.... dichotomy.


Oh look, I have my own troll....
My source is you, and you're right, no one take you seriously.

I don't care if anyone takes me seriously. Here you are attempting to put me down and replying simultaneously. If I'm a nothing why are you here wasting your precious time?

Aww, poor Nazi is butthurt.

Your silly reference is ignorant. You don't know the origin of the word nor does anything a Democrat says or does, along themselves with it.
It's a childish label in retaliation to brand democrats as some evil cancer of society. Grow up.

You are indeed extremely low on the intelligence quotient scale. Honestly, I don't think you're stupid because you're a Nazi, you're a Nazi because you're stupid.

Do you think you are qualified to assess someone's intelligence after me just assaulting your ignorance above?
You couldn't judge a boiled water competition. It's not as if you're an intellectual mountain.

Fascism attracts those like you, those incapable of reasoning and logical thought.

Trump was the closest thing to fascism America ever elected. His botched attempt to overthrow democracy at the capitol was proof of that.
Again, check the meaning of that word and match it with trumps attitude towards his fellow American. .

So, instead of coming here thinking you will verbally brow beat me into submission or to leave, think again.
You don't intimidate me with your self assessed intellectual superiority because it simply doesn't exist. Like you God really.


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Marxist socialism my arse. There's not one policy which points to that. It's your hate of democrats and scaremongering that says it.

Show some constructive debate. You're an ignorant fool.
I am smart enough to see what liberal democrats are trying to do to this nation.

I am smart enough to see what liberal democrats are trying to do to this nation.

R3ad what I said and quote the specifics of where I am wrong or shut up.
R3ad what I said and quote the specifics of where I am wrong or shut up.
You stated your opinion without anything to back it up. To me your opinion is no better than Joe’s opinion. Joe is the loud drunk who hangs out at the local bar.

I posted a couple articles that discussed how democrats are trying to implement Marxist socialism.

I suggest you post a few articles to back your position up and refute mine or shut up.
Well, the 'Constitution' was killed once and for all by Lincoln and the death of Chief Justice Taney, but the rest is about right. There is no 'middle class' left that will resist the takeover by these criminal gangs and assorted deviants and sociopaths, so enjoy the slide; soon you will have to sell your kids to middle class Red Chinese Cadre as housepets for their children, to pay for your Prozac and meth.
You stated your opinion without anything to back it up. To me your opinion is no better than Joe’s opinion. Joe is the loud drunk who hangs out at the local bar.

The hypocrisy of you asking me for evidence them you post that hideous statement above with no evidence.
Do you ever proof read anything dopey?

I posted a couple articles that discussed how democrats are trying to implement Marxist socialism.

No you didn't. That was, and I remind you again of your words, was your opinion.
Evidence is defined by presenting legislation specifically designed to destroy the country. There is no Marxism or other bullshit you speak of. You're barking mad dickhead.

I suggest you post a few articles to back your position up and refute mine or shut up.

I don't know take instructions from dickhead republicans like you.
You don't have the smarts boy.
Keep going if you like. See how good you are.
"....the 'Constitution' was killed once and for all by Lincoln and the death of Chief Justice Taney........There is no 'middle class' left that will resist the .... criminal gangs and assorted deviants and sociopaths......soon you will have to sell your kids to middle class Red Chinese Cadre.... to pay for your Prozac and meth."

In the spirit of comradeship, comity, and tolerance......let's all just patiently note that the above thinking by the good poster Dudley was.......well, it was done after 2AM on a Saturday night.

So there is that.

In the spirit of comradeship, comity, and tolerance......let's all just patiently note that the above thinking by the good poster Dudley was.......well, it was done after 2AM on a Saturday night.

So there is that.

Actually I'm up very early every morning, between 1:30 and 3:00 AM on average, so there is that; I do my outdoor stuff in the summer while it's dark and cooler, after breakfast, and then I either fix lunch or go the local morning Coffee N Bleating Fest at a local Whataburger; they serve their full menu all day, so I don't have to eat eggs and crap, I can get a patty melt or a jalapeno burger. Let's all just patiently note that for those who actually bother to read American history, what I said is easily proven fact that 'woke' children never learned in skool.
I needed a good laugh this morning Colin. Thanks.
Let us know when you're done showing everyone your ignorance, boy.

You're not my ignorance, fascist boi, and I'm not done with you yet...

So fascist, what IS it that makes a Nazi?


democrats - √
Republicans - XXX

Suppress freedom of speech?

democrats - √
Republicans - XXX

Outlaw protests like 1/6?

democrats - √
Republicans - XXX

Suppress freedom of religion?

democrats - √
Republicans - XXX

Declare themselves dictator and defy court orders like "remain in Mexico?"

democrats - √
Republicans - XXX

Send Brown Shirts to major cities to rape, pillage, and burn?

democrats - √
Republicans - XXX

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