NOT A JOKE: Media Blaming the TRUCK, not the TERRORIST, For Attack in France!

It's like that semi tralier in knight rider, that could only growl, whereas Kit could talk
Apparently the OP thinks media is describing it as the truck version of "My Mother the Car". Funny he never answered me.

You were talking to me? Funny I didn't know that since you said 'easy' so many times. :p

Yours was a statement, not a question, and I know nothing about the "My Mother the Car" of which you spoke. sorry you felt neglected.

Oh well, My Mother the Car was a very bad TV sitcom, the premise of which was that the guy's mother died and reincarneted as an old car, which would talk to him and have her own mind. An anthropomorphized automobile Much like the truck you imagine the media blamed, yet you can't quote where it did that.
is English your first language?

Go back to Mexico wet back and cease from pretending to be American. Your baby daddy Hussein Obama ran out of free phones for the ghetto trailer trash.

Has any organization claimed responsibility yet? We're all assuming it was ISIS, but it's kind of lo tech for them, isn't it. Also, any ideas why he had fake guns and grenades in the back of the truck?
Do you suppose he was a lone wolf nutcase who self-radicalized? Still a terrorist, but he sounds kinda flaky.

Does it matter which of the many radical Muslim organizations he may have been part of? Or whether he is just another radical Muslim who screams allah's name as he murder innocent people?

Point being that it is radical Islam behind these brutal murders.
you can't possibly know that
A witness of last night's attack heard him hollering Allahu Akbar as he barreled through the crowd. I agree with Clementine that there is pretty clearly radical Islamic ideology behind it.
Still curious about the fake guns and grenades, too.
Kinda like republicans blaming Hillary, and not the terrorists for Benghazi.

No one forced her to run guns to ISIS. That was all her. For an anti-gun administration they sure are fond of handing out guns to nut jobs, drug lords, and terrorist groups. Brilliant!
Has any organization claimed responsibility yet? We're all assuming it was ISIS, but it's kind of lo tech for them, isn't it. Also, any ideas why he had fake guns and grenades in the back of the truck?
Do you suppose he was a lone wolf nutcase who self-radicalized? Still a terrorist, but he sounds kinda flaky.

Does it matter which of the many radical Muslim organizations he may have been part of? Or whether he is just another radical Muslim who screams allah's name as he murder innocent people?

Point being that it is radical Islam behind these brutal murders.
you can't possibly know that
A witness of last night's attack heard him hollering Allahu Akbar as he barreled through the crowd. I agree with Clementine that there is pretty clearly radical Islamic ideology behind it.
Still curious about the fake guns and grenades, too.

Some media are reporting his family claims he was not Muslim. He allegedly was a drug addict that beat his wife and kids was in the process of a divorce. He had also recently lost his job for falling asleep at the wheel and running four cars off the highway. Maybe that was a trial run for him.

EXCLUSIVE: Truck terrorist 'beat his wife and NEVER went to mosque'
Has any organization claimed responsibility yet? We're all assuming it was ISIS, but it's kind of lo tech for them, isn't it. Also, any ideas why he had fake guns and grenades in the back of the truck?
Do you suppose he was a lone wolf nutcase who self-radicalized? Still a terrorist, but he sounds kinda flaky.

Does it matter which of the many radical Muslim organizations he may have been part of? Or whether he is just another radical Muslim who screams allah's name as he murder innocent people?

Point being that it is radical Islam behind these brutal murders.
you can't possibly know that
A witness of last night's attack heard him hollering Allahu Akbar as he barreled through the crowd. I agree with Clementine that there is pretty clearly radical Islamic ideology behind it.
Still curious about the fake guns and grenades, too.

Some media are reporting his family claims he was not Muslim. He allegedly was a drug addict that beat his wife and kids was in the process of a divorce. He had also recently lost his job for falling asleep at the wheel and running four cars off the highway. Maybe that was a trial run for him.

EXCLUSIVE: Truck terrorist 'beat his wife and NEVER went to mosque'
You can smell those nut jobs coming a mile away.
Kinda like republicans blaming Hillary, and not the terrorists for Benghazi.

Rather amusing that you liken hiLIARy to an inert, unthinking object such as a truck.

It's fitting, but not in the way you intended.
Has any organization claimed responsibility yet? We're all assuming it was ISIS, but it's kind of lo tech for them, isn't it. Also, any ideas why he had fake guns and grenades in the back of the truck?
Do you suppose he was a lone wolf nutcase who self-radicalized? Still a terrorist, but he sounds kinda flaky.

Does it matter which of the many radical Muslim organizations he may have been part of? Or whether he is just another radical Muslim who screams allah's name as he murder innocent people?

Point being that it is radical Islam behind these brutal murders.
you can't possibly know that
A witness of last night's attack heard him hollering Allahu Akbar as he barreled through the crowd. I agree with Clementine that there is pretty clearly radical Islamic ideology behind it.
Still curious about the fake guns and grenades, too.
according to?
you can't possibly know that

It's been reported by witnesses that the guy screamed allah as he commenced with murder. Yes, it is radical Islam.
really? can you cite a source?
Try Fox or CNN. It was on one of those this a.m.
i've had cnn on all day. no mention of any witness that heard him scream allah.
Maybe it was Fox, then? Sorry. I hadn't had my coffee, but I am not making it up. Or they could have found the report was not credible and stopped repeating it.
Paul Joseph Watson - July 15, 2016 1615 Comments

Media Blames Truck, Not Terrorists or Islam, For Nice Attack

"Leftist media outlets reacted to the devastating attack in Nice not by blaming Islam or even terrorists, but by suggesting that an inanimate object – the truck – was responsible for the carnage.

Instead of pointing the finger at Islamists, CNN, CBC and the New York Times all published headlines that served to hide the true nature of the attack.

CBC reported, “Children feared killed in Nice as truck attacks family event”. Presumably, the truck was somehow able to manifest artificial intelligence and plough itself through dozens of victims.

Not to be outdone, CNN reported “Truck rams crowd; 84 dead in Nice,” again providing a convenient way of avoiding any mention of the ideology that inspired the driver."


No use of the word 'Islamic Extremist', 'Radical Islam', 'ISIS', or even 'terrorist'.
No mention of 'terrorism' or 'terrorist' at all (for example, 'Terrorist Attack - Rams Truck Into Crowd killing 84') - Just 'TRUCK Rams Crow'.

So how long before we see Liberals demanding legislation be passed regarding TRUCKS or demanding Semis be labeled as 'ASAULT Trucks'? :p

"Given that the truck alone, and not the ideology that radicalized the terrorist who used one as a weapon, is to blame for the massacre in Nice, the solution to stop further violence is simple; Ban deadly assault trucks."
Seriously? This is what has your panties in a wad? The way that the story is phrased?

I guess you had to have an adult explain to you that it is automatically assumed that the truck had a driver........
Kinda like republicans blaming Hillary, and not the terrorists for Benghazi.
Nowhere near the same. Hillary, in her position, failed to do her job when the terrorists did what they did. Who was supposed to stop the truck?

Interesting you say terrorists. You should explain that to Hillary. She says that a video circulating on the internet led to PROTESTS.
Are you going to assert that that stupid video didn't incite ANY protests?

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