None of "Your Content'' is displaying in the list

I am amazed at the slow response from the Administrators camp to this problem that can grow to the point the forum could crash. I presumed one of the Mods have sent a message, but not announced here, why the slow response over something that can hurt the forum?

From what I understand, the admins don't much are about the place. At least not from a participatory perspective. Mods seem to be pretty much on their own.

Could be just someone screwed up something by accident messing around with settings or something and they're figuring out what they did. Happens. You run web sites, so you know that.

Or, as was mentioned, the Postal Service really does screw up everything it touches. Heh heh.

The other thing that always irks me is when I see people bragging about how they can find network weaknesses and crack passwords and shit. And then spin it around to try to justify it as, oh, it's because security. Pft. People like that would be shown the door right that second if it were me.

Ah well. Lotta conjecture there. But that's all we have to work with. Right?

Only reason I noticed it is because I use the forum in a specific way. I only post in threads that actually interest me in some way, so I tend to use the 'your content' link under my screen name up in the top right-hand corner. And I sometimes use the feed. But the feed isnlt very useful to me. All of us tend to go on posting sprees and sometimes you'l have to scroll forever to get beyond a single posters feed postings.

I use the alert system ignore the e-mail and notifications, they are off in my account.

The Admins are the only ones who can deal with the problems, the Mods can't get into the admin board, thus no one is watching the ship. I have seen neglect like this before elsewhere and the forum is barely alive after THREE big crashes because the owners was gone for many months, didn't answer the mod e-mail for a couple months after it had crashed. Most of the members have given up.

I regret not accepting the forum offer from the original owner...., If I had, it would be one of the biggest conservative forums on the internet today and NO crashes at all.
I use the alert system ignore the e-mail and notifications, they are off in my account.

The Admins are the only ones who can deal with the problems, the Mods can't get into the admin board, thus no one is watching the ship. I have seen neglect like this before elsewhere and the forum is barely alive after THREE big crashes because the owners was gone for many months, didn't answer the mod e-mail for a couple months after it had crashed. Most of the members have given up.

I regret not accepting the forum offer from the original owner...., If I had, it would be one of the biggest conservative forums on the internet today and NO crashes at all.

Who wants an echo chamber, though?

I mean, if all we're really doing is popping off keystrokes, and have no mission statement indicating that the web site's primary function is a specific kind of organizing for a specific purpose, why would would you even want all 'conservatives'?

Really, I'd rather have people from all walks of life, to be honest. In a forum setting anyway. I can get along with pretty much anyone so long as they aren't snarky all the time or reporting me to the Feds for referencing the traditional rights and duties of the electorate to keep the central government ''strictly limited" as indicated in the constitution. Because that makes me snarky. And I don't like being snarky. Not really.

I will say, though, that good conversation is getting harder to come by. And that's across the entire web. Most of the content is reflective of what we see being narrated by political activists in cable news entertainment operating from behind the cloak of journalism. And hardly any of it is very deep. Seems like public discourse is becoming more and more an extention of the specifically catered terms of controversy that support the divide and conquer routine and reflective of very, very little of the terms of controversy that are germane to the truly critical issues with which we're faced as a nation and as Individual members of the electorate.

Anyway. I'm rambling. I imagine it'll get fixed eventually. Pretty sure flac has admin rights. I think so anyway.
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I use the alert system ignore the e-mail and notifications, they are off in my account.

The Admins are the only ones who can deal with the problems, the Mods can't get into the admin board, thus no one is watching the ship. I have seen neglect like this before elsewhere and the forum is barely alive after THREE big crashes because the owners was gone for many months, didn't answer the mod e-mail for a couple months after it had crashed. Most of the members have given up.

I regret not accepting the forum offer from the original owner...., If I had, it would be one of the biggest conservative forums on the internet today and NO crashes at all.

Who wants an echo chamber, though?

I mean, if all we're really doing is popping off keystrokes, and have no mission statement indicating that the web site's primary function is a specific kind of organizing for a specific purpose, why would would you even want all 'conservatives'?

Really, I'd rather have people from all walks of life, to be honest. I can get along with pretty much anyone so long as they aren't snarky all the time. Because that makes me snarky. And I don't like being snarly. Not really.

I will say, though, that good conversation is getting harder to come by. Most of the content is reflective of what we see being narrated by political activists in cable news entertainment operating from behond the cloak of journalism. And hardly any of it is very deep. Seems like it's becoming more and more an extention of the divide and conquer routine.

Anyway. I'm rambling. I imagine it'll get fixed eventually. Pretty sure flac has admin rights. I think so anyway.

It was already a conservative forum from the start, I joined in its 3rd year, Some of the liberals were unfairly treated by mods, I had a couple libs complain to me through the PM, I wonder why they did that?

I would have kept the conservatives set up as it was ,but would have made it clear this forum is for anyone who follows basic rules of conduct, heck even consider a section just for conservatives and a section just for liberals.

This forum is slow on stopping the obvious off topic and trolling garbage, my latest thread has been trampled already and it is just two pages long. I have started posting more and more science stuff at another forum that makes clear anyone trolling will have a boot deep in their ass, eventually I may stop here because debate is too often derailed......
Nothing since 5:41 Friday.

This is the thing about computers. When they screw up, they really screw up. My favorite (and only) memory from the movie Rollerball was the computer guy saying 'Sorry. The computer just lost the entire 13th century.' I of course thought, WHAT ABOUT SHAKESPEARE? It could happen.

OL! How you doin!? You still not talking to me?

You know, it has been mentioned, just casually, that the ancients were a very technological people. Brilliant people contend this to be true. But they have a reputation, historically speaking, to have been very rudimentary.

Take the pyramids, for instance. There's very, very little, if anything, to explain what their purpose was. Or how they were built.

What if they had it all on a hard disk drive and some dumb ass at the computer repair hut accidentally formatted it?
I'd mentioned it in casual passing to Meister in another thread, but apparently it's all of my content that isn't displaying.

Last thing displaying in my content is that thread I made about questioning more about funding Israeli security.

Everything after that went dead.

Doesn't matter which sub forum I'm posting in, none of it displays in the list of my content.

Can anyone else check their content to see if their postings are showing up in the list, please? That way I can tell if the issue is specific to my account.

I remember one of those hoodlums openly bragging about how he can hack passwords on here the other day because 'security'

I told him what I thought of it, too.


the same here....noticed a lot of glithches .......appears no one gives a damn
the same here....noticed a lot of glithches .......appears no one gives a damn

I dunno, looks like a lot of the the usership has expressed interest in resolving the cause of the issue.

It do take a village.

Of course, one might logically wonder if the administrator cares. Which begs the question of whether it's actually a bug at all, but rather a round about way of sandboxing user access to the content via the normally direct infrastructural path and...oh...lets say indexing it? But I digress.
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It's happened before, lots of times. And it always takes awhile to fix.
It's happened before, lots of times. And it always takes awhile to fix.

well if they had listened to me they would have more than enough money to fix any and all problems.....the only thing preventing this forum from being number one with all that influence is this ridiculous format they are using to try and save some money.
My last recorded 'your content' is from Friday at 1:21 p.m. Last 'Activity' is today at 12:51 a.m. Why the difference? Not really important.

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