Nobody here but us independent journalists

But in all fairness, Trump has brought much of this on himself. He opened the door to this.
No doubt he backsassed them.
Well, if that's what he calls it.

It is what I called it. What he calls it is responding to an unelected cabal who hate and despise the American people. They are openly in the opposition but they think they should be above criticism. What other political institution is so lofty as to be able to claim the Constitution protects them from being responded to?
For years they have made and broken elected officials as it pleased them. But I didnt elect them. I didnt ask them. They dont represent me. Donald Trump does.
And you will notice we have moved beyond the old arguments about whether or not the media is biased? It is simply accepted fact that they have declared for the opposition. And as such they deserve to be treated as opposition. Not some sacrosanct college of wise commentators. They are partisan hacks pure and simple.

My post above though was to demonstrate that they are working and colluding together and taking orders from somewhere. It is obvious though not always this blatant. Hey remember this travesty?

He has behaved like a child with the media, just as he has with virtually every other group on virtually every other issue.

I know his followers will rush in to translate and deflect for him, but adults shouldn't require such constant maintenance.

To think that the President of the United States does is not only troubling, but a sad statement on what has happened to us.

So long as we do support him all your unelected and above criticism cabals working inside and outside his administration will not stop him.

They do my work for me. Nobody can deny now that there is a deep state working in opposition to the Republic. And they work with the press.

I( will admit that there is an "us" problem in that we havent begun lynching them yet. They openly...BLATANTLY...admitted that they were working to stymie the will of the American people.
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tis the name of the trump buddy buying an burying stories that are negative about all the women he has paid off...incuding the 13 yr old...

You didnt answer my question. What kind of name is "Pecker"?

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