Nobel Prize Winning Conservative Economist Believes Obama Possesses Time Machine


Aug 25, 2009
Gary Becker, right-wing economist and winner of the 1992 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, makes his case for Barack Obama's time travel powers.

In addition to repeated attacks on American business, especially banks (some of the attacks on banks were well deserved), Congress passed an expensive stimulus package that did not stimulate much. The health care bill Congress passed seems likely to increase the cost to small and large businesses of providing health insurance for employees. Congressional leaders proposed high taxes on carbon emissions, large increases in taxes on higher income individuals, corporate profits, and capital gains as part of vocal attacks on “billionaires”. Many in Congress wanted to cap, or at least control, compensation of executives. Proposals were advanced to make anti-trust laws less pro-consumer, and more protective of competitors from aggressive and innovative companies. Congress passed and the president signed a financial reform bill that is a complicated and a politically driven mixture of sensible reforms, and senseless changes that have little to do with stabilizing the financial architecture, or correcting what was defective in prior regulations.

It is no surprise that this rhetoric and the proposed and actual policies discouraged business investment and slowed down the recovery.

The Slow Economic Recovery-Becker - The Becker-Posner Blog

Now, I'm sure you're asking, why would this require the President to have a time machine? Because the fall in business investment started in 2007, two years before Obama took office, and bottomed out in early 2009.
Gary Becker, right-wing economist and winner of the 1992 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, makes his case for Barack Obama's time travel powers.

In addition to repeated attacks on American business, especially banks (some of the attacks on banks were well deserved), Congress passed an expensive stimulus package that did not stimulate much. The health care bill Congress passed seems likely to increase the cost to small and large businesses of providing health insurance for employees. Congressional leaders proposed high taxes on carbon emissions, large increases in taxes on higher income individuals, corporate profits, and capital gains as part of vocal attacks on “billionaires”. Many in Congress wanted to cap, or at least control, compensation of executives. Proposals were advanced to make anti-trust laws less pro-consumer, and more protective of competitors from aggressive and innovative companies. Congress passed and the president signed a financial reform bill that is a complicated and a politically driven mixture of sensible reforms, and senseless changes that have little to do with stabilizing the financial architecture, or correcting what was defective in prior regulations.

It is no surprise that this rhetoric and the proposed and actual policies discouraged business investment and slowed down the recovery.

The Slow Economic Recovery-Becker - The Becker-Posner Blog

Now, I'm sure you're asking, why would this require the President to have a time machine? Because the fall in business investment started in 2007, two years before Obama took office, and bottomed out in early 2009.

Obama does have a time machine--:lol: Obama tried to build a bridge back to the 1930's--FDR era.

It appears that our Harvard graduate--community organizer--most intellectual President EVER didn't know that:

What took thousands of men with shovels to complete---now can be done with a couple of heavy equipment operators. What didn't require much engineering and design in the 1930's now require years of engineering and design before the 1st shovel goes in the ground.

Last week Obama stating--UH--Those "shovel ready projects--weren't as shovel ready as we thought they were."

Don't forget how Obama's time traveling cause the CRA (passed in 1977) to cause the real estate meltdown in 2007, too.

The magical thinking of this boards right wing partisans is something to behold, isn't it?
Gary Becker, right-wing economist and winner of the 1992 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, makes his case for Barack Obama's time travel powers.

In addition to repeated attacks on American business, especially banks (some of the attacks on banks were well deserved), Congress passed an expensive stimulus package that did not stimulate much. The health care bill Congress passed seems likely to increase the cost to small and large businesses of providing health insurance for employees. Congressional leaders proposed high taxes on carbon emissions, large increases in taxes on higher income individuals, corporate profits, and capital gains as part of vocal attacks on “billionaires”. Many in Congress wanted to cap, or at least control, compensation of executives. Proposals were advanced to make anti-trust laws less pro-consumer, and more protective of competitors from aggressive and innovative companies. Congress passed and the president signed a financial reform bill that is a complicated and a politically driven mixture of sensible reforms, and senseless changes that have little to do with stabilizing the financial architecture, or correcting what was defective in prior regulations.

It is no surprise that this rhetoric and the proposed and actual policies discouraged business investment and slowed down the recovery.

The Slow Economic Recovery-Becker - The Becker-Posner Blog
Now, I'm sure you're asking, why would this require the President to have a time machine? Because the fall in business investment started in 2007, two years before Obama took office, and bottomed out in early 2009.

Wasn't Obama a Senator who voted for some of the anti business bills that were passed in 2007? Or do you live in an alternate reality where Obama was not the junior Senator from Illinois?
Gary Becker, right-wing economist and winner of the 1992 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, makes his case for Barack Obama's time travel powers.

In addition to repeated attacks on American business, especially banks (some of the attacks on banks were well deserved), Congress passed an expensive stimulus package that did not stimulate much. The health care bill Congress passed seems likely to increase the cost to small and large businesses of providing health insurance for employees. Congressional leaders proposed high taxes on carbon emissions, large increases in taxes on higher income individuals, corporate profits, and capital gains as part of vocal attacks on “billionaires”. Many in Congress wanted to cap, or at least control, compensation of executives. Proposals were advanced to make anti-trust laws less pro-consumer, and more protective of competitors from aggressive and innovative companies. Congress passed and the president signed a financial reform bill that is a complicated and a politically driven mixture of sensible reforms, and senseless changes that have little to do with stabilizing the financial architecture, or correcting what was defective in prior regulations.

It is no surprise that this rhetoric and the proposed and actual policies discouraged business investment and slowed down the recovery.

The Slow Economic Recovery-Becker - The Becker-Posner Blog

Now, I'm sure you're asking, why would this require the President to have a time machine? Because the fall in business investment started in 2007, two years before Obama took office, and bottomed out in early 2009.

What a bunch of sophistry.

Obama Made Things Worse.

That's the point.
Gary Becker, right-wing economist and winner of the 1992 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, makes his case for Barack Obama's time travel powers.

In addition to repeated attacks on American business, especially banks (some of the attacks on banks were well deserved), Congress passed an expensive stimulus package that did not stimulate much. The health care bill Congress passed seems likely to increase the cost to small and large businesses of providing health insurance for employees. Congressional leaders proposed high taxes on carbon emissions, large increases in taxes on higher income individuals, corporate profits, and capital gains as part of vocal attacks on “billionaires”. Many in Congress wanted to cap, or at least control, compensation of executives. Proposals were advanced to make anti-trust laws less pro-consumer, and more protective of competitors from aggressive and innovative companies. Congress passed and the president signed a financial reform bill that is a complicated and a politically driven mixture of sensible reforms, and senseless changes that have little to do with stabilizing the financial architecture, or correcting what was defective in prior regulations.

It is no surprise that this rhetoric and the proposed and actual policies discouraged business investment and slowed down the recovery.

The Slow Economic Recovery-Becker - The Becker-Posner Blog

Now, I'm sure you're asking, why would this require the President to have a time machine? Because the fall in business investment started in 2007, two years before Obama took office, and bottomed out in early 2009.

What a bunch of sophistry.

Obama Made Things Worse.

That's the point.

So the point...whether it's backed up by FACTS or all that matters. :clap2:
Gary Becker, right-wing economist and winner of the 1992 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, makes his case for Barack Obama's time travel powers.

Now, I'm sure you're asking, why would this require the President to have a time machine? Because the fall in business investment started in 2007, two years before Obama took office, and bottomed out in early 2009.

What a bunch of sophistry.

Obama Made Things Worse.

That's the point.

So the point...whether it's backed up by FACTS or all that matters. :clap2:

You wouldn't know a fact if you sat on one, "counselor".
The point of Becker's piece is that investment has sucked since Obama took office. It has not recovered largely because of Obama's anti business tax and regulate policies, all laid out.
Or do you think 9% unemployment is just inevitable?
Yea but he actually deserved his Nobel Prize. Gore and Obama getting Nobel Peace Prizes?? What the hell's up with that?
Don't forget how Obama's time traveling cause the CRA (passed in 1977) to cause the real estate meltdown in 2007, too.

The magical thinking of this boards right wing partisans is something to behold, isn't it?

Another great point.
What a bunch of sophistry.

Obama Made Things Worse.

That's the point.

So the point...whether it's backed up by FACTS or all that matters. :clap2:

You wouldn't know a fact if you sat on one, "counselor".
The point of Becker's piece is that investment has sucked since Obama took office. It has not recovered largely because of Obama's anti business tax and regulate policies, all laid out.
Or do you think 9% unemployment is just inevitable?

9% unemployment isn't inevitable. It's caused by weak demand, a problem that you and Becker's preferred policy prescriptions would make worse. Business investment has not "sucked" during the Obama administration. In fact, business investment is higher that should be expected considering the unemployment rate. Looking at the investment/unemployment relationship between 1988 and 2008, business investment should be around 8% of GDP. It's actually between 9.5 and 10%.
Obama does have a time machine. He goes back and changes history all the time. He DIDN'T listen to Rev Wright. He WASN'T friends with Bill Ayers. He DIDN'T embrace Marxist ideals in college.

And above all....he keeps putting George W. Bush back in office. But only for the hard issues.
It is unfair to lay all of the blame for the current financial mess at Obama's feet. He inherited a crisis. That being said, I do blame him for wasting a full year jamming the largest entitlement program in American history through Congress, rather than focusing on the economy. We are facing crippling deficits and a massive national debt. That is the only issue that voters are going to care about. He won't be able to blame "W" come 2012. Plenty of voters feel the same way I do. It will an interesting election.
Gary Becker, right-wing economist and winner of the 1992 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, makes his case for Barack Obama's time travel powers.

In addition to repeated attacks on American business, especially banks (some of the attacks on banks were well deserved), Congress passed an expensive stimulus package that did not stimulate much. The health care bill Congress passed seems likely to increase the cost to small and large businesses of providing health insurance for employees. Congressional leaders proposed high taxes on carbon emissions, large increases in taxes on higher income individuals, corporate profits, and capital gains as part of vocal attacks on “billionaires”. Many in Congress wanted to cap, or at least control, compensation of executives. Proposals were advanced to make anti-trust laws less pro-consumer, and more protective of competitors from aggressive and innovative companies. Congress passed and the president signed a financial reform bill that is a complicated and a politically driven mixture of sensible reforms, and senseless changes that have little to do with stabilizing the financial architecture, or correcting what was defective in prior regulations.

It is no surprise that this rhetoric and the proposed and actual policies discouraged business investment and slowed down the recovery.

The Slow Economic Recovery-Becker - The Becker-Posner Blog

Now, I'm sure you're asking, why would this require the President to have a time machine? Because the fall in business investment started in 2007, two years before Obama took office, and bottomed out in early 2009.

Obama does have a time machine--:lol: Obama tried to build a bridge back to the 1930's--FDR era.

It appears that our Harvard graduate--community organizer--most intellectual President EVER didn't know that:

What took thousands of men with shovels to complete---now can be done with a couple of heavy equipment operators. What didn't require much engineering and design in the 1930's now require years of engineering and design before the 1st shovel goes in the ground.

Last week Obama stating--UH--Those "shovel ready projects--weren't as shovel ready as we thought they were."

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I guess you've never heard of jump-starting a project by investing up front so that the project will gain momentum and can ultimately be taken over and finished by appropriate knowledgeable consortiums of business and industry leaders. We never would have landed a man on the moon if that had not happened, nor had a coast-to-coast interstate highway system.

People who don't care a wit about our crumbling infrastructure amaze me.
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Don't forget how Obama's time traveling cause the CRA (passed in 1977) to cause the real estate meltdown in 2007, too.

The magical thinking of this boards right wing partisans is something to behold, isn't it?

You would think by now with the volumes of factual information at their fingertips, nonsense like that would not even be mentioned. Too embarrassing.

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