Noah Rothman on Benghazi. Nails it!!


Gold Member
Aug 11, 2009

"Media elites raced to confirm the conventional wisdom that Clinton’s more-in-sorrow tone, her theatrical shows of boredom, and her policy knowledge handed her a “win,” as though the verbiage of a petty contest was appropriate to describe an investigation of such objective gravity."

"Surely, if they say it enough, they’ll hope it becomes its own truth. And it very well might; many honest political analysts have evaluated Clinton’s performance as they would a Broadway play. Her posture, her composure amid withering and extended questioning, and her general command of the issues was indeed impressive. The notion, however, that nothing had been revealed that was previously unknown by the Benghazi committee is nothing short of a lie."

"What we discovered is this: The White House and Clinton apparently knew that the Benghazi attack was the premeditated work of Islamic terrorists before the bodies were cold. She and the administration nevertheless proceeded to propagate a falsehood that advanced the president’s preferred political narrative just six weeks before a tightly-contested national election. That’s a scandal on par with the so-called “October Surprise,” in which Ronald Reagan was alleged to have some role in convincing Iran to surrender the American hostages in its custody in 1980 (a conspiracy theory House Democrats were still investigating 12 years later)."

"Even if you were inclined to be extraordinarily charitable toward former Secretary Clinton and the administration in which she served, one must at least concede that new questions about what the administration knew and when it knew it have been opened up by this committee. It seems, however, that those with a passing attachment to intellectual honesty are in short supply inside the Beltway."

"The Benghazi Committee is owed a public debt if only because it has exposed the decay in Washington’s culture of wagon-circling. Pundits who forever lament America’s sense of alienation from the political class and their growing cynicism towards elected elites appear not to notice when they are exacerbating that condition. While news media and Democrats are praising Clinton’s performance, Americans are waking up to the notion that they might have been deliberately misled about the deaths of their fellow citizens in a terror attack and likely for petty political gain. There is something rotten here."
Hillary Clinton lied but she did it with grace.
Carson beating Hillary.

Poll Date
Carson (R)
Clinton (D)

RCP Average 9/17 - 10/17 48.2 43.4 Carson +4.8
CNN/ORC 10/14 - 10/17 48 47 Carson +1
FOX News 10/10 - 10/12 50 39 Carson +11
PPP (D) 10/1 - 10/4 48 44 Carson +4
NBC/WSJ 9/20 - 9/24 46 45 Carson +1
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 49 42 Carson +7
All General Election: Carson vs. Clinton Polling Data

Sure, and when Trump TROUNCES Carson, you have to go to to find out.
No MNC supported media outlet wants Trump to win.
Carson beating Hillary.

Poll Date
Carson (R)
Clinton (D)

RCP Average 9/17 - 10/17 48.2 43.4 Carson +4.8
CNN/ORC 10/14 - 10/17 48 47 Carson +1
FOX News 10/10 - 10/12 50 39 Carson +11
PPP (D) 10/1 - 10/4 48 44 Carson +4
NBC/WSJ 9/20 - 9/24 46 45 Carson +1
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 49 42 Carson +7
All General Election: Carson vs. Clinton Polling Data

Sure, and when Trump TROUNCES Carson, you have to go to to find out.
No MNC supported media outlet wants Trump to win.
He and fox made up. But ya they seem to want Carson.
Carson beating Hillary.

Poll Date
Carson (R)
Clinton (D)

RCP Average 9/17 - 10/17 48.2 43.4 Carson +4.8
CNN/ORC 10/14 - 10/17 48 47 Carson +1
FOX News 10/10 - 10/12 50 39 Carson +11
PPP (D) 10/1 - 10/4 48 44 Carson +4
NBC/WSJ 9/20 - 9/24 46 45 Carson +1
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 49 42 Carson +7
All General Election: Carson vs. Clinton Polling Data

Sure, and when Trump TROUNCES Carson, you have to go to to find out.
No MNC supported media outlet wants Trump to win.
He and fox made up. But ya they seem to want Carson.
You have to break up every day to make up every week.

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