No, Trump Is Not Running A Shadow Government


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Experts are weighing in after Donald Trump, the twice-impeached one term former president, declared in a statement released Thursday morning he has an "Envoy Ambassador" who traveled to the Kosovo-Serbia border to "highlight ... the agreements my administration brokered."

That "ambassador" is Richard Grenell (photo), Trump's former and highly-controversial ambassador to Germany who later became his Acting Director of National Intelligence, some say in violation of the law. One month before losing the 2020 election Trump named Grenell "Special Presidential Envoy for Serbia and Kosovo Peace Negotiations."

No matter how much people are screaming about Logan Act this or shadow government that; if Trump appointed this guy special envoy to oversee peace negotiations between some muslims and slavs, what is the problem?? Why shouldn't Trump want to see peace agreements he helped to broker be followed thru on?? ...a peace deal that is still bringing how just last month, Kosovo and Serbia made a peace agreement...a peace agreement that I am sure only happened because of Trump's hard work and negotiating skills...

“We have a deal,” Miroslav Lajcek tweeted on Thursday. “After two days of intense negotiations, an agreement on de-escalation and the way forward has just been reached.”

Biden is trying everything he can to turn back all of the progress Trump has made with this historic peace agreement...Some are saying he is even trying to incite another war between Kosovo and Serbia...can you imagine if a Republican president pulled out of a peace agreement the previous Democrat president made?? Any former president would be well in their right to send their own officials over to continue negotiations on that peace deal -- no matter if the current president pulled out of it or not...Now I will admit, referring to someone as an Envoy Ambassador is like calling someone a music singer...only a moron would come up with a term like that...
Violating the Logan Act.
Not true at all.....

How about when Kerry went overseas and did stuff even tho Obama wasn't president....

Trump should be able to send his people over to do foreign policy work for our country too....

Besides, Biden is too dumb to even know where Kosovo and Serbia is

Why not rely on someone with Trump's foreign policy acumen?
Not true at all.....

How about when Kerry went overseas and did stuff even tho Obama wasn't president....

Trump should be able to send his people over to do foreign policy work for our country too....

Besides, Biden is too dumb to even know where Kosovo and Serbia is

Why not rely on someone with Trump's foreign policy acumen?

Good fucking grief.
How about Constitution? Ever hear of it?
If it's so bad, how come the DOJ hasn't done anything about it??

And we know the DOJ and FBI are ran by evil Deep State fascists who hate Conservatives

So if they aren't doing anything about it; it seems like its not really as big of a deal as you make it bro....
If it's so bad, how come the DOJ hasn't done anything about it??

And we know the DOJ and FBI are ran by evil Deep State fascists who hate Conservatives

So if they aren't doing anything about it; it seems like its not really as big of a deal as you make it bro....
Not your bro, bro.

Middle East peace... Afghan/Taliban peace...

Acumen my ass.

"Experts are weighing in after Donald Trump, the twice-impeached one term former president, declared in a statement released Thursday morning he has an "Envoy Ambassador" who traveled to the Kosovo-Serbia border to "highlight ... the agreements my administration brokered."

That "ambassador" is Richard Grenell (photo), Trump's former and highly-controversial ambassador to Germany who later became his Acting Director of National Intelligence, some say in violation of the law. One month before losing the 2020 election Trump named Grenell "Special Presidential Envoy for Serbia and Kosovo Peace Negotiations."

No matter how much people are screaming about Logan Act this or shadow government that; if Trump appointed this guy special envoy to oversee peace negotiations between some muslims and slavs, what is the problem?? Why shouldn't Trump want to see peace agreements he helped to broker be followed thru on?? ...a peace deal that is still bringing how just last month, Kosovo and Serbia made a peace agreement...a peace agreement that I am sure only happened because of Trump's hard work and negotiating skills...

“We have a deal,” Miroslav Lajcek tweeted on Thursday. “After two days of intense negotiations, an agreement on de-escalation and the way forward has just been reached.”

Biden is trying everything he can to turn back all of the progress Trump has made with this historic peace agreement...Some are saying he is even trying to incite another war between Kosovo and Serbia...can you imagine if a Republican president pulled out of a peace agreement the previous Democrat president made?? Any former president would be well in their right to send their own officials over to continue negotiations on that peace deal -- no matter if the current president pulled out of it or not...Now I will admit, referring to someone as an Envoy Ambassador is like calling someone a music singer...only a moron would come up with a term like that...
Because a former President isn’t supposed to be conducting foreign policy, that’s why, and he damn sure is in violation of the Logan Act, and should be prosecuted.
Because a former President isn’t supposed to be conducting foreign policy, that’s why, and he damn sure is in violation of the Logan Act, and should be prosecuted.
What about when Obama went to the UK and said stuff?

Who did he think he was? Our King?

And John Kerry tried to urge other countries to do stuff despite the fact Trump was president...

Kerry and Obama should be locked up as well as Hunter Biden who went to Ukraine and tried to negotiate a deal with Russia and Venezuela
Weigel nailed it :D

Lots of people skipping to the "but norms!" discussion and ignoring that "envoy ambassador" is a hilarious nonsense phrase, like "police cop" or "music singer."

Poor Donnie thinks he's still the president. Who the hell is going to listen to him or believe he has any power to do a GD thing?

And Grenell - As in SERIOULY? I wouldn't sent that dude by the Kwik-E-Mart to pick me up a Squishy from Apu!



It was a diplomatic mission, albeit a non-commissioned one, and the White House was less than pleased with the unofficial overture.
But this one bore an even stranger twist: Donald Trump had dispatched his former director of national intelligence to eastern Europe this week to discuss relations between Kosovo and Serbia, and while the strained relationship between those two powers is certainly significant, the fact that Richard Grenell was there at all was highly unusual.
Washington first learned of the foreign excursion not through normal diplomatic channels but from Trump's political action committee. The announcement was delivered via email Thursday morning, and it reported that Grenell would be touring the Kosovo-Serbia border later that day to highlight the so-called Washington agreement that the two republics had struck almost a year prior in the Oval Office.

This agreement was "historic, and should not be abandoned," the former president said in a statement, because "many lives are at stake." And Grenell, who had hosted talks between the two parties previously, was there now to tour the area as "my Envoy Ambassador," Trump explained. There was a final line of encouragement ("peace is possible, don't give up — long term prosperity for those two nations is at stake") and then directly below that a big red button soliciting political donations.

Representatives from the governments of Kosovo and Serbia did not return RCP's requests for comment. Neither did a Trump spokesperson. But a former Trump staffer told RCP that the Grenell gambit should be dismissed as a publicity stunt. "It's just classic," the former senior White House official said. "This falls somewhere between denial and boredom."

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