No Radiative Greenhouse Effect. Infrared Doesn't Warm the Air

The mass in the room warms and the air is warmed by conduction and convection across the warmed objects surface..

Simple physics that a whole bunch of folks round here cant get a grasp on...

I had to laugh at one of them saying his radiator in the room was IR.. The conduction across the surface of the heater is what warmed the air as the IR simply affected objects at distance. Funny how this concept is so easily confused..

we use them at the hospital directly over the patient bed

to warm the patient if needed (without) warming the room

In answering the question SSDD posed, our atmosphere is almost fully opaque to IR in the 1um to 2.5um bands. This means it does not warm the gas directly. It must therefore warm by other means. IE: Conduction and Convection of other matter with which is collides.

And those infant warmers will bake you if they turn them up to high.. but it sure feels good on arthritic hands!

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