No Price Too High

Yes. But when neither of them are, my obligation is not to lend them any power through my vote. Doing so would only prove to be one more step toward the destruction of this country.

I did fulfill that obligation by voting for Trump in both elections.

I need only to produce one iniquity for the Republicans that allowed that list of iniquities you brought forward to come to fruition:

Sheer and utter inability to act to stop such inequities from occurring.

They preached and lamented about the policies being enacted and did nothing to stop them. They did nothing their constituencies asked of them, and when those policies took effect, they preached and lamented some more.

It has led me to believe we are living under a uniparty system, under the guise of two competing party agendas.

"Yes. But when neither of them are, my obligation is not to lend them any power through my vote. Doing so would only prove to be one more step toward the destruction of this country."

Whether you vote or note, only one of two parties will win.

"I did fulfill that obligation by voting for Trump in both elections."
You are making my point.

"I need only to produce one iniquity for the Republicans that allowed that list of iniquities you brought forward to come to fruition:

Sheer and utter inability to act to stop such inequities from occurring."

Unfair. You are using the weakness of the Republicans as equal to the list of Democrat iniquities.
Only one side is actually advancing evil....unless you are claiming that the other party as a whole is a subsidiary of the Democrats.

I believe you have admitted that there is no equivalent list for the Republicans that balances the one I provided for the Democrats.

"...preached and lamented about the policies being enacted and did nothing to stop them."

That's not true......Scalia, Alito, Thomas......and attempts with several weak individuals.
You are making my point.
In what way?

Unfair. You are using the weakness of the Republicans as equal to the list of Democrat iniquities.

Because they are. One iniquity can carry the weight of many. When you have lost faith as I have, you will soon come to view both parties through the same lens.

That's not true......Scalia, Alito, Thomas.
Proved ineffectual at stopping Obamacare, and gay marriage/religious rights (on which my views have evolved since). They all proved ineffectual when it came to the most monumental issues facing this nation over the past 20 years, save Heller.

Only one side is actually advancing evil....unless you are claiming that the other party as a whole is a subsidiary of the Democrats.
I disagree. Neither is a subsidiary of the other. They work in unison to destroy this country.

Evil thrives when good men do nothing, which implies the men were good to begin with.

Meaning the only other thing left is complicity, which is in and of itself an evil.
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In what way?

Because they are. One iniquity can carry the weight of many. When you have lost faith as I have, you will soon come to view both parties with the same lens.

Proved ineffectual at stopping Obamacare, and gay marriage/religious rights (on which my views have evolved since). They all proved ineffectual when it came to the most monumental issues facing this nation over the past 20 years, save Heller.

I disagree. Neither is a subsidiary of the other. They work in unison to destroy this country.

Evil thrives when good men do nothing, which implies the men were good to begin with.

Meaning the only other thing left is complicity, which is in and of itself an evil.

PoliticalChic said:
You are making my point.
"In what way?"

You chose the party closer to your wishes......the parties are not equal.

It is a mistake to claim that they are.
I will once again reiterate that one iniquity can be so much so that it carries the weight of many iniquities.

All sins are equal in the eyes of God.

You can say it as many times as you wish.

It isn't true, and you haven't stated that you believe that it is based on a conscious decision by the Republicans.
Nor have I ever said that they are as good at politics as the Democrats, the Left.
It isn't true

It is. It takes one match to trigger an inferno. One absent cog to render a clock defunct, one weak link to undo an otherwise strong chain, or one feckless leader to guide others astray.

I can't stress it enough, the power of one action or one thing to influence the greater whole.
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I chose a president, not a party.

A common assumption here is that I favor a party. I don't. Not anymore.

Might I ask what bearing this has on my overall premise?

"I chose a president, not a party."

Now....why would any thinking adult do that?

Policies matter not personalities.

Here is a visual of what voting for persons accomplishes:

"I chose a president, not a party."

Now....why would any thinking adult do that?

Policies matter not personalities.

Here is a visual of what voting for persons accomplishes:

View attachment 543096

(I love Branco's cartoons)

Policies matter not personalities.

True. But what happens when those who espouse to be closest to your wishes prove ineffectual in carrying them out?

What happens when one continually votes for those making the same promises on those policies, only to see them fail to advance the ones they put forward time after time?

What happens is, one stops putting faith in them. One starts viewing them all in the same light. The constant betrayal of my trust will see that I continue doing so until enough of them step forward to do what the others couldn't or refused to.
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There might have been a time when one party surpassed the other in overall iniquity, PoliticalChic , but all it takes is one iniquity to surpass many, by orders of magnitude.

The failure to stop evil is in itself an iniquity. The act of permitting evil to flourish despite having the means to stop it is an even greater iniquity that surpasses all others.

It can happen because they tried and failed, attributable to overall weakness.
Or it can happen because they stood by and did nothing.

Which one is it?

What I have seen the Republican establishment do is tantamount to the latter. They had the means to stop evil but didn't. Did they try? At one time perhaps. But it appears to me they have all but stopped, and are good for nothing but meaningless platitudes to their constituencies.

In the process of typing this post, it struck me that both parties are guilty of this iniquity, seemingly rendering them equal. However, the timing of such iniquity determines its magnitude.
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There might have been a time when one party surpassed the other in overall iniquity, PoliticalChic , but all it takes is one iniquity to surpass many.

The failure to stop evil is in itself an iniquity. The act of permitting evil to flourish despite having the means to stop it is an even greater iniquity that surpasses all others.

It can happen because they tried and failed, attributable to overall weakness.
Or it can happen because they stood by and did nothing.

Which one is it?

What I have seen the Republican establishment do is tantamount to the latter.

So a depositor standing in line is not up to stopping a bank robber......and that makes the two equal in your view?

Stop being silly.
So a depositor standing in line is not up to stopping a bank robber......and that makes the two equal in your view?

Stop being silly.

False comparison.

No. If the teller doesn't trigger the alarm. Perspective.

If the depositor has the means (say he has a CCP), then yes, it makes them equal. If the robber kills other people, the weight of his inaction is greater than the actions of the robber himself. If the robber gets away with the money, the same is also true.

There are two people in this scenario with a duty and responsibility to act. If one or the other fails or refuses to act, the crime will succeed.

We all espouse to abide by the law and strive to see it upheld, but it can be an instance just like that one, where such espousal rings hollow.

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