No One Cares If Student Activists Are Angry

Police are there because seems every protest draws violence these days........Seems no one was paying them any attention anyway.

Police had an easy day there.......GOOD.
That thought may one day penetrate their thick skulls.

Tense confrontation amid peaceful vigils in Charlottesville
Seems like this is a lose/lose for the local law enforcement. Some complain about a large police presence, yet given last year, if they ignore the possibility of dangerous confrontation, there would be equally loud complaints.

Angry college students is a rite of passage. The day is young. The anti-semite, Nazi, white supremacists know exactly what reaction to expect, and hope for it, even the 'good people among them'. They need it to feel justified.

Stay out of the line of fire,old friend.
Student Activists ended the war in Vietnam
Right, and student activists brought about the civil rights legislation of the 60s. The three kids stuffed into a Mississippi earthen dam for trying to ensure voting rights were students. But my point is that the Klan-types know how hot for better change runs the blood of college-age students, and THAT is the reason for choosing a college town site for their disgusting displays. I'm not sure the rank & file hate-bots know that, but I'd guess the organizers do.
Hurray! We're relevant!

That thought may one day penetrate their thick skulls.

Tense confrontation amid peaceful vigils in Charlottesville
Seems like this is a lose/lose for the local law enforcement. Some complain about a large police presence, yet given last year, if they ignore the possibility of dangerous confrontation, there would be equally loud complaints.

Angry college students is a rite of passage. The day is young. The anti-semite, Nazi, white supremacists know exactly what reaction to expect, and hope for it, even the 'good people among them'. They need it to feel justified.

Stay out of the line of fire,old friend.

Always. Words are the weapons of choice these days.
That thought may one day penetrate their thick skulls.

Tense confrontation amid peaceful vigils in Charlottesville

They have been angry since the 60's. Anger so old you need blow off the dust to feel it. Otherwise postmodernist anger children think--excitedly-- and preach as something new and revolutionary (pun) (ha ha) but is stale as bread mold become antibiotic. Give them a lollipop and ten days in the drunk tank, and give the male students back their stones . . . somebody.
That thought may one day penetrate their thick skulls.

Tense confrontation amid peaceful vigils in Charlottesville

They have been angry since the 60's. Anger so old you need blow off the dust to feel it. Otherwise postmodernist anger children think--excitedly-- and preach as something new and revolutionary (pun) (ha ha) but is stale as bread mold become antibiotic. Give them a lollipop and ten days in the drunk tank, and give the male students back their stones . . . somebody.
night_son, the college kid angst isn't old to them. Every generation, even yours and mine, thinks the world began the day we were born. And for them as well as you and me, that is true. The subject may vary, but the new feeling that the world's difficulties are theirs to resolve afresh now that they've left Mom and Pop back home, that quest is strong in these fledgling adults. Sometimes they are right and sometimes they are wrong, but college-age questioning is a must pass-thru in the growing up process. And a clever person can take advantage of that for good or ill, either way.

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