Nixon and Reagan the last great foreign policy presidents


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
I can't think of a single foreign accomplishment by Obama or Biden. As great as Trump was, it was domestic matters where he excelled. Nixon and Reagan were the last two presidents with significant accomplishments in foreign policy. Nixon averted a disaster in Chile, while Reagan was determined to keep the socialists/communists in Central America from controlling countries.

---Nixon’s “Make the Economy Scream” Order issued 50 years ago---

---President Reagan gives CIA authority to establish the Contras---

I can't think of a single foreign accomplishment by Obama or Biden. As great as Trump was, it was domestic matters where he excelled. Nixon and Reagan were the last two presidents with significant accomplishments in foreign policy. Nixon averted a disaster in Chile, while Reagan was determined to keep the socialists/communists in Central America from controlling countries.

---Nixon’s “Make the Economy Scream” Order issued 50 years ago---

---President Reagan gives CIA authority to establish the Contras---


President Trump’s foreign policy was the best we have seen since Reagan.

He inherited two wars that Obama was supposed to end. Yet all Obama did was expand them and then got us into more wars, like Libya and Syria.

Yet in just four years, President Trump drew troop levels down to 2500 in Iraq and Afghanistan. He refused to go to war in Syria despite the Establishment and CIA pushing it. He did’t start any new wars. Meanwhile he also defunded and wiped ISIS off the map.

Then on top of that he got Islamic countries to recognize Israel as a nation.

Here we are, three years later, and the Establishment has us in a proxy war with Russia, and is spending more money on that war than any of our previous wars.
Nixon was also an idiot for opening up China, thinking we could change a bunch of communists into capitalists and they would overthrow their government someday. Well that clearly hasn’t happened. Instead China has exported communism into America and now half our country are Marxist loving communist assholes.

President Trump’s foreign policy was the best we have seen since Reagan.

He inherited two wars that Obama was supposed to end. Yet all Obama did was expand them and then got us into more wars, like Libya and Syria.

Yet in just four years, President Trump drew troop levels down to 2500 in Iraq and Afghanistan. He refused to go to war in Syria despite the Establishment and CIA pushing it. He did’t start any new wars. Meanwhile he also defunded and wiped ISIS off the map.

Then on top of that he got Islamic countries to recognize Israel as a nation.

Here we are, three years later, and the Establishment has us in a proxy war with Russia, and is spending more money on that war than any of our previous wars.

That was all good in a half assed effort to get it done right.
I humbly disagree.

Trump's policies kept America at peace, and the world trading with us.

Tremendous foreign policy by any measure.

The establishment of the US embassy in Jerusalem (as commanded by Congress years before Trump's reign) really helped pacify the middle east. The destruction of the Islamic State, tremendous Saudi-US relations helped reduce Iran's influence.

America was tremendous friends with Brazil, India, Latin America, Korea, the Empire of Japan.

Pax Trump was a great, but too short period, where The Donald pushed a successful policy of Peace Plus Prosperity.

But the libs didn't like it, preferring economic malaise and war instead. So that's what we have.
Nixon was also an idiot for opening up China, thinking we could change a bunch of communists into capitalists and they would overthrow their government someday. Well that clearly hasn’t happened. Instead China has exported communism into America and now half our country are Marxist loving communist assholes.
Nixon opened up China, and Clinton sealed the deal on this MESS we're in today, DEPENDANT on Chinese manufacturing. All just nudges toward the Globalist's long game hive minded delusional agenda.
Nixon was also an idiot for opening up China, thinking we could change a bunch of communists into capitalists and they would overthrow their government someday. Well that clearly hasn’t happened. Instead China has exported communism into America and now half our country are Marxist loving communist assholes.
When I was young the Chinese all drove bicycles to work, now there are more billionaires in China than in the US. Everyone drives cars.

Wall Street made China the economic and military power it is today by moving 6,000 US factories there, now China's CO2 emissions are killing the planet.

Wall Street needs to fix their China fuckup before its too late. It may be too late already.
I can't think of a single foreign accomplishment by Obama or Biden. As great as Trump was, it was domestic matters where he excelled. Nixon and Reagan were the last two presidents with significant accomplishments in foreign policy. Nixon averted a disaster in Chile, while Reagan was determined to keep the socialists/communists in Central America from controlling countries.

---Nixon’s “Make the Economy Scream” Order issued 50 years ago---

---President Reagan gives CIA authority to establish the Contras---


Trump was the last great foreign policy president.

Social issues he was useless other than a big mouth. When thugs were destroying cities he should have sent in the feds to protect the citizens. That was his first job and he failed at it BIGLY

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