Nine Minutes Of Hard Stances With Donald Trump

Taking a hard-line against things is not his problem, it's acting as if he has a nuanced and reasonable policy on anything that turns some people off. A hothead will not do us a bit of good because most situations require tact and diplomacy, not anger and bullying.

Yes, we see that in the ever weakening Obuma! If ever there was a little man that got sand kicked on him, by EVERYONE at the beach, it would be this pathetic example of what is supposed to be the most powerful man on earth!
Third world leaders talk to him like he was a dog. Not an once of man in that boy. PURE frilly.

I guess if anybody knew about having a few ounces in man in him it would be you. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Taking a hard-line against things is not his problem, it's acting as if he has a nuanced and reasonable policy on anything that turns some people off. A hothead will not do us a bit of good because most situations require tact and diplomacy, not anger and bullying.

Yes, we see that in the ever weakening Obuma! If ever there was a little man that got sand kicked on him, by EVERYONE at the beach, it would be this pathetic example of what is supposed to be the most powerful man on earth!

Yet he still kicks your ass at every turn. Must be frustrating for you.

That's what happens when we mistakenly vote in a Speaker and a Senate leader that take their orders (and undoubtedly their UNDER THE COUNTER money) from this pathetic little piss ant posing as a president!

Turtle boy and the crying drunk? They aren't smart enough to get paid off. They were put in office by teabaggers after all. They are lucky to be able to find the bathroom.
Sorry dogshit, but those are MODERATE RINO'S, nothing to do with the Tea Party, but you knew that, or should have!
Taking a hard-line against things is not his problem, it's acting as if he has a nuanced and reasonable policy on anything that turns some people off. A hothead will not do us a bit of good because most situations require tact and diplomacy, not anger and bullying.

Yes, we see that in the ever weakening Obuma! If ever there was a little man that got sand kicked on him, by EVERYONE at the beach, it would be this pathetic example of what is supposed to be the most powerful man on earth!

Yet he still kicks your ass at every turn. Must be frustrating for you.

That's what happens when we mistakenly vote in a Speaker and a Senate leader that take their orders (and undoubtedly their UNDER THE COUNTER money) from this pathetic little piss ant posing as a president!

Turtle boy and the crying drunk? They aren't smart enough to get paid off. They were put in office by teabaggers after all. They are lucky to be able to find the bathroom.
Sorry dogshit, but those are MODERATE RINO'S, nothing to do with the Tea Party, but you knew that, or should have!

They are your leaders. Somebody forcing you to keep them in place? What's wrong? The right doesn't have the balls to control it's own party?
Taking a hard-line against things is not his problem, it's acting as if he has a nuanced and reasonable policy on anything that turns some people off. A hothead will not do us a bit of good because most situations require tact and diplomacy, not anger and bullying.
Tact and diplomacy have got us NOTHING but hard times and bad deals.
Bullshit, the conservative hard-line stance got us two stupidly conducted wars, a domestic spy network, pissed off allies, an economic collapse and a congress that could not vote for water if their ass was on fire. Tired of that blind ideological shit, it is killing us by degrees as adherence to political dogma becomes an acceptable excuse for inaction and incompetence.
During the first two years Obama had the Senate and the House under his control and what did he do? NOTHING.

Don't get me wrong. For now, I'm right with you in support of trump. I love watching the right rip its self to shreds in a civil war to see who is crazier. Of course if trump wins the primary, (I don't think the GOP will allow that) the Democratic candidate might not even have to campaign.

I'm telling you...The only thing that is worse than Donald continuing to act like an ass and forcing the rest of the field into that act is if Donald stops and tries to portray himself with a serious mantra of policies and programs and gets the establishment republicans to give him a serious look.

If that happens, and he wins a primary or two; the more sane alternatives could "suspend" their campaigns leaving Trump and others who are not built to last (Walker, Paul, Kasich)

The "king maker" of this election may be Senator Kelly Ayotte. She holds a great amount of clout in NH and if the race is within a few % points either way, her endorsement will make the difference. Christie has done little to endear himself to seated GOP congressional members. She won't be endorsing Trump. Whomever wins NH will have a leg up going into SC. If it's not Christie and someone like Bush or Walker could end up with her anointing them. I doubt Trump will do much to win SC but he will still finish in the top 3--it's TPRT (Tractor Pull Republican Territory).

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