Nikki Haley Deserves Credit For Calling For Social Security Changes!

As I said before, 5.4 percent were over 65 in 1935. Today, it is 17 percent.

That is a clearly unsustainable trend.

Common. Fricking. Sense.

Which results from the baby boomer bulge. That bulge will not be sustained in the long term.

If the 9 percent index is written in the law, it will happen automatically.


You believe that?

(And 2, not those talking about raising the age to 70 are even mentioning reducing the age in the future. The increase would be permanent.)

The retirement age needs to be raised to 70, and indexed to 9 percent going forward.

68 just won't cut it.

We have a larger and larger percentage of the population being supported by a smaller and smaller percentage of the population, and that is unsustainable.

We are living much longer than our ancestors, we should be working longer.
So you just do not want people to ever retire and enjoy what little life they have left, NO! Quit spending so much on da welfare

You believe that?

(And 2, not those talking about raising the age to 70 are even mentioning reducing the age in the future. The increase would be permanent.)

I don't care what others are saying. I am saying what I have been saying for well over a decade, long before these johnny come latelies.

It's a very simple fix which just requires a spine in our politicians. Unfortunately, at this time there are none with a spine.

But sooner or later, sheer mathematics will force the issue.

As for what believe or don't believe, if something is written into the law, it doesn't matter what I believe. It will just happen automatically.

Every ten years after the census, the retirement age can be adjusted to 9 percent of the population.

Easy peasy.
I don't care what others are saying. I am saying what I have been saying for well over a decade, long before these johnny come latelies.

It's a very simple fix which just requires a spine in our politicians. Unfortunately, at this time there are none with a spine.

But sooner or later, sheer mathematics will force the issue.

As for what believe or don't believe, if something is written into the law, it doesn't matter what I believe. It will just happen automatically.

Every ten years after the census, the retirement age can be adjusted to 9 percent of the population.

Easy peasy.
How about the Government quit raising the age and start actually spending less!
I don't care what others are saying. I am saying what I have been saying for well over a decade, long before these johnny come latelies.

It's a very simple fix which just requires a spine in our politicians. Unfortunately, at this time there are none with a spine.

But sooner or later, sheer mathematics will force the issue.

As for what believe or don't believe, if something is written into the law, it doesn't matter what I believe. It will just happen automatically.

Every ten years after the census, the retirement age can be adjusted to 9 percent of the population.

Easy peasy.

Cutting benefits is not "easy peasy" nor is it going to be acceptable to the demographics that are the most active voters. (Those 50 and older.)

Laws can be changed. It's currently written into the law that the Trump Tax cuts will automatically expire in 2025. Some members in Congress are already trying to change the law to extend them (or make them permanent).

Same will happen with your plan. The age will be raise and when it comes time to reduce the age Congress will just change the law keeping the higher age.

How about the Government quit raising the age and start actually spending less!
Whenever I list the ways the government can reduce spending, I always say they need to eliminate the biggest expense of all. It is twice the amount of what we spend on welfare. It is a nefarious socialistic program of wealth redistribution larger than any other program in the history of the universe.

And just like when I say we need to raise the retirement age, the opponents to these spending cuts scream like welfare queens.

I am talking, of course, about the $1.4 trillion of ANNUAL tax expenditures.

By raising the retirement age and eliminating tax expenditures, the government would have such a YUGE surplus, they wouldn't know what to do with it all.

They could significantly lower tax rates for EVERYONE, and pay down the debt. And once the debt was paid, they could lower tax rates even more.

Every politician knows this, but they know if they did that, their campaign war chests would suddenly be empty as the bribes they are paid to put tax expenditures into the tax code would stop coming in.

The special interests hope and pray the rubes never cotton onto this. That's why they blow so much smoke up your ass and work very hard to get us all to hate each other.

Divide and conquer.
Cutting benefits is not "easy peasy" nor is it going to be acceptable to the demographics that are the most active voters. (Those 50 and older.)

Laws can be changed. It's currently written into the law that the Trump Tax cuts will automatically expire in 2025. Some members in Congress are already trying to change the law to extend them (or make them permanent).

Same will happen with your plan. The age will be raise and when it comes time to reduce the age Congress will just change the law keeping the higher age.

The Trump tax cuts for the wealthy don't expire. Only the tax cuts for the rubes do.
Cynical people always doubt me when I say we could lower tax rates significantly by eliminating tax expenditures.

But don't just believe me. Believe Deven Nunes as he explains how the special interests hijacked his attempts to do just that.

Here is Deven Nunes, one of Trump's favorite butt boys, explaining that every credit, deduction, and exemption is paid for by raising tax rates on everyone:

No tax reform without border adjustment tax, Rep. Nunes says

"If people wanted to drop the corporate rate from 35 to say 33, 32, maybe 30, we could probably do it. But if you go back to several years that we looked at doing just that, the goal was to get to 25 percent, and by the time every lobbyist, every special interest group in town, representing every major corporation in this country, the tax rate was automatically all the way back above 30 by the time you put everybody's special loophole in."

Read that a hundred times if that is how much it takes for you to comprehend it.

Nunes sat on the House Ways and Means Committee. That's the committee responsible for taxation.

Nunes clearly states that every deduction, exemption, and credit is paid for by raising tax rates on everyone. That's why I call them government gifts, because they are. They are theft from someone else's pocket.
By the way, Deven Nunes quit Congress to run Trump's Truth Social media company.

He must be feeling like a true idiot for giving up his powerful House position to run yet another failed Trump business. :lol:

Karma is a BITCH!
You're wrong.

(Not commenting on the post, just assisting with the request.)
Anyone making more than $160,200 should still have payroll deductions.

This ^^^ is why we need a FLAT tax with zero deductions.
Anyone making more than $160,200 should still have payroll deductions.

This ^^^ is why we need a FLAT tax with zero deductions.

Winco, you realize the post was a joke now right?


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