Nightwing: Leviathan


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a vigilantism themed Nightwing (DC Comics) 'fan-fiction' (an exciting new modern folk genre) that I desperately wanted to share in this new age of various kinds of urban depression, so I hope you find!



"Ajay Satan was a political cartoonist who used comic book doodle-drawings to create online 'democracy fanzines' he could present to his 3rd grade students in Gotham City during the outbreak of the terrible Coronavirus. Ajay made a doodle drawing of the DC Comics villainess Talia al Ghul, head of the fictional eco-terrorist crime syndicate, known as Leviathan, to tell his young students about modern ideas regarding biochemical dangers in civilization. Ajay was a real-life knight!"


"Well, Ajay's doodle of Talia al Ghul, the DC Comics villainess, was referenced by multiple Internet bloggers in America who wanted to talk about the power of folk or amateur online creativity in the dissemination of social health dialogue. This was, after all, the modern age of media and everyone was interested in the impact of accessible imagination, especially since the Coronavirus death-count had reached 200,000 in China, making people worldwide quite paranoid about social chatter!"


"Ajay's girlfriend, a popular horror-film actress, was intrigued by her courageous boyfriend's interests in social work and education in this new age of Internet readership."


"The Coronavirus had become a global spectacle, making everyone quite paranoid about social activities and contagiousness. Ajay and his girlfriend wondered about the negative impact on urban vitality, especially in their beloved Gotham City!"


"In this foreboding yet network conscious modern world, new age artists liked presenting ideas and paintings of symbolic ominous 'dark cities' representing global fears about the duality in civilization between industriousness...and goosebumps."


"An Algerian-American actress who was secretly the daughter of a European eco-terrorist donned a fake name and identity to pass herself off as a luminous and 'catchy' modern media doll interested in comic book movies marketed towards youngsters! This scandalous actress saw Ajay Satan's comic book democracy fanzine doodle of Talia al Ghul (DC Comics) online and wanted to portray the fictional eco-terrorist in a Hollywood movie...set in Gotham City! She ('Talia') was quite evil and her goal reflected the urban chic of her comic book catchy American name."


"Hollywood film-maker Darren Aronofsky directed the comic book picture set in Gotham City, where Ajay Satan lived, and 'Talia' stood out in the big-budget film about eco-terrorism in the time of the terrible Coronavirus. The movie was titled Talia: Leviathan."


"The release of the brutally-honest film created a mob psychology reaction, which is exactly what 'Talia' wanted, prompting female American cops in Gotham City to post photos of themselves on the accessible Internet so people would remember the important differences between beauty...and crime!"


"When Ajay Satan's horror-film actress girlfriend was attacked in the city by a group of Talia-groupies, Ajay decided to take more radical vigilante action. He decided to fashion himself a Nightwing (DC Comics) superhero costume and hit the city streets with a homemade electric taser, shooing away Talia-groupies and/or ushering them towards police."


"Ajay's Harvard mentor and comic book artist, a man who liked his students to call him 'Professor X' (a reference to modern streamlined populism defense!), called Ajay after he saw Internet headlines and blogs about the unusual deeds of 'Nightwing' and told Ajay that this time of the Coronavirus required serious academic humility!"


"As Nightwing stood out as a canonical urban 'priest' of sorts, Ajay and his girlfriend decided to leave behind the madness of Gotham City and retreat to the more peaceful countryside of Virginia where Ajay could more sanely teach 3rd grade students about the impact of modern urban anarchy! Nightwing would now become Ajay Satan's 'pen' medicine."


"Unfortunately, things in Gotham turned worse as the Coronavirus mutated into a super-virus that transformed patients into flesh-consuming gargoyles. It was discovered this mutation was bred by an evil alien species visitor who'd landed on Earth after detecting Milky Way Galaxy signals of widespread 21st Century urban frailty. Was this the Apocalypse?"


"Ajay continued to make comic book friendly democratic lessons about modern urban idealism, while the US army dealt with this new alien 'predator' who sought to turn Gotham City into a wellspring of fear. Who'd take up the symbolic reins of Nightwing?"


AJAY SATAN: "If we work together, beauty can be wrought from Hell."


"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5)

Chapter 2: Firefly!

Here's a fun democratic addendum about 'natural humanism' in celebration of St. Patrick's Day...



"Ajay Satan broke up with his girlfriend who found his life too complicated. He decided to make a life change and moved to Belfast (Northern Ireland), where he could make political cartoons online about the Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA), which was still struggling with the British Parliament for more employment opportunities and voting rights for minority Irish Catholics living alongside the dominant British Protestant population in Belfast. Ireland was invaded by the British and colonized and then partitioned into an independent Ireland and British-dominated Northern Ireland in the 20th Century. Since then, the Irish Catholics living as a minority in Belfast considered British influence undesirable and PIRA was still resisting the policies of the British Parliament. Ajay Satan moved to Belfast and worked as a political cartoonist for the Catholic Voice, a liberal pro-Irish gazette catering to the Catholic population in Northern Ireland. Ajay used as his cartoonist-avatar a nifty character called Blue-Ninja!"


"As the 21st Century world embraced new forms of globalization politics oriented democratic intrigue, areas around the globe still anxious about networking related sociopolitical matters such as the 'troubles' between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland were plagued by lingering worries about commercial peace! Armed British army officials in Belfast regularly kept vigilant watch over potential threats made by PIRA (Provisional Irish Republican Army). Satan (Ajay) wondered if this kind of localized anarchy was the new face of human terror."


"Ajay made a political cartoon about British policemen engaging in cannibalism as a form of torture and execution, liberally eating captured PIRA radicals such as Seann O'Meara. This cannibalism series of political cartoons made by Ajay, under his pseudonym avatar Blue-Ninja were considered quite radical and drew the attention of Sinn Fein, the legal and political 'arm' of the Irish Republican Army that worked with British Parliament officials to obtain more socioeconomic equity for the Catholic minority living in Northern Ireland. Ajay Satan called these troubles between Parliament and PIRA an ingestion of the son by a mutated father!"


"A new Hollywood film event was taking place in Belfast and two iconic American actresses, Laura Dern and Scarlett Johansson, were present to showcase the new Alan J. Pakula film about a PIRA radical (portrayed by Leo DiCaprio) who was being helped by local Irish Catholic women who wanted to see more democratic employment opportunities for women in Northern Ireland. The Pakula film, titled Provisional Money, drew a lot of media attention."


"Ajay Satan decided to capitalize on this newfound social spirit of political enthusiasm by returning to a life of vigilantism, a role he played in crime-pensive (and alien-invaded!) Gotham City! The predator-alien making Coronavirus matters worse in America had departed, but this new anti-globalization Belfast bubble was creating another kind of modern hell. Ajay donned a green lantern flavored Nightwing (DC Comics) vigilante costume this time and the first thing he did (as Nightwing) was place green-colored lanterns at the footsteps of British government controlled municipal and civil buildings all over Belfast! Nightwing (Ajay Satan) wrote in the Catholic Voice that these green lanterns symbolized a modern human interest in choreographing politics with nature, since the green lanterns reminded people of the invisible humbling splendor of peaceful fireflies!"


"Ajay Satan (Nightwing) got lots of kudos for this radical work in Northern Ireland and was then recruited by Sinn Fein and PIRA to make a series of pro-Catholic blogs on the Internet about the demands of the Irish for more employment opportunities in Belfast! Nightwing (Ajay) enhanced his vigilante profile with colorful green masks and outfits representing a social sympathy for Irish Catholic problems in the modern European city! Was Nightwing now officially IRA?"


"The British government sent a challenger to retort to Nightwing's creative pro-Catholic mission. This 'adversary' was an English barrister and former policeman named Earl Grey who was himself disfigured in a PIRA attack on a policemen-dominated pub in Belfast. Grey gave himself the Internet-blogging alias English Blob (EB) and claimed Nightwing (Ajay Satan) was nothing more than a modern jester! EB wanted to make statements about pro-Protestant pride and quickly became considered a new stiffneck!"


"English Blob (EB) used his wife Helen for fashionable photos featuring her in green outfits meant to convey Protestants' equal passion for democratic rhetoric in Northern Ireland! Suddenly, there was an air of modern sociopolitical intrigue on the European Internet."


"U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted, 'If Nightwing and English Blob (EB) continue to harness the Euro-Internet and modern media resources to make democratic "contests" more public and hence more peaceful, we might see creative forms of new age urban craftsmanship'"


"Would the green-colored Nightwing (Ajay Satan) continue to challenge the online rants of the more conservative English Blob (EB)? This was real modern comic book stylized democracy."


ENGLISH BLOB (EB): "Beware the mighty Green Dragon who tempts you to exploit new age populism rhetoric as simply a deceiving veil for dangerous wrath!"


"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth" (Matthew 5)




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Here's a quick addendum about the modern complexity of vigilance daydreams, referencing a symbolic Eastern folk Golem. This addendum was actually inspired by my love of the Asian-Indian comic book hero Batul the Great, an Eastern rendition of Tintin really (the subject of a recent Spielberg film!).

Thanks for reading,


"Ajay Satan had a dream in which he imagined he was being visited by the Hindu deity Kali (goddess of anarchy) who wanted to debate with him about creative revolutionary politics in the modern era. Ajay ('Nightwing') knew Kali was shrewd about dogma and creativity and was anticipating she'd want to debate about the 'leviathan' (or chaos) of 21st Century network imagination. Kali was the ultimate messenger of complexity."


KALI: Do you understand leviathan?
AJAY: As Nightwing, I wrestle with the confusion with customs!
KALI: You enjoy using Internet to forward democracy?
AJAY: I respect governance and sanity!
KALI: What did you make of Gotham and Belfast?
AJAY: They're cities requiring serious metaphysical dissection!
KALI: The 21st Century is all about etiquette.
AJAY: I disagree; it's also about control!
KALI: Democracy today is about attention.
AJAY: True, but lawmen care about aesthetics.
KALI: Isn't America the base of modern liberals?
AJAY: America is the 'Big Brother' of educational pluralism.
KALI: Maybe 'Nightwing' will be a messenger of inventiveness!
AJAY: I intend to present myself as a diplomat of psychiatry.
KALI: Then I look forward to seeing photos of you as a doctor.


"Ajay was moved by his dream-debate/discussion with the Hindu goddess Kali, a conversation that inspired Ajay ('Nightwing') to continue to think creatively about modern vigilantism...and engineering hygiene in society!"



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