Nigerian Ambush--families not experts


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
...the families of the men killed in the Nigerian ambush are not experts--they are in deep grief...and like a lot of families that lose loved ones, have to find someone to blame
...sending in small forces of US soldiers into a hostile--UNKNOWN area is very risky
..this stuff has happened before of the biggest, costliest ambushes in Vietnam was 1-9 at Con Thien--and the Marines were in a large unit and familiar area

...the only thing I see wrong is sending in a small unit without any heavy and/or quick reaction force/support ..but if this is what the strategic campaign calls for, that's the way it is
Many officials last fall repeated such inaccuracies to the press and the families about the combat incident, leading to confusion and suspicion.
this does not mean intentional lying
"That team was failed before they got there. It was made up of inexperienced, not effectively-trained junior NCOs," said one family member, referring to non-commissioned officers. "There also were tactical decisions where they just f----- up. This was avoidable."
this is bullshit ...combat is not a game you play on the PC or tabletop
At least twice during the three-hour gunfight the team leader -- a U.S. Army captain with only one prior combat deployment, to Afghanistan, before he earned his Green Beret -- unintentionally lost "accountability" (a term referring to a soldier’s location and condition in battle) of two groups of his men: three soldiers in one location and a fourth with Nigerien troops in a separate location.
this is ''normal'' in combat
US soldiers killed in Niger were outgunned, 'left behind' in hunt for ISIS leader

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