Nicki Minaj now getting death threats from the media

Ah, so now you dont believe what a black person says...
My testicles have yet to swell from getting da shotz, they were YUGE before I got da shotz.

My testicles have yet to swell from getting da shotz, they were YUGE before I got da shotz.

You are a trans human now having your DNA modified.
Not surprised to see the DNC cult send out their brownshirts to attack this woman for daring to speak her mind

Welcome to our new normal, a Gestapo like media.
Why am I supposed to give any fucks?
Ah, so now you believe what a black persona says...

After spending 12 years as a New York City cop and investigator serving Childhood Trauma (ACEs) victims Little Kim Jones, Shawn Carter and the late Gun Violence Homicide victim Christopher Biggie Smalls Wallace's traumatized, impoverished Brooklyn community...

...sadly, I have no reason to disbelieve Nicki's Rap lyrics correctly denigrating women of African descent as inhuman creatures and hoes undeserving of being trested basic human respect.

Of course, not all women of African descent are bitches and hoes, however, after near 40 years of listening to AA recording artists denigrating women, as well as recognizing AA kids and teens suffer our nation's highest rate to potential life scarring child neglect and abuse, it's difficult to deny many AA women are experiencing some type of mental or emotional issues.

Watch "Black Woman: Black Women Need To Shut Up" ~Shemeka Michelle

Greetings. Shemeka Michelle is not alone!

Why Are Black Women So Argumentative? ~Melissa

"Black Women Ain't Ish” ~Jazzyslim2015 .com/watch?v=jt4lnbqKwCst/

☮️ EndHate2021

Now Rihanna is coming out as anti Covid vaccine too ... good on her.

Red pilling people is great way to do it!


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