Next Obama Czar Position: "Pond Scum Czar"

no one has been able to show that rather faked anything. At most he was sent fake docs, but no one has even been able to prove the docs were fake. Con$ just assume they were fake. Con$ assume any lie is the truth if it supports their lies.

no only the typewriter those papers were prepared on didn't exist at the time frame.

4 people in cbs lost thier jobs over it...hack.
that bullshit has been thoroughly debunked, but you already knew that.
You are acting as if algae derived fuel is a dumb idea when in fact it is the most promising method we have for producing plant based motor fuel that does not cut into the food supply.

Do me a favor: calculate a "rough" estimate of how much space would be required to grow enough algae to fill up a 55 gallon barrel (say one acrefoot, a water covered measurement, per 100 barrels). Now, consider you will need tens of these barrels to convert enough to fill ONE barrel with actual fuel. What do you think the cost would be to keep "environmental conditions" favorable for massive algae growth (how much energy will it take?)? Will it contaminate our waterways and harm the "wildlife"? Will it "affect" our drinking water? Who will monitor it? How many agencies will have to be created (filled by friends of Obama) to "regulate" it?

This is another money laudering scheme (PONZI if you insist) that the O is planning on using in his next term. Billions will be invested in companies that will declare bankrupcy after WASTING valuable energy for a "show" for his green zombies. And your response at that time will be: if only we had "spent" more....
From the link I already posted:

Briggs used the numbers from NREL's Aquatic Species Program—that one quad (7.5 billion gallons) of biodiesel could be produced on 200,000 ha (roughly 500,000 acres) or about 780 square miles—to compute that 140.8 billion gallons of biodiesel would requre 19 quads (140.8 ÷ 7.5).This would require about 15,000 square miles (19 x 780), or about 9.5 million acres—which he notes is only about 12.5% of the area of the Sonoran desert of the Southwest. So using algae as a source of oil for biodiesel with the NREL productivity assumption, the acreage required is less than 3% of the 450 million acres now used to grow crops.
Based on a UNH research project, (8) Briggs then estimates the total cost of producing 140.8 billion gallons of oil (unrefined) for biodiesel at $46.2 billion—substantially less than the $100-*150 billion that the US currently spends to purchase foreign crude oil.

how are you going to seal the ground to reduce water loss
how are you going to cover 15,000 square miles with enough water
how are you going to stop mosquito populations from exploding
how are you going to feed the algae
Do me a favor: calculate a "rough" estimate of how much space would be required to grow enough algae to fill up a 55 gallon barrel (say one acrefoot, a water covered measurement, per 100 barrels). Now, consider you will need tens of these barrels to convert enough to fill ONE barrel with actual fuel. What do you think the cost would be to keep "environmental conditions" favorable for massive algae growth (how much energy will it take?)? Will it contaminate our waterways and harm the "wildlife"? Will it "affect" our drinking water? Who will monitor it? How many agencies will have to be created (filled by friends of Obama) to "regulate" it?

This is another money laudering scheme (PONZI if you insist) that the O is planning on using in his next term. Billions will be invested in companies that will declare bankrupcy after WASTING valuable energy for a "show" for his green zombies. And your response at that time will be: if only we had "spent" more....
From the link I already posted:

Briggs used the numbers from NREL's Aquatic Species Program—that one quad (7.5 billion gallons) of biodiesel could be produced on 200,000 ha (roughly 500,000 acres) or about 780 square miles—to compute that 140.8 billion gallons of biodiesel would requre 19 quads (140.8 ÷ 7.5).This would require about 15,000 square miles (19 x 780), or about 9.5 million acres—which he notes is only about 12.5% of the area of the Sonoran desert of the Southwest. So using algae as a source of oil for biodiesel with the NREL productivity assumption, the acreage required is less than 3% of the 450 million acres now used to grow crops.
Based on a UNH research project, (8) Briggs then estimates the total cost of producing 140.8 billion gallons of oil (unrefined) for biodiesel at $46.2 billion—substantially less than the $100-*150 billion that the US currently spends to purchase foreign crude oil.

how are you going to seal the ground to reduce water loss
how are you going to cover 15,000 square miles with enough water
how are you going to stop mosquito populations from exploding
how are you going to feed the algae
You'll not get a straight answer. You see the intent of the so called green energy crowd is not energy at all. It is to further an anti business agenda.
Just like the Rather docs were real

He faked some documents

Truth is hard for the Left
In fact, it is their worst enemy
No one has been able to show that Rather faked anything. At most he was sent fake docs, but no one has even been able to prove the docs were fake. CON$ just assume they were fake. CON$ assume any lie is the truth if it supports their lies.
So CBS fired Mr Rather for no good reason?
You can deny the actions of Rather all you like. As a corporation, matters dealing with high profile professional personnel such as a Dan Rather are carefully considered before being acted upon. CBS was forced to let go several high profile people over this incident.
Is it your assertion that CBS management acted in a capricious manner and fired Rather and others without proof of wrongdoing?
Please. Next case. This one is already been finished.
Rather was not fired for faking, forging, manufacturing documents, as you well know. Whatever reason he was fired for it was not the reason previously given.
No one has been able to show that Rather faked anything. At most he was sent fake docs, but no one has even been able to prove the docs were fake. CON$ just assume they were fake. CON$ assume any lie is the truth if it supports their lies.
So CBS fired Mr Rather for no good reason?
You can deny the actions of Rather all you like. As a corporation, matters dealing with high profile professional personnel such as a Dan Rather are carefully considered before being acted upon. CBS was forced to let go several high profile people over this incident.
Is it your assertion that CBS management acted in a capricious manner and fired Rather and others without proof of wrongdoing?
Please. Next case. This one is already been finished.
Rather was not fired for faking, forging, manufacturing documents, as you well know. Whatever reason he was fired for it was not the reason previously given.
Yeah..Ok, sure thing.
You can believe that if it makes you feel better.
Rather was not fired for faking, forging, manufacturing documents, as you well know. Whatever reason he was fired for it was not the reason previously given.

True. He was fire for getting caught. He would have received a pay increase otherwise.
no only the typewriter those papers were prepared on didn't exist at the time frame.

4 people in cbs lost thier jobs over it...hack.
that bullshit has been thoroughly debunked, but you already knew that.

Quotes From Interview With Bill Glennon, IBM expert and technology consultant

RATHER: Critics are saying that the documents canÂ’t be authentic because typewriters at the
time didnÂ’t have the various features that show up in these documents. Is that correct in your
experience or incorrect?

GLENNON: That is totally and 100 percent false. As I said, the IBM model executive, D
Executive or the C Executive, did proportional type spacing. It also would do proportional
spacing from line to line. And it also would do superscript printing for like the “th,” which you
could, you could have ordered. It wasnÂ’t a standard feature on all the standard IBM D
Executives, but if you wanted that key, you could order it.
That bullshit has been thoroughly debunked, but you already knew that.

Wrong, turd. MS Word didn't exist when Bush was in the NG.
So what, the docs were not made with MS word, :asshole:

They most certain were made with MS word. The font used is identical to the Times New Roman Font that comes with the program. The proportional spacing is something impossible to do with any of the type writers that existed in the 80s. There was so much irrefutable evidence that it they were done with MS Word that it's incredible to encounter anyone stupid enough to dispute it.
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You gotta love CON$, they divert the topic, then get their lying assses handed to them in their diversion, and then they bitch like little sissies about the topic being diverted.

You have a vivid imagination.
that bullshit has been thoroughly debunked, but you already knew that.

Quotes From Interview With Bill Glennon, IBM expert and technology consultant

RATHER: Critics are saying that the documents canÂ’t be authentic because typewriters at the
time didnÂ’t have the various features that show up in these documents. Is that correct in your
experience or incorrect?

GLENNON: That is totally and 100 percent false. As I said, the IBM model executive, D
Executive or the C Executive, did proportional type spacing. It also would do proportional
spacing from line to line. And it also would do superscript printing for like the “th,” which you
could, you could have ordered. It wasnÂ’t a standard feature on all the standard IBM D
Executives, but if you wanted that key, you could order it.

INDCJournal: <b>(UPDATED: "At Least" 90% Positive They're Fake)</b><br><br>Are the CBS National Guard Documents Fake?

After contacting several experts, a rather notable Forensic Document Examiner named Dr. Philip Bouffard took the time to examine a pdf of the documents and perform an initial visual analysis of their authenticity. Dr. Bouffard has a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Michigan, but got involved in forensic examination of typefaces after working in “graphics” with NCR until 1973 and taking a two-year Certification Program in Document Examination at Georgetown University. After completing the program, he became specifically interested in typewriter classification and went to work for a prosecutor’s crime lab in Lake County, Ohio.

Using something called the Haas Atlas, the definitive collection of various typefaces, Mr. Bouffard (and other forensic document examiners) examined the veracity of various documents for over 30 years. Beginning in 1988, Mr. Bouffard hired a programmer to write a computer database program that catalogues the nearly 4,000 typefaces that appear in the Haas Atlas. This computer program is now a forensic standard that is sold as a companion to the Haas Atlas by American Society of Questioned Document Examiners (ASQDE).

UPDATE: The name of the program that Dr. Bouffard developed is called "The Typewriter Typestyle Classification Program" (C:\TYPE).

What did Dr. Bouffard think of the documents?

First, the necessary caveats:

• The pdf document is of poor quality. It seems to have been copied and recopied several times, blurring letter characteristics.

• Also, certain types of analysis can only be done on the original documents, which don’t seem to be available, even to CBS.

So Dr. Bouffard is very clear that his analysis is not 100% positive. That being said Â…

“It’s just possible that this might be a Times Roman font, which means that it would have been created on a computer. It’s very possible that someone decided to create this document on a computer... I’ve run across this situation before … my gut is this could just well be a fabrication.”

The reasons why?

• Right off the bat, Dr. Bouffard noted what others in the blogosphere have been talking about – something called “proportional spacing,” which means that each letter does not take up the same amount of width on the page. On old typewriters that do not have proportional spacing, the letter “i” would be as wide as the letter “m.” Except for professional typesetting, proportional spacing was only available on a very few models (an IBM model, "Composer" and perhaps one or two other models) that were not widely available in 1972-73; the vast majority of typewriters did not have proportional spacing. Because of this, Dr. Bouffard’s computer program immediately eliminated “over 90%” of the possible fonts from typewriters that could create such a document, narrowing it down to perhaps 15 fonts used by a very few models.

• Next, Dr. Bouffard began entering individual characters in an attempt to match them to the remaining fonts that were available on proportional spacing typewriters of that era, focusing on numbers. Thus far, one character stood out, the number “4.” In the document provided by CBS News, the number 4 does not "have a foot" and has a “closed top,” which is indicative of Times New Roman, a font exclusive to more modern computer word processing programs. other characters matched the old proportional spacing fonts (available on only a small few typewriters of the era), but this number did not (please note that this is only an initial analysis with numerical characters).

Dr. Bouffard ran this number and could not find a match in his entire database of over 4,000 typewriter fonts that have been maintained and collected into his computer database since 1988. Otherwise, the font is very indicative of Times New Roman, the font that is only available on computer word processing programs.

The final word?

Once again, let’s not forget the qualifications: it's a bad copy of a copy and we have no original document for review, but, based on the initial analysis of the documents by an industry expert with over 30 years of experience in typesetting and forensic document examination, the documents “could just well be a fabrication.”

In light of this information, I think that it would be highly appropriate for CBS News and the Boston Globe to attempt to obtain a copy of the original document for more thorough vetting, and run a correction/addendum to the story.

I still have two other forensic document examiners that are examining the pdf file, and I will update if/when they get back to me. I also plan to ask Dr. Bouffard more detail about the nature of the "th" on the end of dates, though in our first conversation he indicated that some typewriters had the capability to do something in that format.

UPDATE: Dr. Bouffard called me again, and after further analysis, he says that he's pretty certain that it's a fake.

Here's why

* He looked through old papers he's written, and noted that he's come up against the inconsistency of the "4" several previous times with forgeries that attempt to duplicate old proportional spaced documents with a computer word processing program.

* Regarding the small "th" after the date, Dr. Bouffard told me that it was possible to order specialty keys that would duplicate the automatic miniaturization completed by word processors after a numerical date, but it was certainly not standard, and wouldn't make a lot of sense in a military setting. "That by itself, while suspicious, is not impossible, but in conjunction with the (font irregularity of the) number four, it is really significant," he said.

* Dr. Bouffard said that signature analysis isn't that relevant because the signature could have easily been copied and pasted onto one of the photocopied forgeries from another document.

* He said that he didn't know who CBS contacted to verify the document's authenticity, but that there is really only one other man that may be more qualified to determine authentic typefaces than himself. I think that the burden of proof may be on CBS to reveal this information.

I asked him to put a percentage on the chances that this was a fake, and he said that was "hard to put a number on it." I then suggested "90%?" Again he said it's "hard to put an exact number, but I'd say it's at least that high, sure. I pretty much agree that that font is Times New Roman."

I hesitate to render verdicts, but based on an initial visual analysis by one of the country's foremost forensic document analysts that specializes in old typefaces, it looks like CBS was duped.
Wrong, turd. MS Word didn't exist when Bush was in the NG.
So what, the docs were not made with MS word, :asshole:

They most certain were made with MS word. The font used is identical to the Courier New Font that comes with the program. The proportional spacing is something impossible to do with any of the type writers that existed in the 80s. There was so much irrefutable evidence that it they were done with MS Word that it's incredible to encounter anyone stupid enough to dispute it.
All of your lies were debunked years ago, as you well know. :eusa_liar:

The font was Times New Roman, not Courier, and characters in the documents were not the same as Word's equalivent to times New Roman like 8 and 4. So there goes that bullshit!

And proportional spacing has existed since the IBM Executive electric typewriter.

You would think you stupid CON$ervative assholes would have learned by now never to believe any CON$ervative source for anything. But CON$ never learn. :cuckoo:

IBM Archives: The history of IBM electric typewriters

IBM Executive electric typewriter

Embodying the revolutionary IBM spacing principle, the IBM Executive Electric Typewriter represents the most dramatic advance ever made in the typewriter industry.
This new and distinct type of letter spacing allows each letter or character the exact space it requires. On ordinary typewriters, a narrow letter such as "i" occupies the same space as a wide letter such as "m". The IBM spacing principle gives a new beauty to typing and makes it easy to read.

The typewriter today

The typewriter today is the most used piece of office equipment, and yet it is one of the last business machines to use electricity. IBM has pioneered the development of the Electric Typewriter to provide increased efficiency for the broadening requirements of modern business. IBM continued to set the trend in 1941 by revolutionizing the typewriter industry with the invention of the IBM Executive Electric Typewriter, embodying the IBM spacing principle. Ease, speed, and quality have always been the three dimensions of the IBM Electric Typewriter. With the advent of sound reducing features, the fourth dimension -- QUIET -- came into being.
So what, the docs were not made with MS word, :asshole:

Hey asshole...What the fuck does this have to do with pond scum energy?
Stay on point or shut it.
You gotta love CON$, they divert the topic, then get their lying assses handed to them in their diversion, and then they bitch like little sissies about the topic being diverted.

Yes yes yes. Accuse others of what you then try to make them defend it. Not on my watch pal..You're the one who brought up this other shit.
YOU did it..
Stay on point.
The only one on here who is being a bitch is you because you cannot control the conversation. And that just eats up your insides. All of you libs are the same. If you cannot decide the topic of a discussion you fucking lose it.

Quotes From Interview With Bill Glennon, IBM expert and technology consultant

RATHER: Critics are saying that the documents canÂ’t be authentic because typewriters at the
time didnÂ’t have the various features that show up in these documents. Is that correct in your
experience or incorrect?

GLENNON: That is totally and 100 percent false. As I said, the IBM model executive, D
Executive or the C Executive, did proportional type spacing. It also would do proportional
spacing from line to line. And it also would do superscript printing for like the “th,” which you
could, you could have ordered. It wasnÂ’t a standard feature on all the standard IBM D
Executives, but if you wanted that key, you could order it.

INDCJournal: <b>(UPDATED: "At Least" 90% Positive They're Fake)</b><br><br>Are the CBS National Guard Documents Fake?

After contacting several experts, a rather notable Forensic Document Examiner named Dr. Philip Bouffard took the time to examine a pdf of the documents and perform an initial visual analysis of their authenticity. Dr. Bouffard has a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Michigan, but got involved in forensic examination of typefaces after working in “graphics” with NCR until 1973 and taking a two-year Certification Program in Document Examination at Georgetown University. After completing the program, he became specifically interested in typewriter classification and went to work for a prosecutor’s crime lab in Lake County, Ohio...

Dr. Bouffard ran this number and could not find a match in his entire database of over 4,000 typewriter fonts that have been maintained and collected into his computer database since 1988. Otherwise, the font is very indicative of Times New Roman, the font that is only available on computer word processing programs...

I asked him to put a percentage on the chances that this was a fake, and he said that was "hard to put a number on it." I then suggested "90%?" Again he said it's "hard to put an exact number, but I'd say it's at least that high, sure. I pretty much agree that that font is Times New Roman."

I hesitate to render verdicts, but based on an initial visual analysis by one of the country's foremost forensic document analysts that specializes in old typefaces, it looks like CBS was duped.
You dumb CON$ervative assholes NEVER learn. Your "expert" is too stupid to know that Times New Roman has existed since the 1930s, long before computers. But at least he agrees that the 4s do not match MS Word's 4!!!!

Typography for Lawyers

A brief history of Times New Roman

Times New Roman gets its name from the Times of Lon*don, the British news*pa*per. In 1929, the Times hired typog*ra*pher Stan*ley Mori*son of Mono*type, a British font foundry, to cre*ate a new text font. Mori*son led the project and super*vised Vic*tor Lar*dent, an adver*tis*ing artist for the Times, who drew the let*ter*forms.
After Mono*type com*pleted Times New Roman, it had to license the design to then-rival Lino*type, because the Times used Linotype’s type*set*ting machines. (Think of Mono*type and Lino*type as the Depression-era Microsoft and Apple.) Since then, Mono*type has sold the font as “Times New Roman” and Lino*type has mar*keted its ver*sion as “Times Roman.”
Type*set*ting tech*nol*ogy has evolved since then, but due to its endur*ing pop*u*lar*ity, Times New Roman has always been one of the first fonts avail*able in each new for*mat. This, in turn, has only increased its reach.
Just like the Rather docs were real

He faked some documents

Truth is hard for the Left
In fact, it is their worst enemy
No one has been able to show that Rather faked anything. At most he was sent fake docs, but no one has even been able to prove the docs were fake. CON$ just assume they were fake. CON$ assume any lie is the truth if it supports their lies.
So CBS fired Mr Rather for no good reason?
You can deny the actions of Rather all you like. As a corporation, matters dealing with high profile professional personnel such as a Dan Rather are carefully considered before being acted upon. CBS was forced to let go several high profile people over this incident.
Is it your assertion that CBS management acted in a capricious manner and fired Rather and others without proof of wrongdoing?
Please. Next case. This one is already been finished.

Hey asshole...What the fuck does this have to do with pond scum energy?
Stay on point or shut it.
You gotta love CON$, they divert the topic, then get their lying assses handed to them in their diversion, and then they bitch like little sissies about the topic being diverted.

Yes yes yes. Accuse others of what you then try to make them defend it. Not on my watch pal..You're the one who brought up this other shit.
YOU did it..
Stay on point.
The only one on here who is being a bitch is you because you cannot control the conversation. And that just eats up your insides. All of you libs are the same. If you cannot decide the topic of a discussion you fucking lose it.
You, like all CON$, are a lousy liar.
Your fellow traveler Neonutzy started the diversion and when I debunked his bullshit diversion you jumped in to his defense continuing the diversion.
You dumb CON$ervative assholes NEVER learn. Your "expert" is too stupid to know that Times New Roman has existed since the 1930s, long before computers. But at least he agrees that the 4s do not match MS Word's 4!!!!

You really are an astounding moron, Ed. The expert said there was no such TYPEWRITER font. That doesn't mean it wasn't available on industrial printing presses.

You aren't helping your credibility with these amazingly stupid arguments.

Forged NG document:


MS Word Version of the document:


Notice that they are identical.

You have to be the terminally gullible to believe the documents weren't forgeries.
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You dumb CON$ervative assholes NEVER learn. Your "expert" is too stupid to know that Times New Roman has existed since the 1930s, long before computers. But at least he agrees that the 4s do not match MS Word's 4!!!!

You really are an astounding moron, Ed. The expert said there was no such TYPEWRITER font. That doesn't mean it wasn't available on industrial printing presses.

You aren't helping your credibility with these amazingly stupid arguments.

Forged NG document:


MS Word Version of the document:


Notice that they are identical.

You have to be the terminally gullible to believe the documents weren't forgeries.
Gee, you must be blind! look at the "th" that comes after 187 and tell me they are the same!