Newt Weighing In.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
I am NOT a Newt Gingrich fan but Newt is spot on with this one, ESPECIALLY about the illegals coming across our southern border ILLEGALLY. I realize that the current political issues are not just associated with the Democrat political party, as we obviously have elements of the statist left in the GOP that we call RINO's. In all reality the entire RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP) has their hands in the ole cookie jar. If the DC gang thinks it will be getting replaced due to a aggravated constituency I would not put it past them to try to get a war going in an attempt to retain their seats & positions. Nothing like putting the fear of Wallula into the American constituency to cow them down.

I'd suggest come the mid term election to do your homework on ANY independent/3rd party candidates to see if they are more of the Ron Paul breed, & if they prove to be then support them. We need to dump the profe$$ional politicians & replace them with constitutionally based Representatives of & for the people IF we can find them. Meanwhile the American constituency sinks ever deeper into debt $pending inflation & ultimately poverty.

I am NOT a Newt Gingrich fan but Newt is spot on with this one, ESPECIALLY about the illegals coming across our southern border ILLEGALLY. I realize that the current political issues are not just associated with the Democrat political party, as we obviously have elements of the statist left in the GOP that we call RINO's. In all reality the entire RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP) has their hands in the ole cookie jar. If the DC gang thinks it will be getting replaced due to a aggravated constituency I would not put it past them to try to get a war going in an attempt to retain their seats & positions. Nothing like putting the fear of Wallula into the American constituency to cow them down.

I'd suggest come the mid term election to do your homework on ANY independent/3rd party candidates to see if they are more of the Ron Paul breed, & if they prove to be then support them. We need to dump the profe$$ional politicians & replace them with constitutionally based Representatives of & for the people IF we can find them. Meanwhile the American constituency sinks ever deeper into debt $pending inflation & ultimately poverty.

Not a big Newt fan anymore either, but he was pretty good, back in the day, and sometimes still dead on target, so deserving a listen though he has no power or maybe because he has no power. Back in the 90s he was sharper than Nancy or McConnell are now, and largely responsible for the successful presidency of Bill Clinton, whether Bill liked it or not.
Sorry, no.

67% of people at the time thought that impeachment was uncalled for..

10 Republican Senators voted to acquit Clinton

This was a bullshit issue from top to bottom, made a lot worse by the fact that the people going after Clinton- Hyde, Gingrich, Livingstone, all stepped out on their wives.

So let's review. Newt had to step down because the GOP lost ground in the 1998 midterms because he insisted on going forward with a impeachment no one wanted. Also he was about to have his affair exposed.

Livingstone was appointed to replace him, and he had to step down when his affair was exposed.

Henry Hyde was exposed to have cheated with a married woman and broken up her marriage back in the 1960's, Mr. Self-righteous POS he was.

Then they appointed Denny Hastert as Speaker... you know, the guy who was eventually discovered to have been paying off men he had molested as boys for years.

Party of Family Values, everyone.... LEt's impeach Clinton over a blow job while doing much worse ourselves.
I'm not a fan of the republicrat party, but I think we need to take ownership of it rather than water down the opposition to collectivist authoritarianism with a3rd party.

They have 3 parties in the UK, and look at what a clusterfuck that fallen empire has become in just the last few decades.
I'm not a fan of the republicrat party, but I think we need to take ownership of it rather than water down the opposition to collectivist authoritarianism with a3rd party.

They have 3 parties in the UK, and look at what a clusterfuck that fallen empire has become in just the last few decades.
s africa has a shitload of parties. wanna be like them?

Some perjury is allowed, eh?

People perjure themselves every day in court... and it's rarely punished. Lawyers spend hours prepping witnesses on how to lie effectively.

So, yes, some perjury is allowed.

In this case, he was asked about a personal matter that had nothing to do with the case at hand, which in itself had no merit under federal law.
People perjure themselves every day in court... and it's rarely punished.

So it's allowed. Good to know.

So, yes, some perjury is allowed.

And when they flat-out catch you in that perjury, still no punishment?

In this case, he was asked about a personal matter that had nothing to do with the case at hand,

Sex with an underling, at work, in a case about sexually harassing an underling at work.
And when they flat-out catch you in that perjury, still no punishment?

Again, that's why we have juries, to determine who is lying. Or who lies best.

Sex with an underling, at work, in a case about sexually harassing an underling at work.

Sex with a willing partner, who fully consented.


A woman who lied about the encounter, only came forward because someone claimed she had an affair with Clinton and she didn't want to get bitch-slapped by her white trash husband.

The problem is, of course, is that Paula Jones was lying. She claimed Clinton's private parts had a "distinguisher characteristic", which was not born out by either his medical records or by women who willingly had sex with him.
Wasn't Newt the guy who insisted on impeaching Clinton over a blow job, when he was banging a lobbyist on the side?
She was an aide to another Republican Congressman. But your point stands.

And Newt's successor, Republican Denny Hastert, was a child molester.
I am NOT a Newt Gingrich fan but Newt is spot on with this one, ESPECIALLY about the illegals coming across our southern border ILLEGALLY. I realize that the current political issues are not just associated with the Democrat political party, as we obviously have elements of the statist left in the GOP that we call RINO's. In all reality the entire RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP) has their hands in the ole cookie jar. If the DC gang thinks it will be getting replaced due to a aggravated constituency I would not put it past them to try to get a war going in an attempt to retain their seats & positions. Nothing like putting the fear of Wallula into the American constituency to cow them down.

I'd suggest come the mid term election to do your homework on ANY independent/3rd party candidates to see if they are more of the Ron Paul breed, & if they prove to be then support them. We need to dump the profe$$ional politicians & replace them with constitutionally based Representatives of & for the people IF we can find them. Meanwhile the American constituency sinks ever deeper into debt $pending inflation & ultimately poverty.

I voted for Jo Jorgensen in the last election. There are many things about the Libertarian belief system I disagree with, but they are more closely aligned to my beliefs than the GOP is these days. The GOP lost their way a long, long time ago.

The Libertarians actually believe in small government and balanced budgets. The GOP now believes in lying to get ahead and then betraying the voters.

And one thing you can say about Libertarians is that they are honest and stick to their principles like Crazy Glue. I deeply respect that.

The GOP assholes fold like a cheap suit when offered the choice between power and principle. They were harsh in their criticism of Trump, and rightly so, until he won. Then they all lined up to suck the cock of a thoroughly unrepentant thief, liar, cheat, big spender of other peoples money, and adulterer.

I'm not glad Biden won, but I am very very happy Trump lost.
not that i recall
Newt was banging a woman on the side while married to his second wife. His mistress became his third wife. He was banging a woman on the side when he was married to his first wife, too. She became his second wife.

But don't be gay or you won't get a cake! Gay marriage is destroying the institution of marriage.

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