New York times column says Trump is about to stage a coup

Errr, would be the first time in history someone who is already the democratically elected president of a country would stage a coup. That's what you do to usurp the president, not do when you ARE president.

Agree of course.

I think the current liberal loon hysteria is over the fact that a Coup--a Clinton/Obama Deep State Coup---is about to be put down---exposed; and the guilty brought to justice.

Of course, the New York Times and it readers are so far off the deep end of the psychopathology chart....they may think a Coup consist of the Duly Elected Government putting down Sedition and Treason.

And the good news is that Jeff Sessions may have just been pretending to be Rip Van Winkle.

Let the Speedy Trials begin. They should start in January and last about a day.

Stock Tips: Long on Noose-Makers; Short The Clinton Foundation and upper level FBI.
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One of the best moments of ‘16 was watching Trump kick Hillary’s ass, and the meltdown that ensued.

We can now look forward to watching more nonsense from the left. Nonsense that only proves voters made the right decision. :)
New York Times Column Says Trump Is About To Stage A Coup
A New York Times contributor cranked the President Donald Trump-hysteria-meter to 11 on Thursday when he wrote the president “and his allies seem on the verge of staging a coup against independent institutions and the rule of law.”

Some sheep will just never get it.
The NYT should be shut down and prosecuted.

Inciting to riot.
New York Times Column Says Trump Is About To Stage A Coup
A New York Times contributor cranked the President Donald Trump-hysteria-meter to 11 on Thursday when he wrote the president “and his allies seem on the verge of staging a coup against independent institutions and the rule of law.”

Some sheep will just never get it.
I heard a couple Congress critters on the news last night saying they believe something IS afoot, what with all the massive efforts to undermine the Mueller investigation AND the House Intelligence Committee or whoever the hell is investigating Russia on that end. To them, it seems the other shoe will drop based on the concerted efforts by the Republicans to ready the electorate for shutting down the investigations.

There needs to be serious attention paid to making sure Russia (or any other state) doesn't mess with our elections again. I haven't heard our President even admit yet that Russia did it. I haven't heard about anything except some more slap on the wrist sanctions that have not been implemented yet?
That's not how you combat cyberinvasion. If the Pres won't wake up, the rest of D.C. better, or '18 will be a replay of '16.
Are the Republicans really HOPING the Russians will help again?

Dead People and Illegal Aliens are far more of a threat to the integrity of our elections than the Russians will ever be.

There aren't many Republicans in Chicago, but when they die, they become reliable Democrats.

Just look at the Dems, running around like headless chickens.
Just look at the Dems, running around like headless chickens.


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