New York City is a Sh** Hole

If I had 10 lives to live, I would spend at least 1 of them living in NYC. I love that city

It was kinda ....wonderful ...for a long time ...
The good bad and the ugly

It really is no more

Most people are simply priced out of being able to live there. Even when I did it for a year a billion years ago, our rent was $3600/month on a 2 bedroom that was really an 1 bedroom they subdivided into 2. It took us about 8 months to even be able to land that place. The person I shared it with lived in the Y forever looking for apartments before I came.

I spent 15 years in 3500 sq ft with a view of the skyline .......Brooklyn
I grew up there though...

We were in midtown on West 49th.
My wife has been to NY over the years many times.

She hates the place, the rude people, the smell of piss everywhere, and the rats.

She said the city has never been the same once Giuliani left.

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