New Seasons of "Mrs. Maisel" - Bloody Awful


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Wife and I tuned in to the latest batch of the Come-Drama "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" last night. We watched the first few seasons and were curious about how they would continue the story.

The series is rumored to be loosely based on the career of Joan Rivers, though of course all of the relevant people deny it. Rotten Tomatoes indicates that 89% of viewers liked the show.

They must be watching something different from what I'm watching. It is horrible. Not the least bit funny. Constantly cringe-worthy. It showcases every anti-Semitic stereotype of jews, and particularly New York jews who comprise 90% of the characters. The various story lines make no sense, particularly with respect to dollars and cents. For example, the title character, a stay-at-home mom, has had a few months of modest success as a local comedian in New York, yet shortly after her divorce she buys a huge condo in New York (big enough for six people plus a live-in maid/cook), agreeing to pay cash with the accumulated earnings that her agent has kept for her. How's that again?

For anyone who is not a native of NYC, the only reason to watch is that Rachel Brosnahan is occasionally nice to look at and shows a lot of skin.

Truly, this is one of the worst television programs ever. It is not just bad, it is pointedly bad. I'd love to see who, exactly, is watching it.
I enjoy the show and can’t wait for the next season

Rachel Brosnahan’s comedy routines are outstanding and the focus this season on Susie has been worth watching
Susie is one minor bright spot. She is actually the only one who says anything that is funny - including the lead character.

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