Zone1 New poll shows Americans' confidence and belief in the Bible is at all-time low

Palestinians have huge numbers of doctorate degrees compared to most countries. That's been true for over 20 years.
They put education very high and that's particularly true in Gaza. It was all they had to keep their hopes up. I am not sure what the situation is now though. I know Trump heard of them being well educated and hoped his moves, re reducing UN funding might result in them not being able to get such a good education.
Blame Hamas.
If the Jews lived in Gaza it would be a paradise.
Now if my memory serves me well, Israelis moving out of Gaza had nothing to do with Hamas. It was more to do with freezing the 'peace process' to allow a situation such as we have today to develop. I am aware some Israeli Jews were wanting to 'take back' Gaza during the 2014 war and what they intended for the Palestinians was anything but Paradise.
Now if my memory serves me well, Israelis moving out of Gaza had nothing to do with Hamas. It was more to do with freezing the 'peace process' to allow a situation such as we have today to develop. I am aware some Israeli Jews were wanting to 'take back' Gaza during the 2014 war and what they intended for the Palestinians was anything but Paradise.

Israeli parents were furious that 8000 of their sons and daughters in the IDF were protecting 4000 Jewish settlers in Gaza. Was it May 2000 when they pulled out... Or was that when they left Lebanon?
Israeli parents were furious that 8000 of their sons and daughters in the IDF were protecting 4000 Jewish settlers in Gaza. Was it May 2000 when they pulled out... Or was that when they left Lebanon?
I think 2000 was nearer Lebanon. My mind is saying 2005 but don't know if that is right.
Israeli parents were furious that 8000 of their sons and daughters in the IDF were protecting 4000 Jewish settlers in Gaza. Was it May 2000 when they pulled out... Or was that when they left Lebanon?
The Government found it an unneeded expense as well when they could go to the West Bank and the US believed they intended on keeping the deal.
The Government found it an unneeded expense as well when they could go to the West Bank and the US believed they intended on keeping the deal.

I used to fly in to Amman and take a car to the West Bank and East Jerusalem. It was nice, peaceful.... No soldiers.
You should be specific.. Do you know anything about Beirut? What terror group in Saudi Arabia?
How far into Dubya's term was it, when Hezbollah bombed the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia in 1996?

I think the correct answer is -5 years.

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