New Poll: Left wing terrorism pushes voters to Trump

The police and military need to deal with these thug ISIS terrorists(who step on American flag) and also drag that scumbag Soros out of his home for funding this and toss him into Guantanamo!
New Poll: Left-Wing Protesters Drive People into Arms of Donald Trump

Duh! They see in Trump a strong leader with love for the American people. They see someone that will crush these anti American SCUM!

The poll noted that pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces clashed in Chicago last Friday, which prompted Trump to cancel the event. It then asked respondents whether this fact made them more or less likely to support Trump. Just 11 percent said they were less likely to support Trump because of this decision. Another 22 percent said they were actually more likely to back Trump, and 66 percent said their views were unchanged.

So Trump has gained 11% across the board, that might give him Ohio, but we will have to wait and see.

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