New Poll: 3 in 10 Republicans believe Trump will be reinstated

Will Trump be reinstated to Office this year?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • No

    Votes: 54 69.2%
  • Koolaid

    Votes: 21 26.9%

  • Total voters
No one's listening to your idiocy... Trump didn't go through leftist Hell for money, otherwise he isn't that stupid....Him trying to restore American industry, military might, community, upholding rights, the constitution, and re-creating or fixing an American nation was his goal. It ain't over unless the evil left attempts to do more evil stuff trying to stop him. The nation is watching closely now, and every move the left makes is seen or expected by patriot's. The poorly built leftist dam will burst eventually.

Actually, even Republicans are trying to get away from Trump.

They are traitor's to the American people.
No one's listening to your idiocy... Trump didn't go through leftist Hell for money, otherwise he isn't that stupid....Him trying to restore American industry, military might, community, upholding rights, the constitution, and re-creating or fixing an American nation was his goal. It ain't over unless the evil left attempts to do more evil stuff trying to stop him. The nation is watching closely now, and every move the left makes is seen or expected by patriot's. The poorly built leftist dam will burst eventually.

Actually, even Republicans are trying to get away from Trump.

They are traitor's to the American people.

Trump blames Pence for his election loss.
I think it would be great for America. Trump was a great POTUS and Biden is an incompetent idiot who's already screwed up the border that Trump had handled very well.

Biden has added 1.9 trillion to the debt and his green shit will cost us up the ass.

Oh yeah. I'd love Trump back in the WH.
Are you one of those three in ten?
I'd say its more that 3 in 10 and it will be 10 in 10 if we make it through four years of the incompetent ass you voted for.

His approval rating is higher than Trumps was at this point.

At this rate he stands a good chance of being re-elected.
I think it would be great for America. Trump was a great POTUS and Biden is an incompetent idiot who's already screwed up the border that Trump had handled very well.

Biden has added 1.9 trillion to the debt and his green shit will cost us up the ass.

Oh yeah. I'd love Trump back in the WH.
Are you one of those three in ten?
I'd say its more that 3 in 10 and it will be 10 in 10 if we make it through four years of the incompetent ass you voted for.

His approval rating is higher than Trumps was at this point.

At this rate he stands a good chance of being re-elected.
They think his approvals are "fake news".

It's how they're programmed.
Why not? The Biden administration is a disaster, and everyone hates Harris. Reinstating Trump is probably the only thing that could save the DNC.

Well Harris has an approval rating of 46%. Which is about what Trump had. So did everyone hate Trump too?

I think it would be great for America. Trump was a great POTUS and Biden is an incompetent idiot who's already screwed up the border that Trump had handled very well.

Biden has added 1.9 trillion to the debt and his green shit will cost us up the ass.

Oh yeah. I'd love Trump back in the WH.
Are you one of those three in ten?
I'd say its more that 3 in 10 and it will be 10 in 10 if we make it through four years of the incompetent ass you voted for.

His approval rating is higher than Trumps was at this point.

At this rate he stands a good chance of being re-elected.
Lets see how long that lasts once his shit kicks in. Hell I'd bet come 2022 a Dem couldn't get elected to man the back of a garbage truck.

The mans incompetent and it shows with each of the bills he's trying to get passed.
This really isn't funny any more.

Trump supporters: Do you think this is intellectually and emotionally healthy? Do you think this is good for America?

Trump is still saying that the people will have to decide what to do when the audit proves election fraud. Words matter.. Wait and see what Trump comes up with next when the audits are complete and there is still no evidence.

I think it would be great for America. Trump was a great POTUS and Biden is an incompetent idiot who's already screwed up the border that Trump had handled very well.

Biden has added 1.9 trillion to the debt and his green shit will cost us up the ass.

Oh yeah. I'd love Trump back in the WH.
Are you one of those three in ten?
I'd say its more that 3 in 10 and it will be 10 in 10 if we make it through four years of the incompetent ass you voted for.

His approval rating is higher than Trumps was at this point.

At this rate he stands a good chance of being re-elected.
Lets see how long that lasts once his shit kicks in. Hell I'd bet come 2022 a Dem couldn't get elected to man the back of a garbage truck.

The mans incompetent and it shows with each of the bills he's trying to get passed.
Oh and lets not forget the mess he's made at the border. A border Trump had contained.

We have thousands of illegals, who cost we tax payers billions each year, streaming into our country. Instead of packing them in busses and having them sent back to the border the incompetent ass is bussing and flying them all over the US. Hotel rooms are being given to them at tax payer expense. Many of them have the Chinese virus.

Most Americans want all illegals out of our country and Biden is pulling more in. Lets see how popular his stupid ass is once American tax payers get a load of the shit he's doing.
I think it would be great for America. Trump was a great POTUS and Biden is an incompetent idiot who's already screwed up the border that Trump had handled very well.

Biden has added 1.9 trillion to the debt and his green shit will cost us up the ass.

Oh yeah. I'd love Trump back in the WH.
Are you one of those three in ten?
I'd say its more that 3 in 10 and it will be 10 in 10 if we make it through four years of the incompetent ass you voted for.

His approval rating is higher than Trumps was at this point.

At this rate he stands a good chance of being re-elected.
Lets see how long that lasts once his shit kicks in. Hell I'd bet come 2022 a Dem couldn't get elected to man the back of a garbage truck.

The mans incompetent and it shows with each of the bills he's trying to get passed.

So the Republicans who are blocking everything are helping Biden by preventing the awful things. Whatever they are. From happening. Since most people don’t sit at home and obsess over the awful Democrats. They will walk into the voting booth and say. Things aren’t bad. Let’s keep going.

Especially since the other side has devolved into flat crazy. Racism and conspiracy theory nonsense. People don’t like those sorts.
I think it would be great for America. Trump was a great POTUS and Biden is an incompetent idiot who's already screwed up the border that Trump had handled very well.

Biden has added 1.9 trillion to the debt and his green shit will cost us up the ass.

Oh yeah. I'd love Trump back in the WH.
Are you one of those three in ten?
I'd say its more that 3 in 10 and it will be 10 in 10 if we make it through four years of the incompetent ass you voted for.

His approval rating is higher than Trumps was at this point.

At this rate he stands a good chance of being re-elected.
Lets see how long that lasts once his shit kicks in. Hell I'd bet come 2022 a Dem couldn't get elected to man the back of a garbage truck.

The mans incompetent and it shows with each of the bills he's trying to get passed.
Oh and lets not forget the mess he's made at the border. A border Trump had contained.

We have thousands of illegals, who cost we tax payers billions each year, streaming into our country. Instead of packing them in busses and having them sent back to the border the incompetent ass is bussing and flying them all over the US. Hotel rooms are being given to them at tax payer expense. Many of them have the Chinese virus.

Most Americans want all illegals out of our country and Biden is pulling more in. Lets see how popular his stupid ass is once American tax payers get a load of the shit he's doing.

The reason there was no border traffick last year was because of the Covid pandemic.
This really isn't funny any more.

Trump supporters: Do you think this is intellectually and emotionally healthy? Do you think this is good for America?

Trump is still saying that the people will have to decide what to do when the audit proves election fraud. Words matter.. Wait and see what Trump comes up with next when the audits are complete and there is still no evidence.

I sure as hell don't have a crystal ball, but if I were to guess, I'd think here's how it plays out:
  1. The Trumpster "audit" or "audits" show big fraud, enough that Trumpsters will point at their "findings" and say "see!"
  2. The Trumpster "audits" won't pass the smell test or legal muster
  3. The Trumpsters will still claim victory, and most importantly, victimhood, and continue to ignore the shame nature of the "audits"
  4. The Trumpsters will keep voting and tithing to Trump, remaining very powerful in at least the next two cycles
I suspect this is going to remain ugly, destructive and fully embarrassing for quite a while yet.
I think it would be great for America. Trump was a great POTUS and Biden is an incompetent idiot who's already screwed up the border that Trump had handled very well.

Biden has added 1.9 trillion to the debt and his green shit will cost us up the ass.

Oh yeah. I'd love Trump back in the WH.
Are you one of those three in ten?
I'd say its more that 3 in 10 and it will be 10 in 10 if we make it through four years of the incompetent ass you voted for.

His approval rating is higher than Trumps was at this point.

At this rate he stands a good chance of being re-elected.
Lets see how long that lasts once his shit kicks in. Hell I'd bet come 2022 a Dem couldn't get elected to man the back of a garbage truck.

The mans incompetent and it shows with each of the bills he's trying to get passed.
Oh and lets not forget the mess he's made at the border. A border Trump had contained.

We have thousands of illegals, who cost we tax payers billions each year, streaming into our country. Instead of packing them in busses and having them sent back to the border the incompetent ass is bussing and flying them all over the US. Hotel rooms are being given to them at tax payer expense. Many of them have the Chinese virus.

Most Americans want all illegals out of our country and Biden is pulling more in. Lets see how popular his stupid ass is once American tax payers get a load of the shit he's doing.

And people see Immigration as an issue. But on 12% think it is the most important issue. And of those 12% I wonder how many think we should allow the people to come since our Census clearly shows Whites and Blacks aren’t having enough babies to continue our growth as a nation.
blames Pence for his election loss.
I dont think so

Pence could not have prevented certification

But he should not have lended legitimacy to election theft by showing up on that day
This really isn't funny any more.

Trump supporters: Do you think this is intellectually and emotionally healthy? Do you think this is good for America?

/——-/ In other words, 70% - the vast majority don’t think Trump will be reinstated.

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