Never Again.......David Hogg’s new book

No shit.
I guess my point went over your pointed head.
Do you think the bald bitch never hid her sexuality? That she's always been out, essentially always been honest about it?

She's bisexual and came completely out in 9th grade.

Emma González speaks about the connection between her bisexuality and activism
Again,......was she always out or was she in the closet most of her life?

The answer is: She has been in the closet most of her life, thus she has learned how to lie about her sexual preferences. She has only been out the past few years. One only need to understand what being gay is for someone in the closet to understand her motivations.
Again,......was she always out or was she in the closet most of her life?

The answer is: She has been in the closet most of her life, thus she has learned how to lie about her sexual preferences. She has only been out the past few years. One only need to understand what being gay is for someone in the closet to understand her motivations.

Did you fully understand your sexuality in 9th grade? Jesus man - she's bi and has been out for four years. Why is it such a concern for you?
On February 14, 2018, seventeen-year-old David Hogg and his fourteen-year-old sister, Lauren, went to school at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, like any normal Wednesday. That day, of course, the world changed. By the next morning, with seventeen classmates and faculty dead, they had joined the leadership of a movement to save their own lives, and the lives of all other young people in America. It’s a leadership position they did not seek, but events gave them no choice

What a load of shit.
Again,......was she always out or was she in the closet most of her life?

The answer is: She has been in the closet most of her life, thus she has learned how to lie about her sexual preferences. She has only been out the past few years. One only need to understand what being gay is for someone in the closet to understand her motivations.

Did you fully understand your sexuality in 9th grade? Jesus man - she's bi and has been out for four years. Why is it such a concern for you?
I didn't think about my sexuality until I was molested by some guy who lived in my neighborhood when I was 6 years old. After that I didn't think about it much until our school started sex-Ed classes when I was 11.
I see, I am everyone else, got it. I am saying two years, I don't care what others say. Time will tell, not sure why you think I need to be excited. I am not a pessimist, I just watch people talk and then watch what really happens. This is a good learning experience for them. It is all good whether they get anywhere or not, they just need to keep it positive not angry.

They have every right to be angry.
The presence of anger doesn't mean they can't be positive at the same time.
It's about passion.

Angry about what? The mental health issues, the school bullying, parents not making their children responsible? That a gun was used? The left thought Cindy Sheehan had great anger/passion and when they exploited her and continued to push her over the edge, she lost it and now the left will have nothing to do with her.

Passion is fine, their anger hurts them.
Angry about what? The mental health issues, the school bullying, parents not making their children responsible? That a gun was used? The left thought Cindy Sheehan had great anger/passion and when they exploited her and continued to push her over the edge, she lost it and now the left will have nothing to do with her.

Passion is fine, their anger hurts them.

Emma's speech (3,100,000 hits and counting) was a day or two after the shooting.
Damn straight she was emotional and perhaps a tad pissed.
Have seen more passion than anger ever since.
You been on the receiving end of an AR-15? Bet not.
Hogg wasn't at the school....home watching gay porn.

Which site do you watch?

My woman gives me all the "porn" I need, freak....She keeps my balls empty and my belly full.
Angry about what? The mental health issues, the school bullying, parents not making their children responsible? That a gun was used? The left thought Cindy Sheehan had great anger/passion and when they exploited her and continued to push her over the edge, she lost it and now the left will have nothing to do with her.

Passion is fine, their anger hurts them.

Emma's speech (3,100,000 hits and counting) was a day or two after the shooting.
Damn straight she was emotional and perhaps a tad pissed.
Have seen more passion than anger ever since.
You been on the receiving end of an AR-15? Bet not.

I didn't watch the video, nor will I, I am interested in real answers and not BS.

I don't own a gun and will never own one, I dislike them, when I was in school, guns were brought to school in pick up trucks and kids went hunting after school. No school shootings. So, I doubt it is the guns that are the issue but it is easier to blame an inanimate object instead of looking at society it's self and what has changed. You want to blame guns and you haven't touched the problem, which is what is prompting people to go on shooting rampages.
They "organized"? That is what you really think? The anti-gun groups rallied and used their anger to move forward and organize. They haven't dominated social media, we have had the feckless comment, immigration, N. Korea, Rosanne's comment, Trump scratched his nose in public and mainly Trump has dominated the media because the media wants Trump to dominate and since about April I haven't heard a lot from them other than the book writing, which is cool for a kid to self publish a book, I am happy for him.

Why don't I believe his class won't change the world? Because every graduating class said "we are going to change the world" and then life happens and reality sets in, then people move on to real life, spouse, kids, work, money and so. Again, if they are around in a couple years, then you may have something, my life experience tells me otherwise. In November we will see seats change over and in the end, the left and right will continue to bicker, the left will blame the right, the right will blame the left and corporate America will continue to pay the politicians off.

It's all good, I hope the kid finds his purpose and rolls on from there, let me know how it is going in a couple years with Mr. Hogg and company.

Y'all predicted that they'd fall off the face of the earth back in March or so -
You were wrong
Yes - it was the Parkland KIDS who made this happen - They were masters of social media.

Comprehensive education was the key - And this school has some awesome teachers.
Here - Learn something, and stop being such a miserable pessimist :wink:

Why Are the Parkland Teens So Good at This? Their Public School Prepared Them For It.
Great bunch of kids

If they marched in a LGBT parade, they'd be even better to you.

You are full of shit.
Again,......was she always out or was she in the closet most of her life?

The answer is: She has been in the closet most of her life, thus she has learned how to lie about her sexual preferences. She has only been out the past few years. One only need to understand what being gay is for someone in the closet to understand her motivations.

Did you fully understand your sexuality in 9th grade? Jesus man - she's bi and has been out for four years. Why is it such a concern for you?
Homosexuals do not have the right to protest the slaughter of their classmates like regular people
Again,......was she always out or was she in the closet most of her life?

The answer is: She has been in the closet most of her life, thus she has learned how to lie about her sexual preferences. She has only been out the past few years. One only need to understand what being gay is for someone in the closet to understand her motivations.

Did you fully understand your sexuality in 9th grade? Jesus man - she's bi and has been out for four years. Why is it such a concern for you?
Homosexuals do not have the right to protest the slaughter of their classmates like regular people
No.....Homosexuals have the right to lie about the causes of the slaughter of their classmates.

It's strange how these kids are allowed to blame guns for this tragedy, not the fact that a kid was allowed to stay on the street when he should have been behind bars.

Also liberals say our immigration laws are why illegals break our laws and are separated from their kids. If you don't like the laws, change them or STFU. Meanwhile, how about making it a more stiffer penalty for breaking our laws, and magically the problem goes away.
Again,......was she always out or was she in the closet most of her life?

The answer is: She has been in the closet most of her life, thus she has learned how to lie about her sexual preferences. She has only been out the past few years. One only need to understand what being gay is for someone in the closet to understand her motivations.

Did you fully understand your sexuality in 9th grade? Jesus man - she's bi and has been out for four years. Why is it such a concern for you?
Homosexuals do not have the right to protest the slaughter of their classmates like regular people
No.....Homosexuals have the right to lie about the causes of the slaughter of their classmates.

It's strange how these kids are allowed to blame guns for this tragedy, not the fact that a kid was allowed to stay on the street when he should have been behind bars.

Also liberals say our immigration laws are why illegals break our laws and are separated from their kids. If you don't like the laws, change them or STFU. Meanwhile, how about making it a more stiffer penalty for breaking our laws, and magically the problem goes away.
Love conservative reaction to those who disagree with them

First instinct, call them a fag
Again,......was she always out or was she in the closet most of her life?

The answer is: She has been in the closet most of her life, thus she has learned how to lie about her sexual preferences. She has only been out the past few years. One only need to understand what being gay is for someone in the closet to understand her motivations.

Did you fully understand your sexuality in 9th grade? Jesus man - she's bi and has been out for four years. Why is it such a concern for you?
Homosexuals do not have the right to protest the slaughter of their classmates like regular people
No.....Homosexuals have the right to lie about the causes of the slaughter of their classmates.

It's strange how these kids are allowed to blame guns for this tragedy, not the fact that a kid was allowed to stay on the street when he should have been behind bars.

Also liberals say our immigration laws are why illegals break our laws and are separated from their kids. If you don't like the laws, change them or STFU. Meanwhile, how about making it a more stiffer penalty for breaking our laws, and magically the problem goes away.
Love conservative reaction to those who disagree with them

First instinct, call them a fag

Poor Muddy - Just all over the place on this one :wink:

No.....Homosexuals have the right to lie about the causes of the slaughter of their classmates.
Again,......was she always out or was she in the closet most of her life?

The answer is: She has been in the closet most of her life, thus she has learned how to lie about her sexual preferences. She has only been out the past few years. One only need to understand what being gay is for someone in the closet to understand her motivations.

Did you fully understand your sexuality in 9th grade? Jesus man - she's bi and has been out for four years. Why is it such a concern for you?
Homosexuals do not have the right to protest the slaughter of their classmates like regular people

Nope, because they lie a lot. February 14th was actually the best day of their lives! :)
I see, I am everyone else, got it. I am saying two years, I don't care what others say. Time will tell, not sure why you think I need to be excited. I am not a pessimist, I just watch people talk and then watch what really happens. This is a good learning experience for them. It is all good whether they get anywhere or not, they just need to keep it positive not angry.

They have every right to be angry.
The presence of anger doesn't mean they can't be positive at the same time.
It's about passion.

True, I'm sure they're positive they're angry....nobody cares.

Oh you Hogg-haters care a great deal. In fact, it's an obsession! ;)

Yup, I'll get back to you on that one if I ever initiate a thread on D. Hogg.

You do have a right not to participate ;-)

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