Netgrocer: American Zinc


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
An American anti-terrorism 'diorama' about cyber-diets, referencing the iconic GI Joe ninja Storm-Shadow, a messenger of domestics-windows such as DreamWorks(!). Ain't modernism...demographic? Thanks for reading,


Storm-Shadow is a special mod doctor working in the 'matrix' of modern civilization and can dissect the labyrinth of socialized capitalism psychology that gives rise to the totems of everyday living intelligence...and terrorism. Storm-Shadow can therefore assess the nature of modern American cyber-imagination (NetGrocer) and its impact on human dreams, dissonance, democracy, and yes, doctoring. Follow along!


He's looking at a glass sports-car as a modernism symbol of cyber-dynamics and leviathan traffic. After all, don't we consider such 'trophies' reflective of American speed, sanity, society, and yes, sophism? This glass car re-presents what Storm-Shadow's telling us about the 'face' of modern American capitalism --- a panacea for the superego.


Storm-Shadow likes movies and documentaries about the voyages to exotic foreign planets like Mars, since they remind modern Americans of the imaginarium-value of socializing and discussing cyber-extension imaginations like transcending ethereal planes to reach high profit-minded body nirvana!


STORM-SHADOW: The cyber-universe in modern times is like a new edition of Woodstock, creating fancy forms of social medicine and fashion.


Storm-Shadow detests the cyber-master of the world, Tom Weyland, head of Cigna-Weyland, currently conducting experiments on time-travel using cyber-dimensions. Weyland is the source of much anti-American terrorism, since foreigners think him to be a loud-mouthed capitalism hog, and Storm-Shadow therefore considers him a generic 'threat' to modernism media dictatorships.


STORM-SHADOW: To escort the modern man into the cyber-train through this modern mess of terrorism is to embrace democracy.


Storm-Shadow has been evaluating the role of TV-hypnosis in this media age, when everyone's glued to Plasma/HD TVs and YouTube and Netflix and Peacock. Such widespread access might help Americans neglect their social duty to praise this 'net-access' to fortunes like MTV.


STORM-SHADOW: The 'cinema' of American traffic is like the Lithium of socialized activity --- a method of lifestyle-dexterity.


In fact, all this cyber-access to goods and information and entertainment might remind one of the value of cyber-grocery portals (NetGrocer) which offer us a special invention --- 'American Zinc' (a brand of civilization data).


Therefore, Storm-Shadow advises us as this special 'GI Joe Dr.' to find sources of 'American Zinc' in this cyber-grocer world to harness the shine of resource-DNA.


STORM-SHADOW: To find resources like and NetGrocer, we have to be American 'elves' of cyber-dollars.


"The enemy of democracy is coupon terrorism" (Storm-Shadow)


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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