Neo nazi Murderer Gets Another Life Sentence

The neo nazi who murdered Heather Heyer got a second life sentence for mowing her down with his car at the Charolettesville protest in 2017.

One of those very fine people trump said was part of that protest that weekend.

The man will never breathe free air again in his life.


Neo-Nazi in Charlottesville attack gets another life sentence

As usual, you lie. It has been proven multiple times that he was referring to the people on both sides of the statues issue.

The MSM edited his comments to make it seem as if he were supporting nazi assholes but he specifically condemned them.

This has been shown over and over again.

You're dealing with an indoctrinated loon.
The neo nazi who murdered Heather Heyer got a second life sentence for mowing her down with his car at the Charolettesville protest in 2017.
One of those very fine people trump said was part of that protest that weekend.

That is a lie. Trump never said that.

The man will never breathe free air again in his life.

That is not necessarily true.

He could be pardoned by a White Nationalist Democrat in about ten to twenty years.

He could escape from prison.

He could be accidentally released via a paper shuffling snafu.

He should have been hung from an oak tree till dead. That would have been real justice and nothing short of that is justice or protects the public from his murderousness.
Keep lying about what Trump said it suits your ILK.
If you read the article you will see him saying that there are very fine people on both sides.
You can lie all you want but that's what trump said.
So, you are illiterate?

Thank you. He first attacked and destroyed the racists who were there and then said that there were also fine people from both sides who went there to express their opinions. Of course Dana and the Leftist Media lied and spun it. Dana is a terrible human being and liar. Please see why below. See how Trump condemns the Alt Right.

The neo nazi who murdered Heather Heyer got a second life sentence for mowing her down with his car at the Charolettesville protest in 2017.

One of those very fine people trump said was part of that protest that weekend.

The man will never breathe free air again in his life.


Neo-Nazi in Charlottesville attack gets another life sentence
But, but, but, the neo nazi was just some guy doing something!

Yes and that far right radical extremist nazi got two life sentences.

Now that's something.
The neo nazi who murdered Heather Heyer got a second life sentence for mowing her down with his car at the Charolettesville protest in 2017.

One of those very fine people trump said was part of that protest that weekend.

The man will never breathe free air again in his life.


Neo-Nazi in Charlottesville attack gets another life sentence
This is a massive miscarriage of justice on a par with the shameful Nuremberg Travesty after WWII. I don't know how leftists can live with themselves.

The man murdered a woman with his car. He mowed people down, sent many to the hospital and one ended up dead.

Him being put in prison for live is a massive miscarriage of justice?

You also think Nuremburg was a travesty?

Wow you must be one of those neo nazis.

Last I heard, being a neo-Nazi is not a capital offense. America is supposedly a nation of laws, not men. Those laws apply to neo-Nazis, as much as everyone else. The Leftist and “conservative” Main Stream Media have adopted the tactic of reducing everyone who opposes white genocide to the disenfranchised status of neo-Nazi, fascist, white supremacist, etc.

James Alex Fields Jr. and the other Unite the Right demonstrators went to Charlottesville to exercise their First Amendment rights. Various parties, above all, Antifa and Charlottesville Police Chief Al Thomas, conspired to violently deprive them of said rights. Those parties, not Fields, are responsible for the death of Heather Heyer.

Video clearly shows Fields was attacked first.

The left is so amoral, it is shocking.

I stopped reading at your stupid first sentence.

No one said being a neo nazi is a crime.

What is a crime is to MURDER people with your car.

What is a crime is to mow people down with your car sending 19 of them to the hospital with serious injuries.

You people will do and say anything to justify your murderous actions.
The neo nazi who murdered Heather Heyer got a second life sentence for mowing her down with his car at the Charolettesville protest in 2017.

One of those very fine people trump said was part of that protest that weekend.

The man will never breathe free air again in his life.


Neo-Nazi in Charlottesville attack gets another life sentence
This is a massive miscarriage of justice on a par with the shameful Nuremberg Travesty after WWII. I don't know how leftists can live with themselves.

The man murdered a woman with his car. He mowed people down, sent many to the hospital and one ended up dead.

Him being put in prison for live is a massive miscarriage of justice?

You also think Nuremburg was a travesty?

Wow you must be one of those neo nazis.

Last I heard, being a neo-Nazi is not a capital offense. America is supposedly a nation of laws, not men. Those laws apply to neo-Nazis, as much as everyone else. The Leftist and “conservative” Main Stream Media have adopted the tactic of reducing everyone who opposes white genocide to the disenfranchised status of neo-Nazi, fascist, white supremacist, etc.

James Alex Fields Jr. and the other Unite the Right demonstrators went to Charlottesville to exercise their First Amendment rights. Various parties, above all, Antifa and Charlottesville Police Chief Al Thomas, conspired to violently deprive them of said rights. Those parties, not Fields, are responsible for the death of Heather Heyer.

Video clearly shows Fields was attacked first.

The left is so amoral, it is shocking.

I stopped reading at your stupid first sentence.

No one said being a neo nazi is a crime.

What is a crime is to MURDER people with your car.

What is a crime is to mow people down with your car sending 19 of them to the hospital with serious injuries.

You people will do and say anything to justify your murderous actions.

Says the person who refuses to condemn the violence perpetrated by the leftwing nutjobs.
The neo nazi who murdered Heather Heyer got a second life sentence for mowing her down with his car at the Charolettesville protest in 2017.

One of those very fine people trump said was part of that protest that weekend.

The man will never breathe free air again in his life.


Neo-Nazi in Charlottesville attack gets another life sentence
Keep lying about what Trump said it suits your ILK.

If you read the article you will see him saying that there are very fine people on both sides.

You can lie all you want but that's what trump said.
It is quoted EXACTLY what he said in THIS thread, keep lying it suits you so well.

Fine if you want to lie and argue with me that's our choice.

It's not mine.

Have fun arguing and lying to yourself in cyberspace.

Meanwhile here's the exact quote from the article:

View attachment 269540

Again you cut the quote down, and only reference someone else's view on what was said.

Someone posted the WHOLE EXCHANGE, and you can clearly see he excluded the actual Neo-Nazis.
Why waste taxpayer money in a second trial when he was already doing life? More political posturing by a hypocrite democrat governor who invited nut cases like this guy to demonstrate against the Trump administration and is an admitted racist who is on record advocating the murder of newborn infants to insure racial purity?
The neo nazi who murdered Heather Heyer got a second life sentence for mowing her down with his car at the Charolettesville protest in 2017.

One of those very fine people trump said was part of that protest that weekend.

The man will never breathe free air again in his life.


Neo-Nazi in Charlottesville attack gets another life sentence
Keep lying about what Trump said it suits your ILK.

If you read the article you will see him saying that there are very fine people on both sides.

You can lie all you want but that's what trump said.

And there indeed were fine people on both sides, and both sides also had some very bad people, and the pos that ran over that girl was the worst of all of them.
The neo nazi who murdered Heather Heyer got a second life sentence for mowing her down with his car at the Charolettesville protest in 2017.

One of those very fine people trump said was part of that protest that weekend.

The man will never breathe free air again in his life.


Neo-Nazi in Charlottesville attack gets another life sentence
Keep lying about what Trump said it suits your ILK.

If you read the article you will see him saying that there are very fine people on both sides.

You can lie all you want but that's what trump said.

And there indeed were fine people on both sides, and both sides also had some very bad people, and the pos that ran over that girl was the worst of all of them.
He was being attacked by fascists.
Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”

“I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.”


Facts dont matter with the common tard. Only 5heir propaganda

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