

Jul 7, 2005
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New Orleans, Louisiana
What would you like to do to the animal that snipped that poor girl on the streets of Tehran? She died in her fathers arms in a few seconds after being shot. What a terrible scene it was. I don't think I will ever be able to get her face out of my head.
This is the real face of the Mullah's of Iran. You want to know why they were called part of the 'axis of evil?' This is a demonstration of what that means.

this is just one pretty girl. Unfortunately for all the other pretty girls in Iran, this is normal. Think of that. They aren't monsters because we call them names. We give them the name monster because they earned it.
This is the real face of the Mullah's of Iran. You want to know why they were called part of the 'axis of evil?' This is a demonstration of what that means.

this is just one pretty girl. Unfortunately for all the other pretty girls in Iran, this is normal. Think of that. They aren't monsters because we call them names. We give them the name monster because they earned it.

I posted the video yesterday on 'clash' thread. It's worth looking into her eye one more time to understand what is happening:

[ame=]YouTube - Iran - 20.06.2009 - Girl got shot![/ame]​
Damn, it looks like she was still alive when the cell camera guy was approaching. It's sad that she died. There was really no way to survive with blood coming from her nose like it was.
Reminds me of the girl screaming over the body of her dead friend who was shot by the National Guardsmen at Kent State in Ohio in 1970 during a protest.

Just one of those pictures you will never forget.
My God....

Pray for these people.
This is the real face of the Mullah's of Iran. You want to know why they were called part of the 'axis of evil?' This is a demonstration of what that means.

this is just one pretty girl. Unfortunately for all the other pretty girls in Iran, this is normal. Think of that. They aren't monsters because we call them names. We give them the name monster because they earned it.

I posted the video yesterday on 'clash' thread. It's worth looking into her eye one more time to understand what is happening:

[ame=]YouTube - Iran - 20.06.2009 - Girl got shot![/ame]​
Us Americans are not use to seeing death like this. Nor are we use to seeing it so quick in front of us. The Tweets I've seen so many are looking at this like a Soap Opera or a Movie. Many getting frustrated that their need for immediate gratification isn't being meet. We forget these folks are as brave as our founding fathers. Perhaps the Civil Right people of the 50'S and 60's understand the courage which I was not a part of can't understand. How many of the Twitters would rush out to the streets if they thought they would be killed? Chill this is no movie!
The end is coming for this regime.

It may not be tomorrow, but it is coming.

They have lost legtimacy in the eyes of the people.
I hope you are correct.

And I hope we don't interfere and mess it up, as we so often are prone to doing.
I hope you are correct.

And I hope we don't interfere and mess it up, as we so often are prone to doing.

EXACTLY! And that is why certain people need to stop whining that Obama isn't interfering.
What is going on there needs to stand on its own and not be linked to the U.S. because it isn't ABOUT the U.S.
I hope you are correct.

And I hope we don't interfere and mess it up, as we so often are prone to doing.

EXACTLY! And that is why certain people need to stop whining that Obama isn't interfering.
What is going on there needs to stand on its own and not be linked to the U.S. because it isn't ABOUT the U.S.

Yes and no. It is not about the US. But Us is all the people who wish to live free. And we need to give support to all who share that ideal.

So I do think it is necessary for 0bama to make clear the position here. I think he came pretty close last monday, but he got it kind of backward. Still, we nee to remember we don't care which of these goofs win. From our perspective, it is irrelevant. But the wishes of the people of Iran are important, and democratic process is important. And we need to make clear our feeling that the democratic process needs to be respected.
USA needs to keep quiet, if there is even a chance the mullahs can claim the entire thing was a 'USA plot' the revolution will fail.
USA needs to keep quiet, if there is even a chance the mullahs can claim the entire thing was a 'USA plot' the revolution will fail.
This isn't a revolution.

It's just a bunch of malcontents and gulible young people being manipulated by Israelie and CIA agents.

The Iranian government needs to crack down on these criminal protesters and restore law and order.
I hope you are correct.

And I hope we don't interfere and mess it up, as we so often are prone to doing.

EXACTLY! And that is why certain people need to stop whining that Obama isn't interfering.
What is going on there needs to stand on its own and not be linked to the U.S. because it isn't ABOUT the U.S.

Yes and no. It is not about the US. But Us is all the people who wish to live free. And we need to give support to all who share that ideal.

So I do think it is necessary for 0bama to make clear the position here. I think he came pretty close last monday, but he got it kind of backward. Still, we nee to remember we don't care which of these goofs win. From our perspective, it is irrelevant. But the wishes of the people of Iran are important, and democratic process is important. And we need to make clear our feeling that the democratic process needs to be respected.
WHAT?...WTF? The U.S. is all the people who wish to live free? WTF??? You have to be frikin kidding me...The U.S. people are a bunch of sheep being led to slaughter. They have lost most of their constitutional rights and have done nothing...They have been imprisoned, tased, shot, shot at, arrested on trumped up charges, taxed, taxed and taxed again and taxed to death, lied to, had fraudulent elections, been cheated, had red tape shovedd down their throat, now have been riped off to the tune of 14 trillion dollars, are losing the right to even grow a garden in their back yard, are forced to drink and bathe in flouridated water, are being sprayed by chemical planes with god knows what, are watching a government take over of their banking system and their industry (what is left of it that hasn't been shipped overseas), are now being filmed on every street corner, have accepted the government tracking their every move by phone, computer and text messaging, realize their government is now going after their right to keep and bear arms, are watching their government do nothing about illegal imigration and the policing of our borders, The American People have stood by and watched their country being sold out from underr them to a communist dictatorship and a criminal banking system complete with CPS slavery and rape camps. Don't tell me the U.S. wants to be free. These spineless people in the U.S. want to be slaves and want to have everything taken from them or they would have done something to stop all of this fby now...Wan't to be free...PPPHHllleeeeeeessssee. Get fucking real!
EXACTLY! And that is why certain people need to stop whining that Obama isn't interfering.
What is going on there needs to stand on its own and not be linked to the U.S. because it isn't ABOUT the U.S.

Yes and no. It is not about the US. But Us is all the people who wish to live free. And we need to give support to all who share that ideal.

So I do think it is necessary for 0bama to make clear the position here. I think he came pretty close last monday, but he got it kind of backward. Still, we nee to remember we don't care which of these goofs win. From our perspective, it is irrelevant. But the wishes of the people of Iran are important, and democratic process is important. And we need to make clear our feeling that the democratic process needs to be respected.
WHAT?...WTF? The U.S. is all the people who wish to live free? WTF??? You have to be frikin kidding me...The U.S. people are a bunch of sheep being led to slaughter. They have lost most of their constitutional rights and have done nothing...They have been imprisoned, tased, shot, shot at, arrested on trumped up charges, taxed, taxed and taxed again and taxed to death, lied to, had fraudulent elections, been cheated, had red tape shovedd down their throat, now have been riped off to the tune of 14 trillion dollars, are losing the right to even grow a garden in their back yard, are forced to drink and bathe in flouridated water, are being sprayed by chemical planes with god knows what, are watching a government take over of their banking system and their industry (what is left of it that hasn't been shipped overseas), are now being filmed on every street corner, have accepted the government tracking their every move by phone, computer and text messaging, realize their government is now going after their right to keep and bear arms, are watching their government do nothing about illegal imigration and the policing of our borders, The American People have stood by and watched their country being sold out from underr them to a communist dictatorship and a criminal banking system complete with CPS slavery and rape camps. Don't tell me the U.S. wants to be free. These spineless people in the U.S. want to be slaves and want to have everything taken from them or they would have done something to stop all of this fby now...Wan't to be free...PPPHHllleeeeeeessssee. Get fucking real!

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