National Guard on Borders


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2004
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I don't like this. I want a wall. THis is a temporary pr stunt. Plus, part of me feels they're just going to guarantee safe passage and keep the minutemen in line.
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush, trying to build momentum for an overhaul of the nation's immigration laws, is considering plans to shore up the Mexican border with National Guard troops paid for by the federal government, according to senior administration officials.
rtwngAvngr said:
I don't like this. I want a wall. THis is a temporary pr stunt. Plus, part of me feels they're just going to guarantee safe passage and keep the minutemen in line.

US troops deployed on American soil...A violation of <i>posse comitatus</i>. Fine employers $10,000 a pop for every illegal they hire and they'll soon stop. No jobs, no illegals, no walls, no troops.
rtwngAvngr said:
I don't like this. I want a wall. THis is a temporary pr stunt. Plus, part of me feels they're just going to guarantee safe passage and keep the minutemen in line.

I hope it escalates the situation. I hope the illegal *ALIENS* already in America, pull some more of their stunts, maybe even get violent. Because anything they do will backfire in their face. They'll push it to the point where NO ONE will want them here, and mass deportations JUST MIGHT START. You bet, round the fucking wetbacks up and send them back. Then FINE the EVER LOVIN' HELL out of ANYONE that they worked for.

Thing is, we could solve this wetback problem in six weeks, IF we had a pair big enough to do it. Wait... let me rephrase that, IF the *GOVERNMENT* had a big enough pair to do it. The American public, by numbers in the 85 to 90% ALL want the border problem solved.

And listening to Fox News just now, I hear that even they have given in to the PC pressure to start calling illegal *ALIENS*, illegal immigrants. Bulllllll shit. One out of every 100,000 MIGHT want to actually become an American citizen. The rest are nothing more than border jumping criminals. An "immigrant" comes to America "LEGALY".
Bullypulpit said:
US troops deployed on American soil...A violation of <i>posse comitatus</i>. Fine employers $10,000 a pop for every illegal they hire and they'll soon stop. No jobs, no illegals, no walls, no troops.

no. That relies too much on the enforcement mechanism which has already been bought off once. I want a wall.
Bullypulpit said:
US troops deployed on American soil...A violation of <i>posse comitatus</i>. Fine employers $10,000 a pop for every illegal they hire and they'll soon stop. No jobs, no illegals, no walls, no troops.

Try again. The National Guard are STATE, not Federal troops and it is well within their scope of duties to defend their states' borders.

Your attempt at sensationalizing is weak at best.
GunnyL said:
Try again. The National Guard are STATE, not Federal troops and it is well within their scope of duties to defend their states' borders.

Your attempt at sensationalizing is weak at best.

Not to mention the fact that Federal troops may indeed be deployed on U.S. soil in order to stop a foreign invasion, which is what this is.
GunnyL said:
Try again. The National Guard are STATE, not Federal troops and it is well within their scope of duties to defend their states' borders.

Your attempt at sensationalizing is weak at best.

An order from the federal government to deploy National Guard troops renders that argument irrelevant as they would be acting under federal authority. Are the National Guard troops deployed to Iraq defending the borders of their respective states then?

Your attempt to argue your point is feeble, at best.
Hobbit said:
Not to mention the fact that Federal troops may indeed be deployed on U.S. soil in order to stop a foreign invasion, which is what this is.

Ummm...That would be against a foreign military. Desperate people trying to find work don't really fall into that category.
Bullypulpit said:
An order from the federal government to deploy National Guard troops renders that argument irrelevant as they would be acting under federal authority. Are the National Guard troops deployed to Iraq defending the borders of their respective states then?

Your attempt to argue your point is feeble, at best.

Then why is it called the "Nationl Gaurd"? Are they not "gaurding" our "nation"?
Bullypulpit said:
US troops deployed on American soil...A violation of <i>posse comitatus</i>.

Guess who has the authority to suspend posse comitatus. Try again. :spank3:
Well, this speech will not be able to disguise amnesty, no matter what euphemism Bush calls it by this time.

Why wait until now to deploy these troops to guard the border? He could have done that years ago.

Sure he's got the authoruty to do so, Pale Rider's right, but does Bush really want to do so?
Bullypulpit said:
An order from the federal government to deploy National Guard troops renders that argument irrelevant as they would be acting under federal authority. Are the National Guard troops deployed to Iraq defending the borders of their respective states then?

Your attempt to argue your point is feeble, at best.

Actually, it is YOU who are feeble, and you don't know what the hell you are talking about. Not to mention trying to mix apples with oranges. Iraq would more than likey fall outside the purview of an individual state, while a state's National Guard manning it's own borders would not. The troops do not have to be federalized to be deployed within the boundaries of their respective states.

Next time you presume to run off at the mouth at me, try getting some facts in order, jackass. Quite simply, the fact that "an order from the Federal government" does not at this time exist, invalidates your statement, and is in fact, nothing more than assumption on your part.
Bullypulpit said:
Ummm...That would be against a foreign military. Desperate people trying to find work don't really fall into that category.

Have you ever considered educating yourself before running your suck? The US military can be deployed within the US to defend US borders, period. Your opinion as to the level of threat posed by the invaders is irrelevant to that fact.
GunnyL said:
Have you ever considered educating yourself before running your suck? The US military can be deployed within the US to defend US borders, period. Your opinion as to the level of threat posed by the invaders is irrelevant to that fact.

And the facts are irrelevant to you. The simple fact of the matter is that iilegals are tolerated because they are a source of cheap labor which will not raise any complaints about those pesky things like occupational safety, benefits, wage and hour laws, overtime etc. Until the government decides to crack down on businesses who knowingly hire illegals, nothing will prevent them from coming across the US/Mexico border. No matter how high a wall is built or how many troops are posted along the border, they will find a way through. But given that many of these businesses have been staunch supporters of the Bush White House, it simply wouldn't do for Dubbyuh to kill the golden goose.

And as for the troops, show a little respect for them. The National Guard is already stretched to the limit with their multiple deployments in Iraq. They come home from one desert only to be posted in another because the White House is less interested in doing what is right than what is politcally expedient?
Bullypulpit said:
And the facts are irrelevant to you. The simple fact of the matter is that iilegals are tolerated because they are a source of cheap labor which will not raise any complaints about those pesky things like occupational safety, benefits, wage and hour laws, overtime etc. Until the government decides to crack down on businesses who knowingly hire illegals, nothing will prevent them from coming across the US/Mexico border. No matter how high a wall is built or how many troops are posted along the border, they will find a way through. But given that many of these businesses have been staunch supporters of the Bush White House, it simply wouldn't do for Dubbyuh to kill the golden goose.

And as for the troops, show a little respect for them. The National Guard is already stretched to the limit with their multiple deployments in Iraq. They come home from one desert only to be posted in another because the White House is less interested in doing what is right than what is politcally expedient?

Stop laying this at the feet of the White House, Bully. I know how much you love to hate but this is a bi-partisan fuck up and you know it.
dilloduck said:
Stop laying this at the feet of the White House, Bully. I know how much you love to hate but this is a bi-partisan fuck up and you know it.

Goatboy (Clinton) was one of the best friends business had in the last few election cycles, and you know he didn't do a damn thing about illegals.

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