Name one thing Obama did that helped america

He's increased freedom . Especially for gays .

He got us out of the Iraq war .
He's increased freedom . Especially for gays .

He got us out of the Iraq war .

He sure did and gave Iraq to you think they'll behead you last for being a homo moron?

What happened to " he was just following bush's exit plan"??

We left Iraq in good shape . They fucked shit up. Not our problem .
Obama single handedly saved the planet from economic collapse. We are doomed when he leaves office.
He's increased freedom . Especially for gays .


Freedom for queers??? You mean he gave them more affirmative action special treatment.

All these self-inflicted diseases queers have will wreck obamacare and won't that be funny. HAHA
He saved our auto industry when it was doing the death-rattle.

HAHAHA. Any industry can be saved by giving it $100B of taxpayer money.

Rest assured the "save" was temporary. The industry will never correct itself now that they know bailouts will always be there.

The two loans to GM were for $49B, not $100B. The save was permanent....GM is THRIVING paying a good dividend with a share price of around $31 and winning design awards left and right. But I don't really care about that...we saved our manufacturing capacity to fight a third world war....Detroit won WW2.
Obama ripped off the stock holders and the bond holders and gave their equity to a bunch of lazy union slobs. Apparently you endorse wholesale plunder.
HAHAHA. You have no evidence the loans to GM were a "mere" $49B. If obozo said that, then the real number was at least 5 times that.

GM is NOT thriving. The whole economy is in awful shape as proven by our incredibly low interest rates. And as long as we keep bailing out failed companies, things will get worse, THINK, america-hater.

Calling ME an "america-hater" you piece of shit? I've ignored your half-assed ignorance for long're the kind of fringe right-winger who knows nothing but talks about everything, making a fool of yourself. The number I gave you is correct, GM is thriving, and we've kept our capacity to produce the tanks and trucks necessary to fight a world war. Don't bother replying with more of your're on ignore.

It's easy to thrive when the government helps you to rip off all the people you owe money to.
One thing I changed my mind about is the decision to immediately have Bin Laden swim with the fishes. My thought now is his Chicago roots were probably useful in disposing of the body.
Obama ripped off the stock holders and the bond holders and gave their equity to a bunch of lazy union slobs. Apparently you endorse wholesale plunder.

After years of mismanagement while the Board gave themselves huge salaries and bonuses, GM bled red ink...and you think anybody with a brain was still a stockholder? It always amuses me when supposed conservatives mock the new GM...there's always something else at your guilt about shitting on American workers by driving a jap car or simply are unable to be glad our auto manufacturing is still around and thriving because the workers are UAW...the unions being what changed this nation from company towns and sweatshops to workers becoming the new middle-class. But then why bother with's all been said before and you're still stuck on stupid because it was Obama who did what nobody else could do. You'd rather a million workers and associated businesses around the car plants went from taxpayers to welfare slugs, sucking up unemployment benefits and food stamps, right?
It's easy to thrive when the government helps you to rip off all the people you owe money to.

Ain't that the truth. Obozo brags how he "saved" the car industry. He took billions of $ from the taxpayers and gave it to GM.

Bailouts beget more bailouts.
1. Investing in infrastructure
2. Investing science
3. Investing in tech
4. Goals to develop future energy tech
5. Keeping the government working

HAHAHA. What do any of those "accomplishments" even mean??? "I invested in infrastructure". HAHAHA

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