Name One republican President


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
Name one contemporary republican president who ended his presidency with a lower deficit than when he started in office.

I can name two democratic presidents who did.

Bill Clinton
Barack Obama

The deficit is set to hit a trillion soon and the CBO projects trillion dollar deficits for the next four years.

The republicans did what they always do, slash taxes for the rich and big business and increase spending.

Yet all these years they've been lying and saying they are the only economically responsible party.

I've known they have been lying all along, I just wonder when the rest of the people of this nation are going to finally wake up.
Name one contemporary republican president who ended his presidency with a lower deficit than when he started in office.

I can name two democratic presidents who did.

Bill Clinton
Barack Obama

The deficit is set to hit a trillion soon and the CBO projects trillion dollar deficits for the next four years.

The republicans did what they always do, slash taxes for the rich and big business and increase spending.

Yet all these years they've been lying and saying they are the only economically responsible party.

I've known they have been lying all along, I just wonder when the rest of the people of this nation are going to finally wake up.
Name a contemporary successful Democrat president. :)
Name one contemporary republican president who ended his presidency with a lower deficit than when he started in office.

I can name two democratic presidents who did.

Bill Clinton
Barack Obama

The deficit is set to hit a trillion soon and the CBO projects trillion dollar deficits for the next four years.

The republicans did what they always do, slash taxes for the rich and big business and increase spending.

Yet all these years they've been lying and saying they are the only economically responsible party.

I've known they have been lying all along, I just wonder when the rest of the people of this nation are going to finally wake up.

The govt needs to decrease its budget and give back money to the people. Its time that the govt do without.
Name one contemporary republican president who ended his presidency with a lower deficit than when he started in office.

I can name two democratic presidents who did.

Bill Clinton
Barack Obama

The deficit is set to hit a trillion soon and the CBO projects trillion dollar deficits for the next four years.

The republicans did what they always do, slash taxes for the rich and big business and increase spending.

Yet all these years they've been lying and saying they are the only economically responsible party.

I've known they have been lying all along, I just wonder when the rest of the people of this nation are going to finally wake up.

Well Bill can thank his Republican congress.
Name one contemporary republican president who ended his presidency with a lower deficit than when he started in office.

I can name two democratic presidents who did.

Bill Clinton
Barack Obama

The deficit is set to hit a trillion soon and the CBO projects trillion dollar deficits for the next four years.

The republicans did what they always do, slash taxes for the rich and big business and increase spending.

Yet all these years they've been lying and saying they are the only economically responsible party.

I've known they have been lying all along, I just wonder when the rest of the people of this nation are going to finally wake up.

Well Bill can thank his Republican congress.

Bill can thank Reagan.
Name one contemporary republican president who ended his presidency with a lower deficit than when he started in office.

I can name two democratic presidents who did.

Bill Clinton
Barack Obama

The deficit is set to hit a trillion soon and the CBO projects trillion dollar deficits for the next four years.

The republicans did what they always do, slash taxes for the rich and big business and increase spending.

Yet all these years they've been lying and saying they are the only economically responsible party.

I've known they have been lying all along, I just wonder when the rest of the people of this nation are going to finally wake up.
You don’t understand economics, the deficit is meaningless if there is still a debt.
The debt far too large to ever be paid off... Federal government collects more revenue every year and then the year before, the federal government spends more money on socialist entitlement programs then everything else combined… That is the reason for the debt… Socialist entitlement programs dominate the federal spending.
So Shut the fuck up
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Name one contemporary republican president who ended his presidency with a lower deficit than when he started in office.

I can name two democratic presidents who did.

Bill Clinton
Barack Obama

The deficit is set to hit a trillion soon and the CBO projects trillion dollar deficits for the next four years.

The republicans did what they always do, slash taxes for the rich and big business and increase spending.

Yet all these years they've been lying and saying they are the only economically responsible party.

I've known they have been lying all along, I just wonder when the rest of the people of this nation are going to finally wake up.

How about using the real metric, the actual debt?
Name one contemporary republican president who ended his presidency with a lower deficit than when he started in office.

I can name two democratic presidents who did.

Bill Clinton
Barack Obama

The deficit is set to hit a trillion soon and the CBO projects trillion dollar deficits for the next four years.

The republicans did what they always do, slash taxes for the rich and big business and increase spending.

Yet all these years they've been lying and saying they are the only economically responsible party.

I've known they have been lying all along, I just wonder when the rest of the people of this nation are going to finally wake up.

They had Republican congresses to contend with.
Name one contemporary republican president who ended his presidency with a lower deficit than when he started in office.

I can name two democratic presidents who did.

Bill Clinton
Barack Obama

The deficit is set to hit a trillion soon and the CBO projects trillion dollar deficits for the next four years.

The republicans did what they always do, slash taxes for the rich and big business and increase spending.

Yet all these years they've been lying and saying they are the only economically responsible party.

I've known they have been lying all along, I just wonder when the rest of the people of this nation are going to finally wake up.

Well Bill can thank his Republican congress.

So can obozo
Name one contemporary republican president who ended his presidency with a lower deficit than when he started in office.

I can name two democratic presidents who did.

Bill Clinton
Barack Obama

The deficit is set to hit a trillion soon and the CBO projects trillion dollar deficits for the next four years.

The republicans did what they always do, slash taxes for the rich and big business and increase spending.

Yet all these years they've been lying and saying they are the only economically responsible party.

I've known they have been lying all along, I just wonder when the rest of the people of this nation are going to finally wake up.
You don’t understand economics, the deficit is meaningless if there is still a debt.
The debt far too large to ever be paid off... Federal government collects more revenue every year and then the year before, the federal government spends more money on socialist entitlement programs then everything else combined… That is the reason for the debt… Socialist entitlement programs dominate the federal spending.
So Shut the fuck up

They know O racked up the debt. They flock over to the deficit and wax up on how O and clinton decreased it by a few billion. Its laughable but understandable coming from that group.
Name one contemporary republican president who ended his presidency with a lower deficit than when he started in office.

I can name two democratic presidents who did.

Bill Clinton
Barack Obama

The deficit is set to hit a trillion soon and the CBO projects trillion dollar deficits for the next four years.

The republicans did what they always do, slash taxes for the rich and big business and increase spending.

Yet all these years they've been lying and saying they are the only economically responsible party.

I've known they have been lying all along, I just wonder when the rest of the people of this nation are going to finally wake up.
Clinton: Inherited a debt and deficit that were going to come into balance all by themselves by 2002, if all the spending and revenue streams at the time (1992) remained stable....Ross Perot pointed this out innumerable times during the 1992 presidential campaign...Neither Bubba nor the GOP congress had anything to do with the much ballyhooed "balanced budget", which really never existed in reality.

Obama: Blew the fuck out of the deficit with his nearly $1 trillion payola scam, that was flimsily disguised as a "stimulus" in 2009...Since every yearly deficit from that point didn't include such a spend-a-thon, it was only natural that the deficit reduced itself...Also, there was the spending sequester, born of the Bamster playing chicken with the congress, foolishly thinking that they wouldn't accept it, but they did.

Long and the short of the matter is that neither of those dweebs were responsible for the deficits coming down under their watch.
Name one contemporary republican president who ended his presidency with a lower deficit than when he started in office.

I can name two democratic presidents who did.

Bill Clinton
Barack Obama

The deficit is set to hit a trillion soon and the CBO projects trillion dollar deficits for the next four years.

The republicans did what they always do, slash taxes for the rich and big business and increase spending.

Yet all these years they've been lying and saying they are the only economically responsible party.

I've known they have been lying all along, I just wonder when the rest of the people of this nation are going to finally wake up.

Yeah, but you're intellectually dishonest and/or uninformed. Obama's budget was HIGH AS FUCK to start with, because of the state of the economy. Only an asshole would look at his first and last budgets and declare "look what Obama did". At the end of the day we cannot avoid it took 236 years to acquire the first 10 trillion in debt, and 8 years to acquire the next 10 trillion, which was on Obama's watch.

As for Mr. Bill, he had the pleasure of experiencing the benefits and tax under Reaganomics, and the tech. explosion. They also cooked the books to mislead the audience.
Gerald Ford. Go Fuck Yourself now.

Wow you're right. Ford did have a smaller deficit when he left office.

You don't need to be so rude.

So when are you guys going to have another republican president who ends his presidency with a lower deficit than when he started?

We've been waiting for 42 years now.

Meanwhile I can say that just less than 2 years ago, Obama left office with a deficit nearly 1 trillion less than when he entered office.

What's your excuse for all those republican presidents since Ford?

What's your excuse for trump taking our deficit up to a trillion in less than 2 years and keeping it there for the next 4 years while adding more trillions to it in that 4 years?
Name one contemporary republican president who ended his presidency with a lower deficit than when he started in office.

I can name two democratic presidents who did.

Bill Clinton
Barack Obama

What's your point? Is this an attempt to demonstrate that you are not aware the Executive Branch doesn't operate in a vacuum and that all things are not equal in comparing the fiscal, monetary, geopolitical and economy realities from the period of one administration to another?

Yet all these years they've been lying and saying they are the only economically responsible party.
Neither of the two major political crime families are anything close to "economically responsible" and neither one of them is honest about it.
Gerald Ford. Go Fuck Yourself now.

Wow you're right. Ford did have a smaller deficit when he left office.

You don't need to be so rude.

So when are you guys going to have another republican president who ends his presidency with a lower deficit than when he started?

We've been waiting for 42 years now.

Meanwhile I can say that just less than 2 years ago, Obama left office with a deficit nearly 1 trillion less than when he entered office.

What's your excuse for all those republican presidents since Ford?

What's your excuse for trump taking our deficit up to a trillion in less than 2 years and keeping it there for the next 4 years while adding more trillions to it in that 4 years?

Go fuck yourself. Sonny Clark

PS: What about the president right after Ford? Hmm? Yeah, STFU.

He was the worst president until Obama. Do you have any more inane arguments you care to attempt to put forth?

I have paged the master of "Go Fuck Yourself" just for you, OP. Because nothing else will do.
Name one contemporary republican president who ended his presidency with a lower deficit than when he started in office.

I can name two democratic presidents who did.

Bill Clinton
Barack Obama

The deficit is set to hit a trillion soon and the CBO projects trillion dollar deficits for the next four years.

The republicans did what they always do, slash taxes for the rich and big business and increase spending.

Yet all these years they've been lying and saying they are the only economically responsible party.

I've known they have been lying all along, I just wonder when the rest of the people of this nation are going to finally wake up.

Yeah, but you're intellectually dishonest and/or uninformed. Obama's budget was HIGH AS FUCK to start with, because of the state of the economy. Only an asshole would look at his first and last budgets and declare "look what Obama did". At the end of the day we cannot avoid it took 236 years to acquire the first 10 trillion in debt, and 8 years to acquire the next 10 trillion, which was on Obama's watch.

As for Mr. Bill, he had the pleasure of experiencing the benefits and tax under Reaganomics, and the tech. explosion. They also cooked the books to mislead the audience.

When Obama took office the deficit was 1.4 trillion dollars.

When Obama left office the deficit was 585 billion.

That isn't being dishonest or uninformed.

You seem to be the uninformed person here. You don't even know what the deficit is.

I'm talking about the deficit. That's the amount we're short on each year and have to borrow to pay the nation's bills. That yearly deficit is added to the national debt at the end of the year.

If you want to talk about something other than the deficit, you're free to create a new thread.

Meanwhile, stick to the typic of this thread.
Name one contemporary republican president who ended his presidency with a lower deficit than when he started in office.

I can name two democratic presidents who did.

Bill Clinton
Barack Obama

The deficit is set to hit a trillion soon and the CBO projects trillion dollar deficits for the next four years.

The republicans did what they always do, slash taxes for the rich and big business and increase spending.

Yet all these years they've been lying and saying they are the only economically responsible party.

I've known they have been lying all along, I just wonder when the rest of the people of this nation are going to finally wake up.

Are you seriously holding up Barack Obama as a beacon of fiscal responsibility?
Name one contemporary republican president who ended his presidency with a lower deficit than when he started in office.

I can name two democratic presidents who did.

Bill Clinton
Barack Obama

The deficit is set to hit a trillion soon and the CBO projects trillion dollar deficits for the next four years.

The republicans did what they always do, slash taxes for the rich and big business and increase spending.

Yet all these years they've been lying and saying they are the only economically responsible party.

I've known they have been lying all along, I just wonder when the rest of the people of this nation are going to finally wake up.















….President Trump has accomplished more - been more successful - lifted more Americans - actually helped (more) blacks - in only 2 years than Obama did in 8.

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